My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 898: Nonsense
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Chapter 898: Nonsense

Chapter 898: Nonsense

Horace's handling of the situation was appropriate, winning applause and praise from the media, but it

didn't sit well with Brody.

Brody only learned of the incident after Horace's media reception when he saw a video of Horace's

remarks online.

He immediately came to Simpson Group to question Horace, "Mr. Burris, your actions are harming

Armstrong Corp. Our principle at Armstrong Corp is to not make enemies, to avoid any trouble. You

should issue an apology statement quickly."

Brody's expression was unpleasant, and though he addressed Horace as "Mr. Burris," his tone was

commanding and accusatory.

Had it been someone other than Horace, Brody would probably have lost his temper long ago. But

Horace held more shares in Armstrong Corp, and because Camille was still unwilling to transfer her

shares to him, he didn't have much leverage when dealing with Horace.

Thinking of this, Brody's mood soured even more. He planned to meet with Camille later and convince

her to transfer her shares to him. Only then would he have the ultimate say in Armstrong Corp.

Otherwise, it would always be at risk in someone else's hands.

Neither Horace nor Grace were aware of Brody's thoughts. Brody's intense attitude towards Horace

prompted Grace to gently remind him, "Dad, don't get agitated. Let's talk it out. Mr. Burris was doing it

for the good of Armstrong Corp. We just talked with Simpson Group, and Ayan said we could shift all

the blame to Sean. That way, Armstrong Corp wouldn't be implicated. So why apologize?"

Grace's words made Brody's face darken immediately. He glared at her with displeasure but

maintained his composure. "I'm speaking to Mr. Burris right now. Why are you interfering?"

Grace fell silent, lips tightly pressed together, her eyes fixed on him, and her cheeks flushed with


Horace furrowed his brows instinctively, his voice warm and composed, "Mr. Armstrong, Miss

Armstrong is now part of Armstrong Corp's management team. She has the right to speak on these

matters. Besides, Miss Armstrong is right. If I issue an apology now just to avoid offending Benjamin, it

might backfire. People might think we've been bought by him. As long as Armstrong Corp operates

transparently and ethically, we shouldn't worry about offending anyone, as long as we do things right."

Horace's stance was firm, leaving Brody with no retort.

Brody tried to find excuses, "Mr. Burris, I understand what you're saying, but I just don't want you to be

deceived. Simpson Group is a big company, much larger than us. Even if something does happen, it

would be like a big ship rocking slightly on the sea. But Armstrong Corp is different; it's like a small boat

in the ocean. Any little storm could capsize it!"

Brody was a person who valued his reputation, especially when faced with someone like Horace, who

was younger and seemingly superior. He cared deeply about his dignity.

So when Horace rebutted him in front of Grace, a hint of displeasure flickered across his face. But

since Horace was part of Armstrong Corp, he had to rely on him to make money, so he naturally

swallowed his frustration.

After speaking firmly, Brody's expression remained indifferent as he continued to look at Horace.

Without waiting for Horace to respond, he said again, "Mr. Burris, we should issue an apology at this

time, distance ourselves from the matter completely. That way, Armstrong Corp can stay safe."

"Are you sure about this?" Horace asked calmly.

Brody nodded, "Certainly, and we should do it quickly. Otherwise, it will be seen as taking sides, and it'snovelbin

best if we maintain neutrality. That's the right approach."

Brody's persistence left Horace no choice but to agree, "If that's what you want, I can issue an apology

statement. But you need to understand that once Armstrong Corp issues an apology, it will create an

adversarial relationship with Simpson Group. It would imply that they are questionable. Otherwise, why

would we align with them before and then suddenly apologize and take back our words? So, are you

really sure you want me to release this apology statement? If you're sure, I'll have someone contact the

media right away."

Horace's words were measured and composed, showing no emotions on his face throughout the


Brody, however, didn't respond immediately as he did earlier. He seemed lost in thought, his face stiff,

maintaining the same expression for quite some time.

The atmosphere in the office became tense.

Brody's face became more rigid, and after a long pause, he finally spoke in a low voice, "In the future, I

think Mr. Burris should consult with me beforehand. Although you are managing Armstrong Corp now,

in Hance City, my name still carries more weight than Mr. Burris."

Having made his point, Brody left Horace's office, and Grace naturally accompanied him out.

Ever since Grace started working at Armstrong Corp, their relationship had not been as close as

before. Brody always wanted to control her, often using a commanding tone to make her do things she

didn't want to.

Then came the issue of her marriage, where Brody wanted Grace to marry someone he approved of,

which further strained their relationship. Grace even ran away from home, and it was Horace who took

her back.

During this period, many things happened that left Grace feeling mentally exhausted and becoming

distant from her father.

However, Brody didn't see anything wrong with himself. After Grace saw him off from Armstrong Corp,

he got into his car, and she stood by the car. Brody lowered the window and looked at her without

emotion, "Why didn't you inform me before Horace made this decision?"

Grace's face was stern as she didn't reply.

Brody's expression turned darker, "Grace, are you helping outsiders scheme against the Armstrong


"I'm not."

"You disappoint me. I had high expectations for you, but what have you done in return? I'll talk to

Horace; you'll leave Armstrong Corp temporarily. I have other arrangements for you."

Brody's words left Grace stunned.

She tried to speak, "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Just follow my arrangements. You don't need to worry about anything else."

Brody raised the car window and ordered the chauffeur to leave.

Grace called out to him, but he ignored her pleas and showed no intention of stopping.

Brody's plan was revealed to Horace by Grace, and she felt powerless. "I don't know what to do to

satisfy him."

Horace reassured her in a low voice, "Grace, you're not a pawn of anyone. You don't need to please

anyone for their approval. Just do what feels right and satisfying to you. As long as you're happy, that's

enough. And don't worry, as long as I'm here, everything will be fine."

With Horace's comforting words, Grace felt a sense of recognition she had never experienced before.

She didn't need anyone else's validation, only his, and that was enough.

The issue with Sean continued to ferment, and it wasn't until late afternoon that Jenson announced

they could leave the museum.

The entire afternoon passed peacefully.

As they left the museum, everyone saw the online rumors and suspicions directed at Preston.

Seeing the public opinion, Quintus maintained a positive attitude and said, "It's all nonsense. Mr. Baxter

would never do such a thing."

Quintus walked quickly to his car, leaving the architects looking at each other, softly asking, "Could

Louise's death really be related to Mr. Baxter?"

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