My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 985: Compromise
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Chapter 985: Compromise

Chapter 985: Compromise

Camille pressed her lips together, and her face appeared slightly pale and rigid.

Observing her nervousness and agitation, Ayan couldn't help but smile faintly. Especially in her current

state, Ayan was tempted to tease her.

He said, "Don't understand what I'm saying?"

Camille furrowed her brows tightly and naturally refused to answer.

Because Ayan always set traps, and she had no intention of falling into one.

Seeing her guarded expression, Ayan couldn't help but chuckle, and he didn't have any intention of

holding back his words. He said, "Since we're still married, should I stay here?"

See, she knew this man was full of traps.

Camille sighed silently, her expression cold and indifferent as she looked at Ayan. She said, "So you

want to stay, right?"

Ayan raised an eyebrow, unsure of what she meant by asking that way, but he responded, "Hmm, can


Camille smiled thinly and said, "Of course, why wouldn't you be able to?"

Her attitude and response instantly made Ayan sense that there was more to her words. In the next

moment, she spoke again in a calm tone, "Then stay, I'll go next door and find Sienna, okay?"

She raised an eyebrow, mimicking his usual tone and mannerisms, leaving Ayan momentarily

speechless with no room for retort.

His deep gaze remained fixed on her, not knowing how to respond.

They locked eyes for several seconds, and then Ayan's voice finally broke the silence, speaking softly,

"It's getting late. It wouldn't be appropriate to disturb someone abruptly. I'll watch you go inside and

then leave."

This was a compromise.

But what else could he do?

If he insisted on staying, Camille was likely to go next door and stay with Sienna.

He was quite sure Camille was capable of doing that.

With a sigh of resignation in his heart, he watched Camille get out of the car. Then he heard her gentle

words, "Drive safely. Goodbye!"

Ayan nodded gently, and his eyes never left Camille.

At this moment, she asked, "Ayan, you won't be angry, will you?"

Ayan just paused, his deep gaze slightly narrowed. He replied in a gentle tone, "No, I won't."

"That's good then," Camille smiled without a hint of emotion. She waved at Ayan, then turned and

walked into the villa's entrance.

Ayan only drove away after she had entered the villa.

The sound of the car engine gradually faded in Camille's hearing until it disappeared completely. She

then walked into the house.

Camille went straight upstairs to her bedroom. The reason she had threatened Ayan not to stay over

was simply because she didn't want to let herself soften.

Although she had initially been prepared for divorce and genuinely wanted to stop loving him, she had

made all the preparations. Yet he had repeatedly delayed the divorce, and after he found out about the

child, he firmly refused to divorce. Even now, she still wanted to separate from him. She didn't want to

compromise herself for the sake of the child. She believed that both she and Ayan could provide the

child with one hundred percent love, and a bad marriage would set a bad example for the child.

Camille had persistently pursued a divorce.

During this period, she had wavered countless times, and many circumstances had pointed towards

divorce. Especially during the time when she was about to give birth to Timmy, she genuinely believed

that separating from Ayan would be the best outcome for them. Even after she had given birth to

Timmy, she had insisted on divorce, and it was the only condition she set.

So, now that Camille knew they hadn't divorced at all, a sense of unwillingness and discomfort began

to creep into her heart. That feeling had infiltrated her pores and bloodstream, and even though they

were on the path to reconciliation, the feeling was different for Camille.

She couldn't quite describe it, but she knew that if she and Ayan remained in the current situation, they

would face future problems and potentially significant cracks in their relationship. That's why she didn't

want to waver or compromise.

Early the next morning, Ayan arrived at Franklin Bay. After sending Camille home last night, he had

informed Kian that he wouldn't be coming to the office this morning. They had a whole morning to deal

with the divorce proceedings.

Ayan drove straight into the villa's garage. He got out of the car and entered the house. Camille hadn't

come down yet, but the maid was busy preparing breakfast.

Seeing Ayan, she quickly greeted him, "Sir, have you had breakfast?"

Ayan shook his head, "Not yet."

"Breakfast will be ready soon. Mrs. Simpson said she wanted to have millet porridge this morning,

along with the air-shipped duck eggs from the mangroves. She's been craving them for a while!" The

housekeeper said with a smile.

Ayan's expression remained gentle, and he directed his gaze towards the staircase. He spoke in a mild

tone, "Has she not woken up yet?"

"She's up. She said she'd change her clothes before coming down."

Ayan nodded and didn't ask further questions. The housekeeper went on to prepare some side dishes.

Ayan walked to the sofa in the living room, sitting down quietly. He didn't have any intention of

disturbing Camille. He sat like that for over ten minutes until he heard faint footsteps coming down the


Camille hadn't noticed him, so she started walking towards the dining room after descending from the

stairs. She was wearing a light blue floral maxi dress, and even from her back, she looked

exceptionally elegant and beautiful today.

Ayan's gaze had been fixed on her from the moment she descended the stairs, observing her every

move. He slightly narrowed his eyes and, in a low, hoarse voice, asked, "What's with this attire?"

Camille's sudden stop in her tracks and her rigid posture caught Ayan's attention. She halted, turned

around to look at him, and their gazes met, her soft, inviting eyes meeting his deep ones.

Camille didn't show any unease, instead, she maintained her composure. She walked over to Ayan,

one step at a time, as if deliberately enchanting him and rendering him unable to look away.

She stopped in front of Ayan, her eyes gentle and affectionate, and her voice soft, "Why are you up so


Ayan didn't reply, his gaze still fixed on her. There was even a hint of scrutiny in his eyes as he asked,

"You got up quite early, I assume. You've dressed so formally. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were

getting married today, not getting divorced!"

Camille couldn't miss the sarcastic tone in his words, but she pretended not to understand. She pursed

her lips into a straight line and narrowed her eyes slightly with a teasing smile. She replied, "I just

dressed a bit more formally than usual. Besides, I feel that I should take this matter seriously."

"Is that so?" He asked with a playful tone, his face showing obvious displeasure. He added, "Let's have

breakfast first. I'm hungry."

Camille nodded, then joined Ayan as they headed to the dining room. They sat across from each other,

and it had been days since they had breakfast together. Camille, facing her favorite dishes, had quite

the appetite. She enjoyed a bowl and a half of millet porridge, an air-shipped duck egg, and some side

dishes. Her evident relish for the meal didn't go unnoticed by Ayan.

Ayan furrowed his brows, put down his chopsticks, and in a casual tone, he said, "You seem to have a

good appetite."

His tone held a hint of displeasure, and it was hard not to notice.

Camille, having finished her meal, wiped her mouth with a napkin. She blinked her bright eyes and

gently asked, "Ayan, are you in a bad mood?"novelbin

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