My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 957: What To Do
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Chapter 957: What To Do

Chapter 957: What to Do

Camille could sense Mrs. Bell's honesty and nodded gently in response.

She said, "It's true that we're ending our marriage. He went against our vows. We agreed to be child-

free, but last year in Dane, he met a young woman and they had a child. So, he made his choice."

Mrs. Bell's words left Camille utterly shocked. She had considered, as had Ayan, that their relationship

had dwindled into something akin to friendship or family due to the loss of emotional connection.

However, she had never imagined that the reason for their separation was related to an illegal child.

In reality, Mr. and Mrs. Bell had quite a reputation internationally, and their loving relationship had been

an envy and aspiration for many.

So, Camille found this revelation shocking and unexpected. She was surprised, and the situation hadn't

crossed her mind.

Camille hesitated for a moment and then said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Bell, I didn't know..."

"No need to apologize. Even if you did, it's not your fault. It's him who let me down," Mrs. Bell replied

with a faint smile. Her eyes welled up with tears, and her voice choked as she continued, "I've endured

this for the sake of our career, but lately, I've started to find it meaningless. I shouldn't be pushing

myself at this age. My current assets are enough for my retirement. Why continue to force myself like


Mrs. Bell shared many details about her relationship with Mr. Bell. They had been together since

college, starting with nothing, but their love had been strong enough to make them do anything for each


Throughout their journey, Mrs. Bell had sacrificed a lot for their marriage. Her family, a wealthy and

influential one abroad, had supported their charity endeavors. From the beginning, they had a mutual

understanding because Mrs. Bell's mother had passed away shortly after giving birth to her, leaving her

afraid that her child might grow up without a mother. So, she didn't want a child, and Mr. Bell, who

wasn't initially fond of children, had agreed solely to stay with Mrs. Bell.

However, he had broken their promise and commitment. Mrs. Bell harbored significant resentment

towards him, saying, "I loved him deeply, more than my own family, but he repaid me with this. So, I

hate him, hate his selfishness and lack of loyalty. I'll never forgive him in my lifetime."

Camille listened intently, feeling a heavy, indescribable sensation. As a fellow woman, she felt a certain

sympathy for Mrs. Bell, but this was an issue within their marriage. As an outsider, Camille couldn't

offer any meaningful opinions.

After pondering for a while, Camille softly said, "Living with resentment isn't a punishment for others;

it's a punishment for yourself. The best way is to forget this person and everything related to him


Letting go of others was also a way to set oneself free.

Mrs. Bell smiled faintly and said, "You're right. The best way is to forget him."

Camille smiled back, "That's just my personal perspective, but no matter what, I hope you'll be fine."

"Thank you. I appreciate your kindness," Mrs. Bell nodded and continued, "Cami, I shared this with you

not to burden you, but as a friend. I don't want to hide it from you, and I want to let you know that I may

leave this project at any time."

Camille nodded, speaking softly, "I understand. As long as you believe leaving is best for you, then

follow your heart. Don't make yourself unhappy."

Mrs. Bell and Camille chatted for quite some time, but Camille had a lingering question in her mind.

She glanced at Mrs. Bell, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally decided to bring it up.

She asked, "Mrs. Bell, is this Mr. Mikkola really just using the fact that you and Mr. Bell are no longer

married as a threat?"novelbin

If that's all there is to it, it seems manageable. After all, merely making threats isn't enough; there

should be concrete evidence to back it up.

Mrs. Bell replied, "I don't know how much he really knows. Because he was involved right from the


"So Mr. Mikkola hasn't shown you what he has in his possession?"

"I haven't seen it, and as for him, I'm not sure." Mrs. Bell shook her head. However, as she continued

speaking, her expression grew more serious. She asked Camille, "Are you suspecting something about

Mr. Mikkola?"

Camille smiled and shook her head, "I'm not suspecting Mr. Mikkola. I'm just asking if you know

whether Mr. Mikkola has something that could threaten you and Mr. Bell. If you haven't seen anything,

should we really trust Mr. Mikkola's words blindly?"

Mrs. Bell was taken aback for a moment, but before she could respond, Camille spoke again, "Mrs.

Bell, I was just speaking off the cuff. Please don't misunderstand."

Mrs. Bell glanced at Camille, her expression somewhat stiff, as if she was contemplating something.

In the end, she merely shook her head at Camille, indicating that there was no misunderstanding.

The two of them continued their conversation for nearly an hour before parting ways.

With Mrs. Bell's departure, Camille returned to her office. Sienna had come over from the adjacent

office. She arrived at work later than Camille and had heard from Yessica that Camille was chatting

with Mrs. Bell, so she didn't want to disturb them.

Sienna, aware of the situation between Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Camille and Ayan, was naturally curious

about what was going on in their minds. So, as soon as Mrs. Bell left, Sienna rushed into Camille's

office, asking, "What did you talk about for so long?"

Camille closed the door, knowing that she could trust Sienna completely. Even though this was Mrs.

Bell's private matter, Camille and Sienna were best friends who shared everything. This news was too

significant for Camille to handle alone, so she told Sienna.

Sienna's reaction was similar to Camille's initial shock. She exclaimed, "This is unbelievable! How can

a man continue to find another younger woman to have children with when his wife can't conceive

anymore? Mr. Bell is a scoundrel. It's so malicious, how could he treat the person who's been with him

for most of his life like this?"

Sienna was furious, and her mouth didn't stop insulting Mr. Bell.

Camille also found it extremely unfair. She said, "I just hope that Mrs. Bell can fully move on. She came

to Hance for a fresh start, and I hope she can leave behind all the unhappiness."

"I hope so too," Sienna agreed, but she was still irritated by the situation. She added, "It's so ironic that

they pretended to be in love. If not for what you just told me, I would have thought they genuinely loved

each other. But now, it all seems rather hypocritical."

Camille pursed her lips, saying, "Mrs. Bell loved him deeply, but I don't know if he ever loved her. If he

did, why did he let all of this happen? Maybe it's because he loved her too much, didn't want her to face

any rumors or harm, so he kept this hidden until now. But the damage caused is irreparable."

Sienna nodded in agreement, and both of them stood up from the sofa. Sienna walked over to Camille,

saying playfully, "Should I have a baby soon? What if I get too old to conceive, and Rex finds a younger

woman outside? What should I do then?"

Camille replied, "That won't happen. Don't worry unnecessarily."

She felt utterly exasperated. What on earth was going on in her head?

Sienna remarked, "Nothing in life is absolute."

"In that case, you better get on with it and have that baby. Don't just talk about it!"

"I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?" Camille still had Sienna leaning on her shoulder, a posture that, if seen by Rex, might

lead to some misconceptions about their relationship.

Sienna replied, "I'm afraid of how pregnancy might change my body. I have some... fears."

"Have you seen me change?" Camille asked.

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