My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 951: The Bottom Line
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Chapter 951: The Bottom Line

Chapter 951: The Bottom Line

She glanced at the unfamiliar number on the screen, its origin traced back to Hance City.

With a slight frown, she picked up her phone, lightly tapped the answer button, and pressed the

speakerphone button.

Her voice carried a hint of indifference as she spoke, "Hello?"

A woman's voice followed, "Camille, it's me. I want to meet you."

Camille only blinked slightly, her brow furrowing unconsciously. Her voice sounded aloof as she asked,

"Who is this?"

The voice wasn't entirely unfamiliar to her, perhaps even somewhat familiar, causing her expression to

stiffen instantly.

The woman on the other end of the line continued, "Can't you recognize my voice, Camille? Or has it

been so long that you've forgotten about me?"

Camille felt her heart racing, like it was about to leap out at any moment, making her feel breathless.

Maintaining silence, Camille tried to steady her emotions, took a quiet breath, and then spoke coolly,

"So, do you have something to say?"

The woman's tone turned frivolous, "Let's meet and talk. There's something I want to discuss with you."

"I don't think there's anything between us to discuss. If you have something to say, get to the point.

Don't waste your time or mine, alright?"

Camille didn't want to meet. There was no real reason to, and she was already planning to call Ayan

from her home phone.

It seemed the woman on the other end anticipated this. Just before Camille could pick up the receiver,

the woman said, "Camille, if I were you, I would never tell him that I contacted you. Because what I

want to talk to you about concerns your relationship with him. So, if you tell him, you'll never know what

he's been deceiving you about."

Camille's brows furrowed tightly, her expression growing colder. Her voice turned even icier as she

retorted, "You're not me, so you don't get to decide what I should do. If you dare to contact me, you'll

have to bear the risk that I might tell him."

The woman's tone grew somewhat agitated, "Camille, I'm doing this for your own good. Do you think

I'm still daydreaming? I've made myself clear. I just want to tell you something about your relationship

with him. Do you want to be perpetually deceived? Or are you willing to sacrifice your principles for the

sake of this man?"

"This is my business, and it's not your concern. So, there's no need for you to say more." Camille didn't

give her a chance to continue, promptly ending the call.

She didn't want to hear anything from her, nor did she want to know what the issue was.

She had discussed the misunderstanding with Ayan last night, and she wanted to avoid unnecessary

misunderstandings. If she was going to listen, she would hear it from Ayan himself. At least that way,

she could ensure that other people's words wouldn't influence her.novelbin

Camille gripped the phone that had been hung up, her face growing heavy, her complexion

deteriorating. She soon received a message from the same number.

The message said, "Camille, what are you running from? Are you really that blinded by love? Are you

willing to be deceived for a man? I really look down on you!"

Camille immediately blocked the number, not even giving the message a second glance.

Her expression remained solemn, and her hand clenched around the phone, the grip turning her

knuckles white.

She narrowed her eyes, her thoughts weaving a dense web, leaving her with no escape.

Camille maintained that sitting position for quite a while. Even when Ayan messaged her asking if she

was awake, she didn't reply. After some time had passed, noticing that it was already lunchtime and

she still hadn't responded to his messages, Ayan decided to call the housekeeper directly. He learned

from her that Camille was indeed awake. With this information, he called Camille once again.

The phone rang in Camille's hand, but she showed no intention of answering. She just sat there in a

daze, her face weighed down by heavy emotions.

Camille's silence persisted, the phone ringing for a long time without any response. Ayan thought she

might be upset about last night's incident, so he sent another message: "Is it hurting? I'm sorry, may I

come back and let you punish me? Don't ignore me, okay?"

Camille only glanced at the message but still didn't reply. She was lost in thought, pondering whether

those words were deliberately misleading or if there was something she genuinely didn't know.

Camille was lost in her thoughts, and she wasn't paying attention to Ayan's messages or calls. She was

getting more and more confused by her own thoughts.

Camille didn't want to overthink, but she had been genuinely affected by the woman's words. It was

true that the woman's current situation wasn't conducive to revealing any information. But was it worth

taking the risk of contacting her, especially if it was only to sow discord between her and Ayan?

If that was the case, and the goal hadn't been achieved, then she would be putting herself at risk for no

good reason.

But at this moment, she couldn't possibly arrive at an answer.

Camille's downcast mood persisted for a while. She had been tired and her body hadn't fully recovered

yet. So, she took a short nap, although she wasn't really asleep. Her mind remained awake the whole


She didn't know how much time had passed until her alarm went off, and she finally opened her eyes.

She had set the alarm specifically to pick up Timmy.

After checking the time, she got out of bed, freshened up a bit, and then drove alone to the place where

Timmy attended day care.

The place where Timmy attended day care was safe. Even though she was Timmy's mother, she

needed to show her pickup card and sign before taking him. Plus, the nanny was always with him, so

she felt reassured.

After picking up Timmy, she held him in her arms, while the nanny carried his little backpack and water

bottle. The three of them walked out of the day care center towards the car.

As Camille held Timmy, she asked him, "Did you have a good day today?"

Timmy nodded and hugged Camille's neck, responding, "Yes, Mommy, teacher praised."

The nanny continued, "He helped other children today, so the teacher praised him for being like a big

brother. He did great."

Camille smiled with satisfaction, "Timmy is amazing. Mommy give you a thumbs up."

Timmy blushed slightly and laughed shyly but clearly delighted.

The three of them got back into the car, buckled their seat belts, and Camille turned to Timmy, asking,

"Do you want to go to the amusement park for a while?"

"Yay, yay!" Timmy clapped his hands excitedly. Camille joined in the laughter, considering it a reward

for him getting praised at day care.

Camille drove them to the amusement park they usually went to, with the nanny accompanying them.

Camille stayed in the waiting area while the others went to play. Normally, she was the one

accompanying Timmy, but today she felt tired and didn't feel like moving around.

As she sat in the waiting area, her gaze remained fixed on the people inside the amusement park.

She sat there safely, lost in thought. She didn't realize when someone had sat down next to her until

the voice of a gentle man spoke up, bringing her back to the present. Surprised, she turned to look at


Ayan asked, "What are you thinking about? I've been calling you several times, but you didn't react.

You didn't answer my calls or respond to my messages. What's going on?"

Camille stared at Ayan in shock, evidently startled. When engrossed in her thoughts, she had

completely disconnected from the outside world. Being abruptly interrupted naturally gave her quite a


He reached over and gently took her hand, his voice as soft as water as he asked, "What's wrong?"

Only then did Camille snap out of her daze, her gaze shifting from him to where Timmy was. Her voice

was distant as she replied, "It's nothing. I was just lost in thought."

"Then why didn't you respond to me?"

"Why did you come here?"

The two of them spoke simultaneously.

Then both fell silent.

Their gazes met, and Ayan was the first to answer, "You didn't respond to my messages or answer my

calls. How could I focus on my work? I left you a message, didn't I? We were planning to take Timmy

out for dinner tonight!"

Indeed, he had said so, and she had seen the note when she woke up, but she had forgotten about it.

Camille looked at him apologetically, and he asked, "So, what's going on?"

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