My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 912: Letting Go
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Chapter 912: Letting Go

Chapter 912: Letting Go

Camille nodded lightly, "Alright."

Mrs. Bell followed Camille into the car.

The two of them sat down at a nearby café near Simpson Group. After ordering, Mrs. Bell finally spoke,

"Cami, about today's meeting, do you have any questions?"

Camille replied, "Yes, I'd like to know, was this decision made on the spot? Why didn't you mention it to

Mr. Bell when we were having dinner together?"

Mrs. Bell sighed softly and said, "Actually, I disagree with it, but we had no choice."


Camille looked puzzled at Mrs. Bell.

With a touch of sadness on her face, Mrs. Bell looked out the window and spoke in a low voice, "Cami,

our trip back this time was not just about handling the Modest Temple Hotel promotion. We also dealt

with the distribution of our respective properties."

Camille listened with a sense of confusion, her eyes showing her bewilderment.

Some speculations began to spread within her, but she found it hard to believe. After all, some things

were not just visible to her; they were witnessed by everyone.

Camille pursed her lips and looked at Mrs. Bell, asking softly, "I don't quite understand what you


Mrs. Bell smiled gently, lifted her coffee cup elegantly to her lips, took a sip, and a touch of bitterness

appeared in her smile. She said, "Cami, I trust you a lot and consider you a true friend, so I'm being

very honest with you, without any concealment."

Camille had a vague premonition, and Mrs. Bell's next words confirmed her thoughts.

Mrs. Bell said, "In fact, we've already divorced."

Camille's eyes widened slightly, clearly showing her shock at Mrs. Bell's words.

She frowned, not fully comprehending, "Are you joking with me? How is that possible?"

The term "Mr. and Mrs. Bell" was synonymous with a loving couple in Camille's mind. Despite their age,

they maintained a youthful and affectionate interaction, like young lovers.

They were romantic and held each other in high regard. How could they possibly divorce?

Camille found it utterly unbelievable.

Mrs. Bell continued, "We've been divorced for over a year."

Camille fell silent, completely immersed in shock.

Mrs. Bell added, "Although we're divorced, we still bear the title of Mr. and Mrs. Bell. We have a

common goal, and for the sake of that goal, we can't reveal our marital status. Besides, many people

support us from behind the scenes. If our situation were to come to light, it would not only negate our

years of effort but also implicate others. So, we decided to keep this a secret after discussing it."

Their marriage might have ended, but their years of understanding and the friendly way they interacted

made it impossible for anyone to notice over all these years.

However, it was only on this trip back to the country to handle property matters that Mr. Mikkola had

discovered their secret.

Mrs. Bell candidly explained this aspect to Camille as well.

She said, "We didn't want to make this decision either, but Mr. Mikkola used our divorce as leverage, so

we had no choice. We're aware of how much effort you and Ayan have put into this project, so I'm truly


Mrs. Bell repeatedly apologized to Camille, who didn't respond immediately. She was still absorbing the

shock of what she had just been told.

She felt so shocked, so sudden.

She hadn't been prepared for any of this.

So, she really didn't know how to describe her feelings right now, or what to say to Mrs. Bell.

Camille remained silent for a while before she reacted. She looked up into Mrs. Bell's eyes and softly

said, "I want to ask, what was the reason for your divorce from Mr. Bell?"

"Our love had faded away, and beyond work, we had no topics left to discuss privately. So, after

discussing it, we both agreed to end this relationship."

Mrs. Bell gave a faint smile and continued, "We both yearned for freedom, and the current outcome is

the best for both of us."

Camille nodded slightly, "I'm sorry, I still find it quite surprising. I might need a little time to process all of


Camille took a deep breath, her mind still reeling from the unexpected revelation.

The shock didn't last long, though, because Mrs. Bell continued, "You need to discuss this with Ayan

separately. If Ayan is confident enough to silence Mr. Mikkola, then we'll follow his lead. But if he's not

sure, then for now, we can only go along with today's proposal from the meeting."

Camille nodded, "Alright, I understand. I'll talk to him about it later."

Camille spent a while longer with Mrs. Bell, finished her coffee, and then Mrs. Bell left.

Camille had initially planned to return to Maple Leaves Mansion, but now she couldn't go back directly.

Her brow furrowed, her expression grew heavy. After a moment of contemplation, she walked to her

car and drove back to the Simpson Group's parking garage.

She took the elevator to Ayan's office floor, wondering if Dan had finished his conversation with Ayan.

If Dan was with Ayan, Camille couldn't immediately reveal Mr. and Mrs. Bell's secret. After all, Mrs. Bell

chose to tell her, trusting her and Ayan.

Camille walked to Ayan's office. Kian wasn't at his desk either. Camille had intended to ask Kian, but

since he wasn't around, she knocked on the office door and entered.

Camille thought she would find Dan and Ayan in the office, but she was surprised by the sight that

greeted her.

Both people turned their attention towards her. Ayan began to walk over, but Camille avoided his touch

and directed her gaze towards the woman sitting on the couch.

The woman on the couch froze upon seeing Camille, her expression rigid. She opened her mouth, her

voice barely audible as she said, "Camille, long time no see."

Camille didn't respond. Instead, she calmly took a seat across from the woman, her eyes fixed on her,

and with a dismissive tone, she said, "Indeed, it's been a while. You seem to be in good health."

Ayan's gaze had been fixed on Camille since she appeared, never leaving him for a moment. He

personally poured a glass of water for Camille and placed it in front of her, then smoothly took a seat

next to her. His voice was gentle as he spoke, "Would you accompany me after work to go back home


Camille didn't even spare a glance for Ayan, her eyes were still focused on the woman across from her.

Camille's gaze was icy, sharp like a blade, and if looks could kill, the woman sitting across from her

would have been obliterated by now.

She didn't respond to Ayan's words and remained silent, allowing a natural quietness to settle in.

It was only when the woman across from her spoke, "Ayan, since Camille is here, I won't disturb you.

I'll just contact Kian directly. I'll leave now."

"Miss Khan, what's the rush?" Before Ayan could speak, Camille interjected.

Raising an eyebrow, she looked at Eileen with a cool expression and said, "Why is Miss Khan leaving

as soon as she sees me? Is it because she's afraid to face me, or does facing me make hernovelbin

involuntarily guilty?"

Eileen was taken aback and quickly denied, "Why would I feel guilty?"

"You should ask yourself that." Camille's gaze remained fixed on Eileen, not missing any of her

reactions or expressions.

Eileen pressed her lips together, standing up. "I don't know what you're implying, and I don't have

anything to say to you. Ayan, I'll contact Kian myself. I'll leave now."

Camille didn't waste a moment. She grabbed the glass of water Ayan had poured for her and splashed

it towards Eileen in one swift motion.

Camille's movement was quick and decisive, catching Eileen completely off guard.

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