My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 886: Repeatedly Clarified
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Chapter 886: Repeatedly Clarified

Chapter 886: Repeatedly Clarified

Initially, Ayan didn't think it would be related to Preston. He had only considered Preston's absence

from Hance City. However, he overlooked one thing – Preston might not be in Hance City, but his

people were. If Cora mentioned anything related to him or Camille, Preston would never miss the tiniest


He had been silent for so long because he was repeatedly clarifying this line of thought. Once it

became clear, many things would also become clear.

So, after confessing to Kian, he immediately understood.

Kian said, "Okay, I'll go check on Quintus now." Worry filled his eyes as he continued, "Mr. Simpson, if

it's true that Preston arranged for Quintus to take Cora away, then Preston probably knows by now. Will

Madame find out soon as well?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes, his emotions deep and complex. He didn't say a word, and his expression

could be described as extremely unsightly.

In the end, he didn't answer the question. He just waved his hand, signaling Kian to go and deal with

the matters they had just discussed.

Kian left the office, and the assistant followed immediately. The assistant asked in a low voice, "Kian,

did something happen? Mrs. Simpson called Mr. Simpson and you earlier today. Mr. Simpson didn't

come to the company in the morning, and he seems a bit upset. Did they have a fight?"

The assistant was anxious, just wanting to clarify the situation. If there was a fight, everyone needed to

be careful about what they did.

Taking a deep breath, Kian went to his desk, picked up the water cup, and drank half of it before

responding calmly, "There's nothing wrong. Don't pry into it. Just focus on your own work. Mr. Simpson

won't get angry and blame anyone easily."

The assistant nodded hastily and felt a little relieved.

After settling the other tasks, Kian left the company to investigate Quintus.

Quintus' residence and usual schedule were reported to him regularly. Since Preston wasn't in Hance

City recently, Quintus had a little more freedom, and his daily routines were different from before.

Kian arrived at Quintus' residence by car. According to the usual time, Quintus should be in his

apartment at this hour. However, when Kian inquired with the property management, he found out that

Quintus had left his apartment around midnight and hadn't returned since.

Kian arranged for someone to keep watch and drove back to Simpson Group.

It was not feasible to investigate every location where Quintus might have gone since it would require

considerable effort and resources. Moreover, some places didn't have surveillance cameras.

Kian reported this to Ayan, who said, "Your guess is correct. If it's not Quintus, why would he

coincidentally leave around midnight and not return until now?"

Ayan took a silent breath, his expression still somber. He said, "What news do you have about


"Our people in Flento City have been monitoring the Walker family closely. They are willing to accept

Preston marrying Molly, but the conditions are somewhat strict. Molly is still considering it, and there

have been no movements from Preston's side."

Kian conveyed the conditions of the Walker family to Ayan and asked cautiously, "Do you think Preston

will agree? If Molly loses the inheritance rights of the Walker family, then after marrying her, he won't

gain anything. This would deviate from his original goal, right?"

"Since marrying Molly is to secure his position and background through the Walker family, he won't act

foolishly to offend Luke and the Walker family, especially when everything is still under Luke's control.

Besides, he can't do anything to harm Luke now," Kian speculated.

"To reassure the Walker family and get them to agree to marry Molly?" Kian asked tentatively.

Ayan neither confirmed nor denied it, only squinted his eyes, and a faintly aloof expression appeared in

his gaze. He spoke in a low and mellow voice, "Accepting conditions and agreeing to them are two

different things. Someone like Preston won't accept conditions that offer him no benefit."

"If he doesn't accept these conditions, there's only one way, and that's to deceive the Walker family in

collaboration with the lawyers," Kian continued, articulating Ayan's thoughts.

Ayan still didn't say anything, only squinting his eyes, the expression in them neither cold nor warm. He

said in a calm voice, "For the Walker family to trust him, find a reputable lawyer in the industry to

approach them. Just point out some loopholes. This process doesn't need to let Preston know; if he

finds out, it won't go as smoothly as he wants to marry Molly."

Kian nodded and followed Ayan's instructions.

Molly wanted to cooperate with Ayan, and she had mentioned it many times before. Now it could be

considered her gift for Ayan. This gift wouldn't make Molly lose, nor would it make the Walker family

lose. Preston wouldn't lose either because when he entered the Walker family, he had nothing, but he

gained the identity of the Walker family's adopted son. Moreover, he had gained many connections

while managing Walker Group. It was a sure win for him.

After discussing the Walker family matters, Kian mentioned another issue to Ayan.

Zoie had applied to go to Flento City to find Preston.

She had mentioned this to Kian some time ago, but Kian hadn't had a chance to report it to Ayan

before the Cora incident occurred.

Kian asked Ayan, "Will Zoie be an obstacle for Preston?"

Kian was referring to not interfering with Preston and Molly getting married. After all, Preston marrying

Molly was the only way to restrain him and ensure he didn't act recklessly. Only then could Molly

influence him.

However, those were issues to consider after Preston and Molly got married. What mattered now was

how much Preston had contacted Cora.

Ayan replied indifferently, "If Zoie wants to go to Flento City, let her go. Molly's side is aware of her

existence. If they already know, her presence might encourage Molly to make up her mind and prevent

her from wavering in the end."

Kian nodded and immediately informed Zoie of this.

It turned out that Zoie was already on her way to the airport to meet Preston. Kian asked her, "Mr.

Simpson hasn't agreed yet, and you've acted without permission. Are you breaking the contract?"

Zoie explained, "Kian, I didn't mean any harm. I thought Mr. Simpson would agree. After all, I've been

away from Preston for too long, and it would affect our feelings. Besides, Mr. Simpson still doesn't want

me to leave Preston, right?"

Zoie's words left Kian with nothing to say. He immediately relayed Zoie's intentions to Ayan. Kian was a

little worried and asked, "Mr. Simpson, will Zoie reveal our cooperation to Preston by doing this?"

"She won't, and she wouldn't dare," Ayan directly denied. He continued, "Zoie needs money

, not a man like Preston. Otherwise, do you think she would mix in this circle? She's well aware that a

man like Preston will never be her final destination in this world."

Ayan knew everything about Zoie, which was why he chose to send her to Preston. However, they still

needed to be cautious. Ayan told Kian to remind Zoie not to go too far; otherwise, the Walker family

wouldn't spare her. When that happened, he wouldn't step in to help her.

Kian conveyed the message, and Zoie assured them repeatedly.

As Zoie arrived in Flento City to meet Preston, Molly received the news immediately.

But she didn't react; she remained silent as if she knew nothing.

Ayan no longer paid much attention to Preston and Molly's affairs. After finishing his work, it was time

to leave for the evening. He drove to the museum to wait for Camille to finish work.

So, as Camille walked out of the museum gate, she saw Ayan's car waiting for her.

After saying goodbye to the others, she walked quickly to the car. When she got in, Ayan asked

casually, "Did you get along well with them?"

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