My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 956: Sincerity
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Chapter 956: Sincerity

Chapter 956: Sincerity

Camille was slightly taken aback by Mrs. Bell's inquiry, and her expression turned nonchalant. She

asked, "Is there something you need, Mrs. Bell?"

Mrs. Bell didn't provide a direct response; instead, she hesitated momentarily before saying, "Can we

meet in person?"

Camille checked the time and replied casually, "I'll be at the office in about half an hour. Feel free to

come over."

"Alright, see you in a while," Mrs. Bell agreed.

"Sure, see you later," Camille responded before ending the call.

Afterward, Camille sent a quick message to Ayan, informing him about Mrs. Bell's request to meet.

Then, she hurriedly changed into appropriate attire, grabbed her bag, and headed out. Even Timmy

was dropped off at daycare by the driver.

Camille was driving when she received a call from Ayan.

Ayan inquired, "Mrs. Bell wants to meet you?"

"Yes, we arranged to meet at the office. I believe it's about your meeting yesterday. They are probably

trying to persuade me since you expected this," Camille replied.

Ayan had foreseen this situation last night. Mr. and Mrs. Bell on their side weren't likely to give up so

easily. Although he didn't intervene in Mr. and Mrs. Bell's decision, he knew that having his support was

much better than the current state of detachment. That way, even if an unexpected situation arose, the

Simpson Group wouldn't stand idly by.

So Mr. and Mrs. Bell were not about to give up on convincing Ayan. Mr. and Mrs. Bell couldn't persuade

Ayan directly, so their only option was to approach Camille, as Ayan had explained to her the previous

night. But unexpectedly, Mrs. Bell arrived so quickly.

Ayan advised Camille, "Just maintain your composure. If she doesn't directly discuss it, there's no need

to probe or inquire. Even if she does bring it up, you don't need to pay much attention to it. Simply shift

all responsibility to me."

"I understand," Camille replied while driving. She asked, "Are you heading to Modest Temple Hotel


"Not immediately. I'll stay in the downtown today. I have dinner plans with the government official we

contacted earlier. I might have to handle the upcoming work under his name," Ayan explained.

"Alright, I'm preparing to go to the office then. That's the plan," Camille said.

"Okay," Ayan agreed.

Once they ended the call, Camille was just about to enter the company's underground parking garage.

She took the elevator up to her office floor and received a message from Yessica confirming Mrs. Bell's


Camille didn't respond to the message, for she had already arrived at the door of her office.

Yessica had welcomed Mrs. Bell into Camille's office, and Mrs. Bell sat on the sofa. Yessica was

preparing tea for her. When Camille arrived, Yessica informed her, "Mrs. Bell says she has an

appointment with you."

Camille nodded and smiled at Yessica. "You can go ahead; we'll chat."

Yessica left the office, closing the door behind her.

Camille walked to the empty seat opposite Mrs. Bell, maintaining a polite and friendly expression. "Mrs.

Bell, what brings you here today?"

Mrs. Bell's gaze remained fixed on Camille as the two women locked eyes. Mrs. Bell spoke slowly,

"Cami, I came to see you today because there are some things I'd like to discuss with you."

Camille pretended to be unaware of the situation and spoke with a gentle tone. "Sure, what's on your


"Some unexpected events have occurred at Modest Temple Hotel related to our project. Do you know

about it?" Mrs. Bell inquired.

"What's going on? I had no idea," Camille shook her head, looking genuinely surprised.

Mrs. Bell couldn't quite discern whether Camille's words were genuine or not, leaving her without a

clear answer for a moment. She replied with a measured tone, "There has been a bit of a hiccup in the

project, and someone is trying to leverage this situation against us. I thought Mr. Simpson had already

discussed this with you. I didn't expect you to be unaware."

Camille nodded gently, her voice warm and composed, "I truly had no knowledge of this matter. We

both have our own job, and when we get home, we hardly discuss work matters. Although I am the

architect on this project, it has moved into the publicity phase since it was completed, so I wasn't aware

of how to handle it."

Camille did have a good understanding of the situation, but she was curious about Mrs. Bell's


Mrs. Bell, unable to determine Camille's true knowledge of the situation, chose to be candid. She said,

"Recent events are related to this project, and I was considering withdrawing from it. I didn't plan to

continue. Cami, what's your impression of me during the time we've known each other?"

Camille was momentarily puzzled by Mrs. Bell's question. She replied, "My impression of you has

always been positive. You've treated me well, and even though we've known each other for a short

time, you've been very kind to me. I value our friendship."

Camille naturally held a positive impression of Mrs. Bell, treating her and Timmy kindly. In reality, there

was no one in this world who should or could be unconditionally good to someone; the reason for such

kindness was usually fondness.

Had it not been for their past disagreements, Camille and Mrs. Bell might still have been in good

standing. Although Ayan suggested that they could still be friends, Camille understood that while

friendship might be possible, certain things had changed.

She couldn't speak her mind freely in front of Mrs. Bell, nor did she want to cause trouble.

Camille's response, though brief, conveyed sincerity. Mrs. Bell smiled and looked at Camille, saying,

"Cami, I'm glad to know you, and I hope we can still be friends in the future."

"Of course," Camille replied with a nod.novelbin

Mrs. Bell's smile faded, and her tone became more serious as she spoke. "To be honest, I didn't come

to you of my own accord today."

Camille was surprised by Mrs. Bell's candid admission but maintained her composure. She asked,

"Then, who asked you to come?"

"It was him," Mrs. Bell revealed. "He wanted me to come and talk to you, to convince Ayan, to make

him agree to our proposed solution. He hopes Ayan won't just stand by but actively participate in this

matter. Because only through cooperation can this partnership be more sustainable."

Mrs. Bell explained that she had initially declined because she didn't want to use Camille again or

strain their friendship further. She said, "That's why I wanted to be honest with you."

Camille smiled and replied, "You're sincere."

"Is that a compliment?" Mrs. Bell asked with a hint of curiosity.

Camille nodded, confirming it was indeed a compliment.

The two women shared a smile. Mrs. Bell then continued, "To be honest, after the last incident, you

must have some grievances against me, right?"

Camille shook her head, "I don't hold any grudges. It's just that we have different perspectives."

Mrs. Bell understood Camille's unspoken message. She nodded and sighed, "After this matter is

resolved, I'll be returning to my home country. Once everything is settled there, I plan to live in Hance. I

may trouble you when that time comes."

Camille's voice remained calm as she briefly assessed Mrs. Bell, sensing a hint of sadness in her eyes.

She couldn't resist asking, "Regarding you and Mr. Bell..."

Camille wasn't sure if this question was appropriate, and she hesitated for a moment. She also worried

that Mrs. Bell might not be comfortable answering, so she quickly changed the subject, saying, "If you

plan to come over in advance, please let me know, and I'll arrange accommodation for you."

Mrs. Bell replied, "Yes, that would be great. You can keep an eye out for a suitable apartment for me."

"Sure," Camille nodded. The conversation could have ended there, but Mrs. Bell took the initiative to

say, "Cami, are you perhaps curious about the current state of my relationship with him?"

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