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Chapter 1542

Chapter 1542 Nothing To Talk About

"Rosie’s part of this research is the technology.The medicinal materials given by Lancer Corporationwere just for this batch.If you aren’t happy with the division of profit, it doesn’t matter.We can divide theprofit for this batch of drugs produced using your materials by the percentage you’re satisfiedwith.However, the research institute also has the right to only sign the contract of this batch of drugswith you."

Then, Byron continued slowly, "This means that after this batch of drugs is sold, Rosie can take thetechnology to seek cooperation with other suppliers of medicinal materials.What about LancerCorporation? Where else can you find an institute that can make it?"

He was implying the status of the research institute was higher than Lancer Corporation in this project.

Rosalie did not need Lancer Corporation.

Instead, Lancer Corporation needed Rosalie to get the drug produced.

The party leading the project should be the research institute instead of Lancer Corporation from thebeginning.

As for Xander, he could choose short-term interests or long-term benefits through this matter.

Xander did not expect Byron to threaten him like this.

He glanced at Byron coldly but still chose to speak to Rosalie instead.

"Are you sure you want to cooperate with Lancer Corporation in such a business-like method, MissJacobs? Is Lancer Corporation so worthless that you can dump it after using it?"

Rosalie glanced at Byron.

She felt secure with Byron’s confident nod.

Thus, she chose to remain silent as an answer to Xander’s question.

Byron answered on Rosalie’s behalf naturally, "There are no friends in the business field.

I’m sure you understand this more than Rosie does, don’t you? The division of profit is always thetoughest part of a corporation.

Aren't you also using the strategy of making use of your friendship with Rosie to get her tocompromise?"novelbin

Xander was not as good as Byron at negotiating, and Byron’s words made his face ashen.

After a moment of silence, he spoke word by word, "I can’t accept the distribution of profit you’reproposing!"

Byron said, "Maybe I can show you how Lawrence Corporation’s profits were distributed with partnerswhen we occupied technology stocks.Seeing those figures, you might be satisfied with the share youcan obtain now."

He was trying to tell Xander if he were to set the distribution, Xander would get a lesser percentagethan this.

Xander’s plastered friendliness shattered, and he glared at them gloomily.

"We can sign the contract now if you accept the terms.If you aren’t satisfied, our research institute isalso willing to invite professionals to evaluate the early investment of Lancer Corporation and paycompensation at ten times the price."

Rosalie pushed the contract to Xander.

Xander picked it up, tore it in half, and threw the papers back on the table without even looking at it.

Rosalie was startled upon seeing that.

Before this, Xander had been behaving very gentlemanly before her.

He was the heir of a family with a high status in the world of traditional medicine.

Rosalie always thought he would care about etiquette.

Unexpectedly, Xander acted so impulsively this time.

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became cold.

Xander said, "If I’m not mistaken, we agreed to bean share the patent equally when we first decided tocooperate on this project.

I don’t think we need to negotiate anymore since you’re going back on your word."

Rosalie responded, "Young Master Xander, you also said you would give me medical books forreference.I was willing to share the patent equally with you because of that, but I didn’t get any books.Iproduced the drug after solely researching it myself, so I don’t think it’s necessary for me to give youequal shares of the patent."

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