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Chapter 1541

Chapter 1541 Request More

Rosalie subconsciously looked at Byron beside her.

Byron nodded.

With his approval, Rosalie felt more relaxed and announced the preliminary results they had justdiscussed.

"In my opinion, in this cooperation, Lancer Corporation provided us with the medicinal materials andthe subsequent sales channels.

However, in terms of technology, it was the research institute that made the biggest contribution.

It can be said that the research institute mastered the core technology of new drugs.

Based on this and our previous cooperation experience with other companies, the research institutewants to take the majority of the profit distribution this time."

Although Rosalie, who was in charge of the research institute, did not know much about this aspect,she expressed her stand confidently.

Byron listened as he looked at Rosalie, who spoke seriously.

He subconsciously revealed his appreciation for her.

Xander could not believe his ears and said, "Sorry, I didn’t get what you said.Miss Jacobs, did yousay..."

Rosalie repeated calmly.

"The research institute will take 80% of the profit of the drug sales, and the remaining 20% will go toLancer Corporation."

Xander laughed in disbelief.

"Miss Jacobs, you must be kidding.Lancer Corporation has risked so much this time, yet you’re onlywilling to give us that much profit?"

Rosalie sounded firmer as she continued.

"The Larson family is a family majoring in the traditional medicine industry, so I’m sure you understandthe rules in the pharmaceutical industry.In the process of pharmaceutical research and development,the core technology of research and development is the most important.To speak of efforts, our institutehas spent much more effort than Lancer Corporation."

Xander glanced at Byron beside Rosalie and understood why Rosalie decided this.

Apparently, that was the result of their discussion.

"Miss Jacobs, this isn’t funny.I was the one who suggested this research, and our company providedthe medicinal materials you used for free.Now that your research institute has successfully researchedthe drug, you're going against us and only plan to let us gain less than half the profit.If you insist on thisdivision, Lancer Corporation will have to reconsider cooperating with your research institute."novelbin

Xander looked displeased, and his tone was businesslike.His reaction was what they expected.

Instead of insisting upon noticing his anger, Rosalie gave in.

She spoke in a nicer tone, "Of course, the drugs were only successfully developed with your company’scooperation, Young Master Larson.If you're dissatisfied, I can increase the profit division on your sideby 5%.Lancer Corporation can take 25%.That is already the most I can compromise."

Xander sneered.

"Miss Jacobs, you’re indeed generous by giving me an extra 5%.Do you really think I’ll agree?"

Rosalie answered indifferently, "I can’t do anything more if you’re dissatisfied with the profit division,Young Master Lancer.

All I can do is pay three times the price of the medicinal materials Lancer Corporation has sponsoredus during the research.

As for the sales part, I can look for some other way to sell the drug."

Rosalie meant they could stop the cooperation between the research institute and Lancer Corporation.

Xander laughed angrily as he said, "Lancer Corporation’s medicinal materials have always beenpriceless and only used for our company.Miss Jacobs, it is not as simple as you think."

Rosalie’s forehead puckered.

"Well, you can state a price you’re satisfied with bean , then, Young Master Xander.I’ll never bargain."

She felt a little uneasy and uncertain about taking this matter to this extent.

Xander might go along with the flow and request more on the part of the profit.

"I don’t think you understand what's happening, Young Master Xander."

Byron spoke suddenly.

At the same time, he leaned toward the direction of the two of them as he stared at Xander coldly.

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