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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1262

Chapter 1262 Did You Find Anything

None of the three spoke.

Luther and Yves stood aside with different thoughts, watching Byron inspect the experiment table. Yveswas so nervous that he had to hold his breath.

‘If possible, I wouldn’t follow Byron’s instructions to restore the scene, as it would be too easy to revealany flaws.

‘But if I refuse, it is equivalent to telling Byron that I’m guilty!novelbin

After he considered both options, he had no choice but to restore the exact arrangements on theexperimental bench, and tampered with it, hoping not to be discovered by Byron!

Byron knew nothing about his thoughts, he just focused on looking at the arrangement of medicines onthe laboratory table and checked the things on the table carefully.

While checking, he recalled the details he saw on the surveillance that day.

Almost every bottle had passed through Rosalie’s hands, which is imprinted clearly in Byron’s memory.

Suddenly, Byron’s gaze was fixated on a transparent bottle on the side, and he stared at it for a fewseconds before turning back to Yves. “Take me to the monitoring room again.”

Yves’ pupils trembled suddenly, and his heart was full of anxiety.

‘He saw it. Byron stared at the bottle for a long time.

‘Why? Did he find out?’

Yves’ hands by his side trembled unceasingly as he thought of this possibility.

But under Byron’s gaze, Yves could only forcefully hide his trembling hands in the pockets of his whitecoat and nodded calmly. “Sure.”

After that, Yves turned around and led the way to the monitoring room.

Byron replayed the surveillance footage of that day and checked it carefully again.

Sure enough, when Rosalie was doing experiments, she accidentally bumped into the transparentbottle next to her, and quickly picked it up.

Although the difference was minute, the size of that bottle was not the same as the bottle that Yves hadplaced on the experimental table.

Moreover, the amount of medicine inside was also different.

Byron’s eyes fell on Yves who stood behind Rosalie in the surveillance.

He did not believe that Yves, who worked in the research institute for so many years, was unable to tellthe difference between the two bottles of medicine.

Unless, he did it on purpose.

“President Lawrence, did you find anything?” Yves suppressed the panic in his heart, trying to take theinitiative and asked cautiously.

Byron raised his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes were dark and his emotions unclear. “Not yet, I’mafraid I have to trouble Dr. Graham to keep the experiment table as it is.”

Hearing this, Yves took a deep breath, his expression slightly relaxed.” Okay, I will do everything Ipossibly can.”

Byron nodded, got up, and left the monitoring room without taking another look at the footage.

Luther walked out after him.

Outside the research institute, Luther started the car slowly. “Master, are you going back to thecompany, or…?”

Byron looked at the entrance of the institute with a piercing gaze.

Yves stood there respectfully, watching them leave.

“Go back to the company. Also, tonight, I want to see the research institute’s purchase order during thistime.”

Byron withdrew his gaze and ordered in a deep voice.

Luther agreed without hesitation, started the car, and drove all the way to the Lawrence Corporation.

At the entrance of the research institute, after Byron’s car was out of sight, Yves’ legs went limpsuddenly.

Byron’s demeanor just now was so ambiguous that he could not even guess whether the man hadfound out it was all his doing.

Due to this, Yves felt even more terrified of Byron!

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