My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 950: Tedious
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Chapter 950: Tedious

Chapter 950: Tedious

The words carried implicit implications, as if telling her that tonight he wanted to spend some alone time

with her.

After he finished speaking, his dark eyes continued to gaze at her, waiting for her response.

Camille was momentarily stunned, finding it hard to come up with words. She felt like she had become


She quickly averted her gaze and looked out the window, her voice slightly trembling as she said, "I

don't think so... Timmy is still at home..."

Ayan sighed helplessly and said in a calm tone, "Timmy is indeed more important."

With that, he stepped on the gas pedal and started the car.

The drive was quiet for a while. However, Camille's heart wasn't calm. She carefully thought about

Ayan's words just now and couldn't help but ask herself, could it be true that she felt Timmy was more


She didn't deny this fact, especially during the time when their relationship was in a cold and distant

state. Indeed, Timmy was the most important person in her life, even more important than herself.

Now that they had reconciled and she knew she loved Ayan, he was also important. However, it wasn't

a matter of comparison. Their significance couldn't be weighed against each other due to their different

roles in her life.

She also couldn't help but wonder if she was being too distant with Ayan.

Or was it because of past events affecting their present?

Or perhaps she still held a grudge about his preference for the wedding over the legal procedure?

She kept asking herself these questions, searching for answers. But she figured out nothing.

The two of them arrived back at Franklin Bay. Timmy had just finished his meal and was playing with

the nanny. Seeing Camille and Ayan return, he immediately left the nanny and rushed into Camille's

arms, asking to be held.

Timmy was very attached to Camille, especially during the time when he was brought back from Talia.

He was reluctant to leave Camille and even refused the nanny's care at times. He completely relied on

Camille and felt a lack of security. Later, when he realized Camille would be with him, he became

slightly better.

Camille held Timmy, and Ayan naturally took her handbag from her, his voice gentle as he said, "I'll

take the things up. It's a good time to talk to Kian about work."

Camille glanced at him, trying to read his emotions from his face. However, she couldn't discern

anything, so she simply nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

Ayan reached out and gently rubbed Timmy's cheek before heading towards the stairs with Camille's


Camille gazed at his back until he completely disappeared from her sight. Then, she shifted her

attention to Timmy.

She gently asked Timmy, "Timmy, do you think Daddy is upset?"

Timmy raised his hand and cupped Camille's face, calling out in a soft, affectionate voice, "Mommy."

After that, he leaned in and gave Camille's cheek a gentle kiss, displaying an adorable and well-

behaved manner.

Camille couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Let's go play."

After Timmy finished his meal, he usually spent some time looking at picture books. Even though he

was not yet two years old, he had already looked at quite a few picture books. However, he needed an

adult to accompany him, or else he wouldn't be interested and couldn't focus.

After spending some time with the picture books, Camille also taught him to recite poems. Recently, he

learned the poem "In Praise of Farmers" and had already memorized it.

Camille stayed with Timmy until around 9:30 in the evening, when she had the nanny take him for a

bath. Then, she returned to her bedroom. Ayan was still busy in his study, so Camille took a shower


At 10:30, Ayan hadn't come back to the bedroom yet. Camille had been using her phone for quite a

while and chatting with Sienna, feeling like she was about to doze off. She hesitated for a moment

before getting out of bed.

She walked from her bedroom directly to the study door, paused at the entrance, and then raised her

hand to knock.

From behind the door, Ayan's voice sounded slowly, "The door isn't locked, come in."

Camille pushed the door open and entered. Ayan was sitting at the desk, his gaze fixed on the

computer in front of him. With Camille's entry, his eyes shifted to her.

As he shifted his gaze, he also pushed his chair back, and his deep eyes looked at Camille. He asked,

"Is Timmy asleep?"

Camille stared into his eyes without blinking, making a low affirmative sound. Then, she asked in a soft

voice, "Are you not done yet?"

"I'm almost done. Go rest first, okay?"

His voice was low and husky.

Camille didn't move, just continued to gaze at him. After a moment of silence, she mumbled, "Are you


Her voice sounded a bit anxious and a hint of worry was evident.

Ayan was initially taken aback and then a faint smile curved his lips. His thin lips, marked by a faint arc,

made his voice incredibly gentle as he asked, "You're really concerned about whether I'm upset?"

Before Camille could answer, he reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her into his embrace. He

settled her onto his lap, his strong arms wrapping around her.

Camille naturally hooked her arms around his neck. His warmth was so close that she instinctively

straightened her posture, feeling a bit tense. She didn't dare to stare directly into his eyes but kept her

voice soft as she spoke, "So, are you upset or not?"

"If I were upset, what would you do?"

He countered her question with a question.

Camille earnestly thought about it for a while and then calmly said, "Then I'll try to cheer you up, is that


"How would you cheer me up?"

His tone was inquisitive.

Her eyelashes quivered slightly, she tilted her head and thought for a moment. Then, she leaned

towards him and lightly kissed his lips, barely brushing them. Her voice was gentle and teasing as she

asked, "Is this okay?"

Her gaze held a hint of charm, leaving Ayan momentarily stunned. His Adam's apple bobbed slightly,

and he narrowed his deep gaze. His voice, both low and husky, sounded, "Is that all? Am I really so

easily appeased?"

"Is this not enough?"

"What if I say it's not enough?"

He had a slightly dissatisfied expression, leaving Camille unsure of what to do.

She pursed her lips and repeated her action, asking again, "Is this enough?"

"Not good."


"If I can't be appeased by you, then I'll have to appease myself, right?"

He chuckled softly, his deep eyes narrowing a little. His voice was deep and captivating, "Right? Is that


Although he asked if Camille thought it was acceptable, he didn't wait for her response. Instead, he

lifted her chin with one hand, tilted her face up, and kissed her directly.

His actions were dominant and forceful, leaving no room for refusal.

But a single kiss was far from enough for Ayan. He wanted more than just a kiss.

Subsequently, the scene transitioned from the study to the bedroom. Camille couldn't bring herself to

face it directly, and the process was too intense for her to resist.

This continued until an unknown time, and by the time Camille could finally close her eyes to sleep, the

sky was already starting to lighten.

The consequence of this night was that Camille slept through until noon the next day. She felt like she

had been dismantled and reassembled, utterly exhausted.novelbin

However, Ayan always emerged from such encounters looking radiant, while Camille felt as if she had

been devoured.

She couldn't help but feel that it wasn't very fair.

Camille got up from the bed. Ayan was no longer at home. He had left a note on the bedside table with

his spirited handwriting: "I've gone to the office. Stay home and rest today. I'll take you and Timmy out

for dinner tonight."

Camille glanced at the note and then put on her shoes to freshen up. She changed her clothes and

went downstairs. Timmy and the nanny were out for lessons, so the house was quiet.

The nanny brought her a warm meal as soon as she saw her getting up, saying, "Mrs. Simpson, Mr.

Simpson instructed me to warm up this meal for you before he left. Have something to eat to fill your

stomach, and you can have lunch later."

Camille nodded and thanked her before the nanny returned to the kitchen. Camille sat down and

picked up the chopsticks, although she didn't have much appetite. She was tired, not really sleepy, just

drained and weary.

Camille leaned against the sofa, and her phone, placed beside her, suddenly rang.

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