My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 997: Deal
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Chapter 997: Deal

Chapter 997: Deal

Ayan raised his hand and gently stroked her hair, his magnetic voice soothing, "Don't overthink it,

okay? It's not like that. All of this is just because of their selfishness, it has nothing to do with you,


Ayan continued to reassure Camille, not wanting her to harbor any discomfort or unfounded thoughts.

His eyes were half-lidded, filled with tenderness as he kept gazing at Camille.

Perhaps worried that Camille might still be overthinking, his voice became even lower and huskier as

he said, "I'll handle this matter. If they ever contact you again, just reject them outright. No matter what

methods or threats they use, don't respond, okay?"

Camille nodded gently, feeling somewhat relieved by Ayan's words.

From the moment she went to the Armstrong family to hearing what Brody and Page had said, her

heart had been in turmoil.

Camille had already been deeply disappointed, but she hadn't anticipated that there would be

something even more disappointing.

She nestled into Ayan's embrace, her eyes unblinking, her voice low and hoarse as she asked, "Donovelbin

they gain anything good from doing this? Why would they go to such lengths to make things difficult for


Ayan didn't answer Camille's question directly, but he had already reached his own conclusions about

the Armstrong family's intentions.

In a soft voice, he reassured Camille not to overthink things and told her that as long as he was there,

she didn't need to worry. He emphasized that she should avoid any contact with the Armstrong family.

However, despite his comforting words, Camille couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of unease deep

within her.

She had never held any hope or illusions about the Armstrong family, but even so, they were imprinted

on her to some extent.

Ayan didn't let Camille dwell on her thoughts any longer and told her to take a shower. It was already

late at night.

As Camille went to take a shower, Ayan walked to the balcony and picked up his phone to dial a series

of numbers.

The call was quickly answered, and Kian's voice came through. Ayan spoke indifferently, "Check into

the Chesen's Wesley family's background and their connections with the Armstrong family. Find out if

the Armstrong family gained any benefits from this."

Kian didn't understand why Ayan was calling him and asking to investigate the Armstrong family at this

hour, but he quickly acknowledged the request.

In truth, it wasn't difficult to find information about the Armstrong family. A little digging would reveal the


Five minutes later, Kian called Ayan back.

He informed Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, the Wesley family holds a significant position in Chesen City and can

be considered an affluent family. However, their only son, Derrick, was involved in a car accident and

has been in a vegetative state ever since. Recently, the patriarch of the Wesley family, known as the

old Simpson, has been in deteriorating health over the past six months. They are planning to select an

heir from among their three sons and several grandsons. Derrick's parents were anxious to ensure that

Derrick had a child to gain the sympathy of the his grandfather and regain control of the Wesley

Group's inheritance."

This matter wasn't a secret in Chesen, and almost everyone in the city's social circles knew about it.

Derrick's parents didn't choose a local girl to avoid revealing their true intentions in the competition for

the family assets, fearing that the other party would demand exorbitant terms.

Therefore, they reached out to the Armstrong family.

As for the Armstrong family's motives, it was straightforward: they wanted money. As long as the

payment was substantial, they didn't care about what would happen to Camille once she was married

into the Wesley family.

However, it wasn't clear how much money Brody had demanded from the Wesley family. This was

something only the four people involved would know.

Upon hearing Kian's report, Ayan's handsome face had turned icy cold.

The actions of the Armstrong family were beyond outrageous. They were challenging his limits and

blatantly disregarding the Simpson family, showing no compassion whatsoever toward Camille.

Ayan, with his frigid expression and cold tone, asked, "Find out where the Wesley family people are

staying in Hance City."

Kian responded, "I anticipated your question, so I've already checked. They are staying at a high-end

hotel not far from the Armstrong family. Do you want me to go there now?"

"No, there's no need. I'll go there tomorrow morning and inform them about our situation. If they keep

bothering us, don't blame me for not being polite." Ayan was willing to give the Wesley family the

benefit of the doubt, but if they continued to pursue this matter after knowing the truth, it would be

considered willful wrongdoing.

As for the Armstrong family, Ayan certainly wouldn't let them off easily either.

Ayan's brow furrowed deeply as he thought about the Armstrong family's motives. What was the

significance of Brody's actions? It seemed that the Simpson family had given him too much leeway,

causing him to become increasingly arrogant.

Kian quickly responded, "I've kept in touch with Mr. Burris's secretary, and if there were any issues, he

would have mentioned something. But he hasn't said anything, so it seems there are no problems with

Armstrong Corp."

If Armstrong Corp wasn't facing any issues, then what was Brody's motive for this?

Ayan continued to ponder this and his face grew colder. There was an underlying chill in his deep-set

eyes as he said, "Arrange a meeting with Horace at Simpson Group tomorrow."

Kian replied, "Alright, I'll contact Mr. Burris's secretary right away."

Ayan ended the call with Kian and returned to the bedroom. Camille hadn't come out of the bathroom

yet, and Ayan checked the time. It had been over ten minutes; if she didn't come out soon, he would

have to knock on the door.

He understood Camille's feelings at this moment. Even though she knew the Armstrong family's

attitude toward her, what had happened tonight had exceeded her expectations, leaving her in shock.

Ayan thought about Camille's emotional state and his brow furrowed even deeper.

Camille's phone, which had been placed on the bedside table, suddenly rang.

At this late hour, who could be calling her?

Ayan walked over and picked up the phone, noticing that it was an unmarked number.

He glanced at the bathroom door, from where he could still hear the sound of running water. Camille

hadn't finished showering yet. Ayan hesitated for a moment; he rarely touched Camille's phone, let

alone answer her calls without permission.

But the call at this hour suggested that something urgent might be happening.

Moreover, he couldn't help but wonder if it was from Brody or Page. After all, after taking Camille away,

he hadn't left them any respect. Could they really swallow this insult?

With these thoughts in mind, Ayan pressed the answer button.

He didn't speak, waiting for the other person to start the conversation.

Several seconds passed after the call was connected before the voice on the other end said, "Cami,

are you sleeping? It's me. My phone was taken away by Mom, so I couldn't answer your calls. I really

wanted to tell you not to come, but there was nothing I could do. I'm so sorry."

"She's in the shower," Ayan replied indifferently, his expression excessively cold. He continued, "What's

the Armstrong family's game?"

Hearing Ayan's voice, Grace was slightly taken aback. She was nervous in front of Ayan, which made

her voice sound stiff and hesitant as she stammered, "Mr. Simpson... I... I don't know, but I promise I

don't agree with what they're doing. I just don't have the right to speak, and I can't stop them. The only

person who can protect Cami is you. Please, don't let Cami go to the Armstrong family again, at least

not alone."

Tonight's events had left Grace somewhat frightened. She never imagined that her own parents could

do something like this. When they took her phone and forbade her from communicating with Camille,

she felt like she didn't know her parents at all.

She bit her lip, her expression growing serious. Her voice carried clear concern as she asked Ayan,

"Mr. Simpson, is Cami okay?"

Ayan knew that Grace wasn't lying, and he understood that she was the only one in the Armstrong

family who truly cared for Camille.

So, in response to her question, he softened his tone slightly and replied, "She's fine." With a calmer

tone, he inquired, "What kind of deal do they have with the Wesley family?"

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