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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1263

Chapter 1263 Is There Any For Me?

Luther had always been highly efficient in his work, let alone just investigating the research institute’spurchase orders.

That same evening, Luther walked into the Lawrence Corporation president’s office with the purchaseorder.

“Master, here’s what I’ve found, please take a look.”

Byron took the list and checked it while listening to Luther’s report.

“On this list, there is a bottle of medicine, which does not match the actual quantity purchased by theresearch institute. I checked, and it was Dr. Yves Graham who privately arranged for the purchaser tobuy it, then mixed with one of the medicines and brought into the research institute.”

Luther spoke of this with a troubled look on his face. “The thing is, I couldn’t find out what medicine thatwas. Yves hid it so well that even the purchaser didn’t know.”

Byron’s deep eyes darkened.

‘Although I don’t know what kind of medicine Yves bought privately one thing for sure, his behavior issuspicious enough.

‘Moreover, after I discovered something wrong with the medicine bottle, Yves also became verynervous.

‘He might have thought that he hid it well, but I could see through it.’

Byron frowned slightly at this thought.

‘With these clues, the suspect behind this must be Yves, I’ve really misunderstood Xander.novelbin

‘Then, what does Xander’s suspicious actions meant?*

After a long time, Byron withdrew his thoughts.

‘The most urgent matter now is to make Yves pay the price he deserves’’

“I see, you can go back first.”

Byron put away the purchase order, got up and walked outside.

Even if there were no evidence, he thought of a way that could make Yves plead guilty.

‘The only thing is, I need to discuss with her beforehand.’

Luther was not sure what his young master was going to do, but he backed out cooperatively, andwatched Byron entered the elevator.

After Byron left the company gate, he drove straight to Rosalie’s house.

It was dinnertime.

When Byron arrived, Rosalie was preparing dinner for the little ones in the kitchen, and it was the littleones who opened the door for him.

“Uncle Byron!”


Seeing him coming, their little faces was overjoyed.

Byron patted their heads with a smile and looked around the living room.” Where’s your mommy?”

Lucian pointed in the direction of the kitchen. “In the kitchen.”

Byron nodded slightly, greeted the little ones, and walked over to the kitchen.

The three little guys looked at each other, but they did not follow him, just stared towards the kitchencuriously.

Byron walked to the kitchen door yet did not enter or say anything. He just stood there quietly, watchingRosalie being busy.

Rosalie was startled when she turned around and saw the person behind her. ”Whoa…When did youarrived? Why didn’t you say anything?”

After that, Rosalie breathed a sigh of relief and continued to work.

Byron’s eyes were full of warmth. “Just arrived a while ago, the kids opened the door.”

After he finished, he glanced at the ingredients that Rosalie was preparing. ’ Is there any for me?”

Rosalie wanted to deny, but the portion she prepared was too much for her and the kids, so she askedinstead, “Aren’t you eating here tonight?”

Byron raised his eyebrows. “Oh well, seems like there’s enough for me. Sorry for freeloading all thistime.”

Rosalie felt that his words seemed to have implicit meaning, so she stopped and turned around to lookat him in puzzlement.

“So, I brought good news today, I’ll tell you after dinner.” Byron met her gaze calmly.

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