My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 986: A Real Divorce
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Chapter 986: A Real Divorce

Chapter 986: A Real Divorce

Ayan chuckled lightly, but there was no trace of amusement on his handsome face. He countered

Camille's question, "Do you think I should be happy?"

Camille instinctively bit her lip, finding it challenging to answer that question.

It wasn't a situation that warranted happiness, but at the same time, there wasn't much reason to be

unhappy either. So, Camille wasn't quite sure how to respond.

She could clearly sense that Ayan didn't want the divorce, so she decided it might be better not to

speak at this moment.

The two of them locked eyes, and just then, Camille's phone rang. It was Yessica calling.

She picked up the call, and Yessica's voice came through, "Cami, the university just called to let me

know that you and Sienna need to schedule an interview within the next few days. They've already

selected candidates that fit well with our company."

"Alright, I'll go in this afternoon or tomorrow."novelbin

"Okay, I'll get back to them."

"Cami, you're not coming to the office this morning, right?" Yessica asked in a soft tone.

Camille replied, "No, I have something to take care of. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, just checking since you're not here at this hour. Anyway, you take care of your matters,

and I'll get to work too."


Camille gave a brief response and was about to hang up when Yessica's voice suddenly spoke up

again. She hesitated for a moment but then decided to be honest, saying, "Cami, I want to tell you


"Yes, go ahead. What is it?"

"I... I'm together with Kian now," Yessica finally confessed after hesitating for a while. "We've officially

become a couple these past couple of days."

Camille was visibly surprised, her eyes widening slightly. She blinked and asked, "So, you're reporting

this good news to me?"

"Yes, of course. After all, you were the one who introduced us, so I thought I should tell you first."

Camille was genuinely happy for Yessica. Her face lit up with a smile as she said, "Congratulations to

both of you."

"Thank you!"

"Will I be your witness at the wedding?"

"Of course! According to my hometown customs, matchmakers are considered the benefactors of both

the bride and groom. We'll even reserve a special table for you to show our respect!" Yessica couldn't

help but add.

Camille laughed, deciding not to tease her further. She said, "Well, regardless, congratulations. Since

you two are together now, enjoy the feeling of being in love!"

Yessica expressed her gratitude once more before ending the call.

Camille put her phone down and glanced at Ayan, asking, "Did you know that Yessica and Kian are

together now?"

Ayan showed no change in expression, and his face remained devoid of any emotion. He replied,

"Their relationship is their business. Whether I knew or not is not important."

"Oh, so Kian didn't tell you, I see." Camille glanced at him lightly before continuing, "We're done with

breakfast. Can we head out now?"

Ayan didn't respond but simply glanced at her. Then, he stood up and left the dining room. Camille

followed him, and they both headed out to the car.

Ayan was still driving himself, while Camille sat in the passenger seat. However, the car didn't start

immediately. It remained stationary for almost half a minute, leaving Camille puzzled. She looked at

Ayan and asked, "What's wrong?"

He didn't react immediately, his hand resting on the steering wheel, his handsome profile displaying a

subtle, almost elusive indifference. It was as if he was contemplating something.

The atmosphere remained quiet as Ayan drove away from the villa. It was an unusual silence, one-

sidedly declared by Ayan himself, who seemed to be in a somewhat sulky mood. Camille wasn't sure

what to say, so she chose to remain silent.

In no time, they arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau. At this hour, there weren't many people around, just

a few couples who appeared to be there for marriage registration. The divorce window, in contrast, was

unusually quiet.

Camille and Ayan took their seats in front of the divorce window, and the staff handed them each a

sheet of paper and a pen to sign their names. The whole process was swift, so quick that it left no room

for memories. When they came to their senses, they were holding a new document, and the previous

one had been taken away.

Camille exchanged a glance with Ayan, thanked the staff, and then turned to Ayan, saying, "Let's go!"

Ayan appeared displeased, exuding an air that clearly warned others not to approach. Even the staff,

who were aware of their divorce, seemed taken aback by his demeanor.

Camille had to reach out and hold Ayan's arm. She couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

He didn't provide an explanation. Instead, he turned to face Camille. His deep gaze carried a

noticeable sense of discontent, and his voice dripped with frustration as he said, "What can I do? Right

now, it's all up to you."

Camille chuckled, "Mr. Simpson, you were the one who initiated this decision. Haven't you forgotten?"

"But isn't this what you wanted?"

"Yes, it's what I wanted. But it was your idea. So, are you trying to shift all the responsibility onto me


"I never said that."

"But your attitude right now..."

"Fine, I'm not happy. So yes, you have to take responsibility."

Camille sighed, "So, what do you want me to do?"

Camille was feeling a headache coming on. This man was difficult to deal with.

As she struggled to figure out how to appease him, she asked, "So, how do you want me to take


Camille felt exasperated. This man was difficult to handle.

But just when she didn't know how to placate him, she heard his unwavering voice say, "Let's remarry.

You just saw that there aren't many people inside. We won't have to wait."

"Remarry?" Camille was stunned, her face displaying surprise. She asked, "Ayan, do you know what

you're saying?"

They had just left the Civil Affairs Bureau less than five minutes ago, and now he wanted to go back in

for a remarriage?

Although this divorce had little to do with their feelings and was merely a choice Ayan made to address

his earlier deception, it wasn't something to be reversed immediately, was it?

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