My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 929: Explanation
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Chapter 929: Explanation

Chapter 929: Explanation

As the time approached three o'clock, and still no sign of any news being announced, the initial

curiosity faded after a round of impatient urging without any answers.

Just when everyone thought it was all baseless speculation from that media outlet, a gossip reporter

released a video.

The video featured a tall and handsome man embracing a woman as they entered a hotel entrance,

spending two days and two nights together.

If it were just ordinary people, it might not have been a big deal, but the male lead in the video was

Preston, and the female lead had a mosaic over her face, making it impossible to clearly identify her.

One thing was certain: it wasn't Molly.

Because the entire elite circle of Flento City knew that Preston was engaged to Molly. Now with this

kind of video surfacing, didn't it confirm the content of that headline?

In no time, all the attention and suspicion were squarely focused on Preston. Yet Preston himselfnovelbin

remained clueless since he had just turned on his phone, waiting at the hotel for Zoie to bring him

some takeout. He took advantage of the moment to dial Molly's number.

When the call connected, before he could even speak, Molly's sobbing voice came through, "Brother,

why are you doing this to me? If you don't like me, you could have told me directly. Why did you agree

to marry me if you had someone else? How could you do this to me? You clearly have someone else,

so why did you agree to marry me? Is it because of the baby? If that's the case, I can give up the child.

I'll set you free!"

Preston listened to Molly's words in a daze, but the only thing he could grasp was that Molly said he

had someone else.

Preston's expression instantly darkened. Frowning deeply, his eyes turned as cold as frost. He asked in

a controlled tone, "Molly, what are you talking about?"

"Brother, are you still going to deny it? The video of you and that woman has already been leaked. If it

weren't for someone accidentally filming you entering and leaving the hotel, I might still be in the dark

about it." Molly let out a faint laugh, self-mockingly saying, "You promised me. Why deceive me like

this? Just because I love you, does that give you the right to trample on my feelings for you?"

Preston only realized what had happened at this point. His face became grim, and he switched his

phone to speaker mode while opening another app to check the current situation online.

After seeing what was on the internet, his eyes froze in place for quite a while before he snapped back

to reality. His voice, slightly hoarse, said, "Molly, I can explain."

"Explain? How are you going to explain?" Molly's tone turned skeptical.

"I have nothing to do with her. It's just the media blowing things out of proportion. She and I are just

business partners. We're working on a new project together."

"Is that so?"

"Molly, don't you believe me?" Preston countered her with a question.

Under normal circumstances, Molly would have replied, "I believe you. Since I believe you, I'll trust

whatever you say. Are you telling me that all of this is just speculation?"

But today, Molly's response was different.

She didn't hurry to answer. The sound of her gentle sobbing reached Preston's ears through the phone,

as if she were a deeply heartbroken woman. After almost half a minute of silence, she spoke in a calm

yet unhurried manner, "How do you expect me to believe you? The evidence is right in front of my

eyes. Do you want me to delude myself?"

Molly chuckled with self-mockery and added, "Do you want me to pretend I don't know or tell myself

that all of this is just a dream? That's a bit too much to ask, isn't it?"

Molly's response was completely different from what Preston had expected, leaving him stunned and

unable to respond. His expression grew colder, and his voice, husky, asked, "Molly, do you really not

trust me? Is this truly unrelated to me? How could I betray you? We have a child together, we're about

to get married. How could I possibly be involved with someone else?"

Molly didn't want to continue this conversation. She knew that no matter what she said, Preston would

always act like he had the upper hand. But this time, she intended to change that dynamic.

With a hint of laughter, she said to Preston, "If you want me to believe you, then provide evidence to

make me believe. Otherwise, I don't know how to trust you. I can't convince myself otherwise."

The call ended there, and Preston stared at his disconnected phone with disbelief. He even doubted if

Molly had really answered the call just now. Otherwise, how could she have hung up so quickly?

Preston fell into deep thought. His face was stiff, his expression icy. A knock on the door interrupted his

thoughts. He gradually snapped out of it and went to open the door.

Seeing the woman with a radiant smile outside, his face remained tense. She noticed something was

off and asked, "Preston, what's wrong?"

Preston closed the door behind him, then grabbed Zoie's hand and led her to the couch. He looked into

her eyes and asked, "Have you checked your phone?"

"No, why? I just went to get some takeout for you." She pulled out her phone.

With a detached tone, Preston asked, "You don't know what's been happening online?"

"What's going on?" Zoie looked at him with confusion. There was nothing unusual in her eyes, and

even Preston couldn't discern any change.

Preston handed her his phone with the video he had just seen and said, "Someone leaked a video of

us online."

"How could this happen?" Zoie's brow furrowed deeply, and her face turned pale. She asked, "Does

this cause trouble for you? Preston, maybe I should go back to Hance immediately?"

Preston looked at Zoie's worried and anxious expression and her reactions that were entirely for his

sake. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

He remained silent, and Zoie asked with concern, "Preston, why aren't you saying anything?"

Preston took the food from her hand and placed it on the coffee table. Holding her hand, he sat down

on the couch. He looked into her eyes and said, "I need your help. I have to resolve this issue.

Otherwise, it'll cause us a lot of trouble. You wouldn't want me to be in trouble, would you?"

"Of course not, but what should we do? If things continue like this, I'm worried that we living together in

Hance City will also be exposed. I'm scared, Preston. What should we do?"

Zoie was visibly anxious. Preston patted her hand gently and explained his plan to her. After listening,

she asked somewhat hesitantly, "Can we really do that?"

"Trust me, we can. I'll handle it." Preston sounded confident.

Zoie nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll get things arranged. And then call you when it's done, okay?"

"Alright, I'll wait for you."

Preston didn't linger. After comforting Zoie, he left the hotel. He drove back to his apartment, as Molly

had moved in with him. After parking the car, he stepped out, carrying a bouquet of red roses.

He strode purposefully towards his apartment building, entered the passcode, opened the door, walked

in, and closed it behind him.

In the foyer, he noticed Molly's shoes. Taking a silent deep breath, he continued walking inside. As he

moved further into the apartment, the sound of a woman's sobbing became clearer.

Molly was nestled on the balcony in the living room, her eyes slightly red, one hand cradling her belly.

Her complexion appeared pale, revealing that she was genuinely upset.

Preston approached her, crouched down in front of her, meeting her gaze with his gentle eyes. His

voice was soft as he said, "Molly, don't cry. I will explain this matter to you, alright?"

Molly remained silent, tear streaks evident on her cheeks. She simply pressed her lips together, her

reddened eyes fixed on Preston.

The more she stayed silent, the more Preston felt at a loss. Because when a person remains silent, it

becomes difficult to discern what they're thinking. It's a challenging way to interact and cope with them.

Preston whispered, "Molly, I bought you flowers. Can you please not be angry anymore? Can you talk

to me, please?"

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