My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 947: Tough Situation
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Chapter 947: Tough Situation

Chapter 947: Tough Situation

"Mr. Simpson, please don't make baseless accusations. I haven't done anything," Preston shrugged,

wearing a nonchalant expression that clearly denied any wrongdoing.

Preston's primary objective for tonight was to give Ayan a lesson and a reminder. He wanted Ayan to

understand that he wasn't easy to mess with, and he certainly wouldn't tolerate Ayan's actions without

any reaction.

With his mission accomplished, Preston had no intention of lingering. In his mind, Ayan was a cunning

individual with a devious mind. He chose a section of road without surveillance cameras, fearing

repercussions. Preston had scouted this road repeatedly for several days until he was confident

enough to act tonight.

Ayan obviously hadn't anticipated this. Preston fixated his gaze on Ayan with a triumphant grin. He

raised an eyebrow provocatively, taunting, "If Mr. Simpson is dissatisfied, feel free to investigate. After

all, isn't the Simpson family known for falsely accusing others? It's a common tactic for the your family."

With his point made, Preston turned and strolled toward his van. His departure was marked by an air of

arrogance, emphasizing his audacity.

He climbed into his car and drove away. Ayan watched him leave and let out a faint, indifferent chuckle.

He then dialed Kian's number.

When Kian arrived, he saw Ayan leaning against a tree, smoking a cigarette. Ayan's expression could

be best described as devoid of any emotions, and Kian could feel an undeniable chill radiating from him

as he approached.

Reaching Ayan, Kian glanced at him and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, what exactly happened?"

He had received a call from Ayan, mentioning a minor accident near Franklin Bay. Kian had rushed

over immediately and was quite surprised by what he saw.

The car was stuck here, and despite the situation looking like Ayan hadn't sustained injuries, his

clothes were slightly disheveled.

Ayan extinguished the cigarette and tossed it into a nearby trash bin. He then crossed his arms, his

expression detached as he looked at Kian. His voice, without any warmth, replied, "Can't you tell?

There was a little accident."

"Was it just you?" Kian asked in a hushed tone.


"Did you drive your car onto the green belt?"

Ayan gave Kian a non-expressive look, a touch of annoyance flickering in his indifferent gaze. It was as

if he were silently telling Kian that he was being too inquisitive.

Kian quickly closed his mouth, moving on to call for a tow truck and contacting Ayan's vehicle

assistance service. After completing these tasks, he suggested, "Mr. Simpson, do you want to drive my

car back first?"

Ayan responded with a soft "hm" and proceeded towards Kian's car. After taking the driver's seat,

instead of immediately starting the car, he looked around the surroundings indifferently. He then waved

at Kian, his voice devoid of inflection as he said, "Is there no surveillance around here?"

Kian wasn't entirely sure of Ayan's intention, but he scanned the area as Ayan had directed. "To the

naked eye, I don't see any. But I can have someone check just to be sure."

"Let me know when you find out."


"Oh, and contact the insurance company and itemize the cost of the damage to the car. Every single

expense must be accounted for, down to the last screw. Don't miss a thing." His demeanor remained

detached, his gaze harboring a hint of chilly sternness. His voice was as cold as ice, as if he were

containing a pending burst of anger.

Although Kian was perplexed, he knew better than to ask too many questions. He simply nodded,

"Sure, I'll ensure every detail is accounted for."

With Kian's response, Ayan closed the car door. The next moment, he pressed the accelerator and

drove away.

Watching the departing car, Kian's suspicions grew. However, he didn't dare to pry into his boss's

affairs any further. Ayan assigned tasks, and Kian simply carried them out. He promptly began

investigating the road conditions and surveillance of the area.

The road in question wasn't new and wasn't an area with minimal traffic. It was currently under

construction for new signage, including the replacement of surveillance camera support poles. This

was the reason for the surveillance camera's absence.

However, the absence of surveillance cameras on this road didn't mean there weren't any nearby.

Thanks to Kian's efforts, he eventually found out one.

From the surveillance footage, Kian saw what had transpired tonight. It was no wonder Ayan's

expression was so grim, and no wonder he emphasized accounting for every expense, even if it were

just a single screw. The responsible party was Preston.

The surveillance footage was somewhat distant, as it was positioned approximately three hundred

meters across the road from the accident site. It provided a 360-degree panoramic view of a sidewalk

without any blind spots.

Although the footage was a bit far, it was in high definition, allowing him to clearly see the faces of the

people involved.

Kian immediately contacted Ayan. It was already past 9 p. m.

"Did you find out?" Ayan answered promptly.

Kian could also hear Timmy's voice in the background. He conveyed all the information he'd gathered

in detail and then asked, "Mr. Simpson, should we follow the legal procedure directly?"

"Print out the information as documents, and once the information about the vehicle damage isnovelbin

available, have the dealership contact the insurance company and send it to him. If he contacts you

first, and if he doesn't get in touch within three days, then report it to the police."

Ayan wasn't concerned. He had no need for this money, nor the time to waste on Preston. It would not

only be a waste of time and effort but also a drain on his emotions. This time, however, Ayan wasn't

directly handling the situation. He had left it to his insurance company to manage. The only thing

wasted would be Preston's time and emotion.

He had no intention of letting Preston off easily. Damaging another person's property, even if it were

just a single screw, warranted compensation. Otherwise, how could Preston learn from his mistakes?

Even though compensation from Preston might not lead to genuine remorse, Ayan wanted Preston to

feel like a fishbone stuck in his throat-uncomfortable and unable to swallow or spit out. He wanted him

to suffer.

However, Kian had his worries about involving the police. "What if we report it to the police and Preston

refuses to compensate?"

"Rest assured, he won't let things escalate to the point of involving the police. If his reputation with the

police is already tarnished, it would be even harder for him to survive in Hance."

Ayan was confident. His sole concern at the moment was whether Preston would contact Cora. There

had been no news from Cora for several days, and all he could do was keep a close watch on Preston

and Eileen.

Ayan took a silent breath, with a very cold expression on his face. He was silent for a short time, and

then he nonchalantly said, "You deal with this matter first."

"OK, Mr. Simpson." The call ended when Kian finished.

Ayan put down the phone and looked at Timmy in front of him. Timmy looked at him quietly when he

answered the phone, as if he was listening carefully to what he was saying.

Ayan extended his hand to Timmy. "Do you want Daddy to cuddle you?"

Timmy's face lit up. "Yes, Daddy, cuddle me."

Timmy immediately crawled up from the carpet, opened his arms, and dove into Ayan's embrace.

Camille descended from upstairs, just in time to witness this. She grabbed her phone and snapped a

picture of this heartwarming moment.

The photo captured a father holding his son, the child's face filled with an adorable smile, and the

father's expression entirely focused on his son.

Camille set the picture as her phone's screensaver, her smile lingering as she continued walking


Ayan, hearing Camille's footsteps, followed her gaze. Their eyes met, and Ayan was the first to speak.

"Is the talk over?"

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