My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 928: Exposé
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Chapter 928: Exposé

Chapter 928: Exposé

However, there was a faint smile on his face, a smile so subtle it was almost nonexistent.

Mr. Bell also showed a slight pause, his expression somewhat uneasy. Yet, Ayan and Camille's

reactions clearly indicated they were unperturbed by this revelation.

The four of them sat in the hall, conversing for quite some time. Mr. Bell did most of the talking, Ayan

responded briefly, and Mrs. Bell engaged in a wordless exchange with Camille. It was only as they

were about to depart that Mrs. Bell leaned in close to Camille and whispered, "Cami, I truly apologize

for what I said to you that day. I did intend to use you to persuade Ayan against Mr. Mikkola. He's

proven to be quite a handful, and we were finding it hard to deal with him. But, everything I told you

was sincere."

"Mrs. Bell, I'm not involved in this matter, so the truth or falsehood of your words doesn't matter to me.

However, if you truly feel threatened by him, it's best to make a plan sooner rather than later.

Continuously dealing with this situation isn't wise. What do you think?" Camille responded calmly.

"Yes, you're right. We'll figure something out. We're sorry for this," Mr. and Mrs. Bell humbly conveyed

their apologies, and their sincerity was unmistakable.

And so, the chaos around charitable project faded away, settling into the annals of time. However,

Ayan's unwavering decisions and persistence would eventually lead to significant rewards. As for the

others, regret would follow.

Yet, all these were stories for another time. At present, each person had their own busy affairs to attend

to. Simultaneously, a media outlet in Flento City released a teaser for an upcoming livestream.

The headline read: "At 3 PM, Prominent Socialite Reveals Deception by Fiancé."

From this headline, readers deduced the identity of the individual as a socialite from Flento City. The

gossipmongers began speculating, attempting to determine the actual person through process of


Flento City's social circles buzzed with excitement. But until the individual's identity was officially

revealed, speculation was all that remained.

Around 1 PM.

In a high-end café in Flento City, two young women sat facing each other. Both were strikingly beautiful

but of different types.

Observing each other, neither seemed surprised by the meeting. In fact, they engaged in open

dialogue. "I believe my identity is not unfamiliar to you, correct?" Molly began.

"And mine to you."

Zoie, dressed in light-colored clothing, smiled slightly. Her eyes shifted slightly as she looked across at

Molly. "So, Miss Walker, did you arrange this meeting for a reason?"novelbin

Molly responded with a faint smile. Indeed, she had initiated this meeting with Zoie. Over time, they had

come to know each other's identities. The opportunity was ripe, and meeting seemed fitting.

However, neither of them anticipated such a peaceful encounter. It hardly matched their respective


Molly looked at Zoie with a calm expression and said, "Miss Reid, you don't seem surprised that I

invited you to meet?"

"Of course not. After all, Miss Walker isn't unaware that I came to Flento City, right? It's just that you are

quicker than I anticipated. It seems my predictions weren't accurate enough," Zoie replied with a gentle

smile, her gaze devoid of any hostility, instead carrying a hint of warmth.

Molly had shed her previous brashness and arrogance. Now, she exuded a sense of tranquility that had

been refined through life. It was as if she held all the cards, and this newfound confidence made her

hard to be ignored.

Molly looked at Zoie, her gaze calm and gentle, as she asked, "Miss Reid, is your attachment to him

genuine? Do you truly want to be his wife and build your a future together?"

Zoie blinked in slight surprise before answering truthfully, "Miss Walker, I can't provide an answer to

that question because I don't know the answer myself. However, I can tell you one thing for certain: he

has never been the person to offer me a future. Right from the start, I knew that all he wanted was my

appearance and my compliance, to have a well-behaved, obedient partner."

Molly nodded thoughtfully. "Since you understand his nature, why did you still invest your young life in


"Miss Walker, aren't you in a similar situation?" Zoie smiled gently and added, "You're well aware of

who he is, yet you chose to stay with him, didn't you?"

"Because from the very beginning, I was the one who willingly tied myself to him. You, on the other

hand, didn't have a choice. You were dragged into this, weren't you?" Molly's voice carried a hint of

frostiness, revealing a layer of detachment and composure that contrasted with her usual flamboyance

and arrogance.

"However, even if it's not me, I still had other options. Miss Walker, are you looking for a peaceful

conversation with me, or would you rather argue endlessly with someone else?" Zoie cleared her throat

softly and inquired, "Miss Walker, why did you bring me here? Feel free to speak your mind; I assure

you, I'm willing to listen."

Molly seemed somewhat skeptical, but seeing the sincerity in Zoie's expression and considering she

had initiated this meeting, Molly chose to trust Zoie rather than second-guess herself.

Molly took a silent deep breath before slowly beginning to speak. As Molly spoke, Zoie's expression

grew serious. Her gaze held a vacant look for a few seconds after Molly finished speaking. Finally, she

responded, "Miss Walker, can you truly bear it?"

Molly merely smiled without uttering a word.

For over an hour, the two women conversed in the café. After the discussion concluded, Molly stood up

first and addressed Zoie, "I hope we have a pleasant collaboration."

"Indeed, a pleasant collaboration," Zoie responded in kind.

Molly smiled at her, saying, "You should wait a bit after I leave before you go. Never let him find out that

we've been in contact. Let this meeting be our first and last, and from now on, we shall pretend not to

know each other."

This was something Molly had made clear from the beginning, and it was crucial to ensuring the safety

of both her and Zoie.

It was better to bring some matters to a close. Instead of endlessly internalizing and festering issues,

an open, candid conversation was more advisable.

After Molly left, Zoie retrieved her phone from her bag. She typed out a message, sent it, and promptly

deleted the content. She then sipped her coffee and departed from the café.

Flento City enjoyed unusually fine weather that day. The sun shone brightly, the sky was clear and

blue, uplifting everyone's spirits.

Gazing at the cloudless sky, Zoie couldn't help but smile. She then continued on her way in the

direction from which she had come.

An hour later, a majority of Flento City's netizens were eagerly awaiting the media's livestream.

However, as time ticked by, the clock struck three, and there was still no activity.

Impatient comments flooded the media outlet's official account: "What's going on? It's already time.

Why haven't they released the information yet?"

"Are they trying to deceive us?"

"They're probably doing this intentionally for attention, with no regard for their reputation, right?"

"Hurry up, I want to see the scoop. Just tell us who the socialite is so we can investigate ourselves!"


The netizens grew increasingly agitated, yet the media remained silent. It was as if they had simply

released a smokescreen and nothing more.

Simultaneously, speculation emerged that perhaps money had been paid, and thus, there was no

exposé to reveal?

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