My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 887: Style
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Chapter 887: Style

Chapter 887: Style

Camille nodded, "It's okay."

"Not bad," Ayan replied casually.

Camille stared at him, "Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"I see you look very happy, and I'm happy too. Isn't it worth some bonus points to show concern for

your work?" Ayan stared back at Camille calmly, without any hidden meaning in his eyes, leaving

Camille unsure if he had any ulterior motive.

Camille redirected her gaze, fastened her seatbelt, and then looked at Ayan, saying, "Let's go back to

the Simpson's mansion."

"Let's stop by and get some pastries for Grandpa first. Mom called and asked for it. Grandpa hasn't had

a good appetite lately, but he's craving those pastries." Ayan drove while chatting with Camille.

Camille responded half-heartedly, preoccupied with her thoughts, causing her to miss several of Ayan's

remarks without any response.

Ayan reached out and gently pinched her chin, turning her face towards him. He asked, "What's


Camille looked at Ayan and blinked, asking softly, "Nothing."

"Hmm?" He narrowed his eyes slightly, clearly not believing her.

Her lips pursed lightly as she said, "I was just thinking about why you suddenly asked about my

relationship with them. Is there something going on?"

Ayan chuckled and said, "So you were just overthinking?"

Camille remained silent, her eyes coldly fixed on him.

He hurriedly explained, "I promise, there's nothing going on. I was just genuinely asking. Maybe I made

you misunderstand?"

Camille still didn't fully believe him and her gaze seemed to be asking, "Really?"

Ayan reiterated that there was really nothing to worry about. He understood that Camille had been

through some difficulties before, especially because of Louise's death, which had caused her

grievances. Besides, she was his wife, so naturally, others wouldn't treat her like an ordinary colleague.

But now, seeing how well Camille got along with everyone and how they didn't seem distant from her,

Ayan asked casually to confirm his observation.

After hearing his detailed explanation, Camille finally felt a bit relieved. Otherwise, she would have

started suspecting if someone among her colleagues had done something, and Ayan had found out

about it, wanting to subtly convey it to her but fearing she couldn't handle it.

All she wanted now was to focus on completing the project and not have any more incidents like


After buying pastries, the two returned to the Simpson's mansion.

Knowing they were back, Talia had already instructed the kitchen to prepare their favorite dishes, and

Fletcher was called back early. They were all ready for dinner as soon as Camille and Ayan arrived.

The old Simpson hadn't been feeling well these past few days, only taking a few bites and refusing to

eat more. He didn't look as energetic as before, causing Camille and Ayan to worry. Camille asked,

"Grandpa, are you feeling unwell? Why aren't you eating much?"

The old Simpson just smiled faintly and said, "I'm fine, probably due to the weather. I don't feel like

eating much."

Nobody believed the old Simpson's words.

Today, since Camille and Ayan were back, he reluctantly ate a bit more, but his mood was still not

particularly good. His responses during the conversation were absent-minded, and such a state

couldn't be attributed to the weather.

After dinner, the old Simpson retired to his room to rest.

Ayan, Camille, Fletcher, and Talia sat in the living room, drinking tea. The old housekeeper

accompanied the old Simpson, so their conversation wouldn't disturb him.

Ayan was the first to speak, "How long has Grandpa been like this?"

Fletcher looked at Ayan, his brows furrowing with a hint of concern. He said, "It's been three days, he's

been heavy-hearted and doesn't want to talk about it. He's hiding something."

Talia sighed helplessly, "I wonder what's going on? If there's something bothering him, he should tell us

and we could all solve it together."

Ayan asked in a serious tone, "Who has Grandpa seen lately?"

"Since returning home, he's been staying at home every day. At least one of your mom and I usually

stay back in the house. And there will also be someone taking care of him even if we two go out

together, so there shouldn't have been any visitors," Fletcher replied.

Ayan's face darkened, his eyes showing worry. He said, "No one has come to visit Grandpa voluntarily,

but has he received any phone calls?"

"Our butler mentioned that a few days ago, there was indeed a call for him. We checked the number,

and it was a virtual number, so we couldn't trace who made the call." Fletcher's expression grew

heavier as he continued, "So it might be related to that call?"

Camille sat on the side, not saying anything, but her worry was evident.

After Ayan finished talking with Fletcher, Camille whispered, "Ayan, do you want to talk to Grandpa

privately? Maybe he can't tell us, but he might open up to you. Can you do that?"

Talia immediately agreed, "Cami is right. You should talk to Grandpa."

All three of them supported this suggestion, and Ayan headed towards the old Simpson's room.

Talia had Fletcher accompany Timmy, while she took Camille to show her some wedding dress


Talia said, "I've selected a few studios. Take a look and see if you like any particular style."

Talia brought out her iPad, showing Camille a series of wedding dress designs she had saved. She

casually added, "These past few days, I've had designers measure you for the wedding dress. Ayan

personally selected a renowned designer from abroad. His wedding dresses are one of a kind, and

later when you're my age, looking back at them will bring back fond memories."

Talia was a romantic person, and the designer she mentioned was famous for designing wedding

dresses for many celebrities and Hollywood actresses. Camille had seen some of those beautiful

dresses, and she knew they were both exquisite and expensive.

Though she knew Ayan had enough money, she still felt hesitant about spending so much on a

wedding dress. She said, "Mom, the wedding dress is too expensive. I think the local designers are

also very good."

"It's not expensive. You only get married once in a lifetime, so naturally, you should have the best.

While the designers here are good, I think their styles are too common. The wedding dress should be

unique. Don't feel pressured. This is what you deserve. As a husband, Ayan naturally considers all of

this," Talia said.

Talia didn't act like a typical mother-in-law. She seemed more like a loving mother. She didn't think

spending money was a waste, as she, too, was a woman who appreciated romance and dreamed of a

unique and unforgettable wedding. Her advice and the designer she mentioned made Camille feel

touched. Her own mother, Page, would never care about her as much as Talia did. Before meeting

Talia, her grandmother had treated her very well, so she never felt lacking in parental love. However,

after marrying Ayan, Talia gave her the love of a mother, so Camille didn't feel any deficiency. She

hugged Talia and said, "Mom, having you is wonderful."

Talia also hugged her back, chuckling, "Silly girl, we're all family. Having you makes us feel wonderful

too. Thank you for letting me help with your wedding preparations. Otherwise, I'd feel useless. Now I

feel very useful!"

The two smiled at each other, understanding each other's feelings without needing more words.

Everything was in their hearts.

Camille then brought up Sienna's situation and asked Talia to try to find out what Madison thought

about Sienna.

Talia immediately agreed and assured Camille that she would take care of it.

As Camille and Talia continued to choose wedding dress designs, Ayan came out of the room and

walked straight to Camille, glancing at the iPad in her hand. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Do you

like any of them? What style are you thinking of?"

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