My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 946: Lowering
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Chapter 946: Lowering

Chapter 946: Lowering

"Mr. Walker, you're perhaps being overly concerned. This hotel isn't just for Mr. Walker, right? Is it

necessary to put Mr. Walker's name on it?"


"Mr. Walker, please leave. This is my room. Now that you've taken the liberty to open the door with the

key, I can call the police. Or are you not afraid of me calling the police?"

Kian finished speaking and turned to Ayan on the phone, his voice gentle. "Mr. Simpson, should we

inform the police to come and take Mr. Walker to the police station, or should I call our people to take

Mr. Walker to the police station right now?"

Preston's face turned extremely unpleasant. He said coldly, "Kian, you don't have the authority to talk to

me. Give me your phone. I want to talk to Ayan in person."

"I'm sorry, you don't have the authority to speak directly to Mr. Simpson. If you have something to say,

just say it!"

"Is this Ayan's decision? Or is Ayan afraid of me? So, he doesn't dare to talk to me?" Preston used this

tactic to provoke Ayan, hoping to get him on the phone.

But Kian responded calmly, "Mr. Walker, your time is running out. If you don't leave my room, I'll really

call the police."

Preston's face stiffened, and he gave Kian a hard look before leaving.

The door slammed shut with a bang. Only then did Kian lift his phone and speak in a hushed tone, "Mr.

Simpson, what do we do now? Preston knows we're watching him."

"Let him know," not knowing would make him appear too foolish. It was just that once Preston knew,

he'd definitely be more cautious. After all, he had been back for two or three days already and still

hadn't shown any intention of meeting Cora.

Cora had vanished without a trace, and this couldn't go on forever.

If Preston had caught on, there was no need to keep watching overtly, but that didn't mean someone

wasn't observing covertly.

On the evening Preston discovered Kian in the hotel room, Ayan was driving back alone to Franklin

Bay. As he approached a corner near Franklin Bay, a van suddenly sped toward him from the opposite


The glaring headlights pierced Ayan's eyes, causing him to squint and furrow his brows. He kept his

gaze fixed on the approaching vehicle, gripping the steering wheel tightly. The van's presence occupied

a portion of the road, so Ayan had to steer towards the green belt to avoid a collision. The car ended up

hitting the steps of the sidewalk.

The van came to a stop as well. The door swung open, and a man emerged from the vehicle. He

walked directly to the front of Ayan's car, blocking his path.

Ayan stared at the man leaning against the car's hood, a hint of coldness in his eyes. He remained

composed, reaching for a cigarette from the center console, lighting it. He rolled down the window, took

a drag, and casually looked at the man before him.

The two locked eyes for a considerable while. Only then did Ayan push open the car door, his gaze icy

as he scanned the man before the car, "Addicted to staging accidents now, are you?"

Ayan's words were dripping with sarcasm, causing Preston's expression to freeze in an instant.

Faced with Ayan, no matter what he did, Ayan always remained calm and unaffected. But in contrast,

he was often influenced by Ayan.

This deeply annoyed Preston. His gaze at Ayan turned especially icy, his eyes seemingly filled with

countless cold arrows. He looked at Ayan and said coldly, "Ayan, what are you pretending for? Now

that you've done so much, shouldn't you be the one setting up accidents?"

Ayan merely smiled faintly, his gaze perpetually carrying a mild, unconcerned expression. His eyes

held a hint of mocking and his handsome face seemed to reflect a sense of disdain towards Preston.

Looking at that face, Preston felt increasingly annoyed.

But the more he disliked it, the better Ayan's mood seemed to be.

Indeed, as Preston seemed on the verge of being driven mad, Ayan's mood visibly brightened. A slight

smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Raising an eyebrow, he said in an indifferent tone, "When it

comes to acting, you surely can't compare to me. After all, you've caused so much harm and yet stillnovelbin

maintain the facade of innocence. Tsk! Honestly, Preston, why not switch careers and become an

actor? If you really become an actor, Simpson Group will be the first to sign you. With your acting skills,

I'm confident I can turn you into a movie star. How about it?"

Every word Ayan uttered in this remark was a jab, mockery dripping from each word. He was ruthlessly

stomping on Preston's self-esteem, leaving no room for dignity.

Fortunately, it was just Ayan and Preston in this moment. Otherwise, wouldn't Preston have wanted to

tear Ayan to pieces?

Ayan didn't give him an ounce of respect, slapping his pride with every word. How could Preston bear


Rushing forward, he grabbed Ayan's collar tightly and clenched his fist, seemingly ready to strike

Ayan's face.

Of course, that fist wouldn't actually fall. After all, who was Ayan? He was the president of the Simpson

Group, a member of the Simpson family, and a pinnacle figure in Hance. How could he allow someone

else to lay a finger on him, especially someone like Preston? That was even more unthinkable.

Preston rushed forward, grabbed his clothes, and raised his fist, but throughout it, Ayan didn't flinch at

all. He didn't even blink his eyes. He didn't regard Preston with any seriousness; how could he be

affected by what Preston did?

As Preston raised his fist, Ayan simply raised an eyebrow lightly, a faint hint of a smile dancing on his

lips. In a light tone, he said, "Preston, I advise you to let go of my clothes and keep a distance from me.

Otherwise, I could send you to prison and make sure you never come out again. So, do you want to bet

with me?"

Hearing this, Preston couldn't possibly land that punch.

His eyes glared icily at Ayan, and his hand that had grabbed Ayan's clothes tightened. If the object in

his grasp was glass, it probably would've shattered due to his excessive force.

In the end, Preston let go of his grip and instinctively stepped back from Ayan, maintaining a distance.

Ayan remained indifferent, devoid of any emotion. He regarded Preston with indifference and said,

"What are you trying to achieve with all this? Why don't you just be straightforward? Don't beat around

the bush or engage in actions that make you unrespectable."

Preston snorted lightly, unyielding. "Why the rush? The game is just on. The best part is yet to come.

Are you worried already? Hah, isn't that a bit too early?"

Preston's smile carried an eerie chill, particularly in his eyes. They always gave off the impression that

his scheming mind was far too heavy.

Ayan didn't want to waste words with him. Indifferently, he asked, "If that's the case, what's the point of

everything you're doing now? Are you going mad?"

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