My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 913: The Line
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Chapter 913: The Line

Chapter 913: The Line

The water wasn't scalding, but half a cup was enough to dampen Eileen's clothes, especially her white

chiffon blouse which was now quite transparent.novelbin

Camille spoke up immediately, "Miss Khan's clothes are wet. It's better to change before leaving.

Otherwise, if others see you walking out through that door, they might misunderstand."

Camille's words were delivered with an air of practicality. She then turned to Ayan, unreservedly asking,

"Do you think my arrangement was thoughtful?"

Ayan appeared helpless, his deep gaze devoid of emotion, but tinged with obvious indulgence. He

nodded slightly, signaling his agreement.

Eileen, drenched by the water, couldn't believe her eyes. Eileen looked at Ayan with disbelief and said,

"Ayan, isn't Camille being too rude?"

Camille, propping her chin, coolly observed Eileen. "Is it too rude?"

Eileen's face alternated between pale and flushed. Ayan didn't respond to her protests, seemingly


Biting her lip, Eileen took a deep breath and reluctantly inquired, "Camille, why are you treating me like

this? "

Camille countered, "Don't you know why I'm treating you this way?"

Eileen couldn't come up with an answer, and could only stare at Camille without blinking.

Camille, however, didn't intend to continue the conversation. She just squinted her eyes and looked at

Eileen with indifference, saying, "Let's change your clothes first!"

Turning her head, Camille looked at Ayan again. "Have the assistant prepare a set of clothes to come

in. It wouldn't be good if she catch a cold later."

Ayan could only get up and call the assistant to prepare a set of clothes. The assistant acted quickly,

bringing in a set of clothes in the same color. Camille personally placed them in front of Eileen. "Put

these on. We wouldn't want you catching a cold."

The weather was neither too cold nor too hot, and it was just a glass of water. Eileen wouldn't really

catch a cold, but Camille's eyes conveyed an undeniable message: resistance was futile. Eileen's gaze

involuntarily shifted to Ayan, who was still sitting there. He showed no reaction, seemingly uninterested

in getting involved. Everything was being decided by Camille.

Eileen was making one last attempt to resist. She said, "Camille, why are you treating me like this? I

haven't done anything. How can you be like this?"

"Maybe I'm unreasonable, so don't bother trying to reason with me. And don't ask me why, got it?"

Camille's raised eyebrow and frustrated demeanor seemed to convey her bad mood. Regardless of

what Eileen said, Camille remained unresponsive, leaving Eileen with no option but to change in the

presence of her and Ayan.

Throughout, Camille stood guard, ensuring Eileen wouldn't be left alone in the dressing room.

Once Eileen was changed, Camille confiscated her wet clothes. "I'll have the assistant clean these for

you before returning them."

Eileen's brow furrowed, and though she was reluctant, she didn't want to continue arguing with Camille.

She simply asked, "Can I leave now?"

Camille gazed at her impassively before replying, "Eileen, there are things I haven't pursued yet. You

should be grateful I haven't obtained evidence to incriminate you. Otherwise, we wouldn't be standing

here talking right now. So, you should keep your distance from me, rather than deliberately coming


Eileen's face remained composed as she addressed Ayan, "Ayan, isn't Camille being too hostile

towards me? If it's just because she's jealous of my contact with you, isn't that trivial? I came to see

you only for work matters. Can't I even talk to you as a woman?"

Ayan shot Eileen a disapproving look, a warning that seemed to say, "Choose your words carefully,

don't cross the line." His expression revealed no trace of emotion, and he didn't respond to her


Eileen bit her lip in frustration, then uttered, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave."

After Eileen left, the office atmosphere settled into quietude once more.

Camille remained standing, her gaze fixed on the office door. Ayan waited for a while, but when he saw

no movement, he finally stood and walked over to her.

Just as his hand reached out to take Camille's, her back hand flinched away, creating a tangible

distance between them.

With a firm grip on her hand, Camille cast a dispassionate look at Ayan, her gaze void of emotion. Her

words were matter-of-fact, "Mrs. Bell just met with me."

Ayan furrowed his brow slightly, tracking her movements with his gaze. He watched her every motion,

his expression betraying no hint of emotion. His deep eyes flicked over her and he finally inquired,

"Was she discussing matters from the meeting?"

Camille nodded slightly, meeting Ayan's gaze. She waited for his response.

He lingered a few paces away, his handsome face revealing a faintly enigmatic smile. His voice, neither

light nor heavy, posed a question, "Did she approach you because of what was mentioned in the


Camille replied, "Yes, she wanted me to relay a message. She's not in favor of Mr. Mikkola's proposal

to Mr. Bell, but Mr. Mikkola has leverage over them. She wants me to ask if you're confident enough to

control Mr. Mikkola. If you are, she'll follow your lead. If not, then they'll have to go along with Mr.

Mikkola's suggestion from today's meeting."

Sitting in her previous spot, Camille raised an eyelid and looked at Ayan, awaiting his response.

Ayan remained still a few steps away, his attractive face bearing a subtle and mysterious smile. He

asked, "What leverage is that? Did Mrs. Bell tell you?"

Camille's expression grew a touch more serious. She nodded slightly and truthfully conveyed Mrs.

Bell's words to Ayan.

Ayan, upon hearing this, didn't immediately respond. His profound eyes glimmered with a faint

expression, his face betraying no unnecessary change. He stated, "So, what's their plan? Will they

continue to be controlled by Mr. Mikkola, or are they considering using me to fully resolve this matter?"

Camille's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. She looked at Ayan with a puzzled expression and

asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Ayan let out a soft hum. "If they're being coerced, why didn't they tell me right away? Even if they

believed I couldn't be trusted completely, they should understand that when interests are entangled,

only those who are truly bound together and have a common goal are reliable. So, what I don't

understand is why they told you to tell me instead of telling me themselves."

Ayan couldn't quite wrap his head around this logic, and thus, there were some things he couldn't

convince himself of.

His questioning expression caused Camille's face to grow heavier. Clenching her eyebrows, her voice

took on a slightly hoarse tone as she asked, "So, you think there's more to this than what Mrs. Bell


"What Mrs. Bell told you is probably true, but she likely withheld some details."

Ayan was looking at this from a businessman's perspective. He didn't believe that choosing to tell

Camille was better than telling him directly.

His words left Camille feeling even more tangled and confused. Deep down, she had to admit that what

he said made sense.

Although Camille had a close relationship with Mrs. Bell, that closeness was built on a lack of personal

gain. But would it still hold true when personal interests were involved?

Camille fell into silence, her thoughts growing increasingly chaotic.

Ayan approached her at this point, moving to sit on the coffee table in front of her. His gaze held

tenderness as he looked at her, and his voice was incredibly gentle as he asked, "If I hadn't said what I

did just now, what would you have thought after hearing Mrs. Bell's words?"

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