My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 883: Staying Up Late
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Chapter 883: Staying Up Late

Chapter 883: Staying Up Late

After Ayan finished speaking, Camille instantly understood.

Although Cora wasn't a stunning beauty like a celestial being, she had a mature and elegant aura.

However, her actions and deeds had transformed her into a malicious and sinister person. Despite her

young age and being Austin's wife, how could she allow herself to approach a man in his fifties?

Judging from Ayan's reaction, the man who did the food procurement at the psychiatric hospital was

probably not just looking for a wife; he was likely attracted to Cora's youthful looks and figure.

Both of them had their own purposes, and that's why they quickly got along.

Camille looked at Ayan and asked, "After Cora came out, did she contact that man?"

Ayan shook his head, saying, "No, the reason she came back so late was that I kept an eye on the

person who did the procurement and asked him to contact Cora. But Cora didn't leave anything behind,

and since the location was in the outskirts, there aren't many surveillance cameras around, making it

difficult to track her."

Camille nodded lightly but could see that Ayan's expression seemed troubled.

Camille asked in a low voice, "Are you... really determined to find Cora?"

He met Camille's gaze, not avoiding her eyes, and nodded, "Yes, I must find her."

"Mmm," Camille pressed her lips together, hesitated for a while, and couldn't help asking, "Are you

looking for her only because you're worried she might harm our family, or is there something else?"

"I'm worried she might harm our family because she has serious mental issues. If I don't control the

situation, it could be disastrous. Besides, with the situation at Austin's end, it's not a good thing for Cora

to escape from me right now."

Ayan's eyes flickered with something unsaid, but he chose not to tell Camille what he was hiding in his


The only thing he could assure was that he had no other intentions regarding Cora.

He kept this matter from Camille not because it was related to him and Cora, but it had nothing to do

with Cora.

Thinking about that matter, Ayan's brow furrowed even more, and his expression grew more serious.

Camille didn't press him further and simply said, "It's getting late. Go wash up and rest."

Ayan lowered his gaze. "Mm, you go ahead and sleep. I'll take a shower."

He reached out and touched Camille's cheek before getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

Camille watched his retreating figure, and it took her a while to ease the slight frown on her brow.

However, the emotions in her heart remained unresolved.

She had a feeling that there was something Ayan wasn't telling her about Cora's sudden

disappearance. She couldn't believe that Cora was truly that important. If she was so important, why

would Ayan lock her up in a psychiatric hospital in the suburbs? He could have simply sent someone to

keep an eye on her after sending her abroad, which would have been a safer and more secure option.

Since Cora was being punished by being confined in the hospital, she couldn't be that important. But if

she wasn't important, why did Ayan waste so much time dealing with her? A man like Ayan, who

wouldn't even compromise on billion-dollar deals, wouldn't be so busy if she wasn't important to him.

So, what was really hidden behind all this?

Camille turned around, her expression complicated, but she closed her eyes before Ayan came out.

If Ayan didn't want to tell her, she would pretend not to know.

They had stayed up late that night, so they both woke up late the next day.

However, when Camille woke up, Ayan was no longer beside her. She stepped out of the bedroom,

and just as she opened the door, she heard Ayan's voice on the phone in the living room.

He was saying, "Still no news? Did she try to contact Austin?"

Ayan was on the phone with Kian.

Kian had also stayed up late last night but was already busy early in the morning today.

Kian quickly informed Ayan of the information he gathered that morning and the current tension. "There

shouldn't be any contact. Since Austin's incident, his family has been keeping a low profile. Moreover,

Austin is also hiding, so it's unlikely that Cora would try to contact him. Even if she wanted to, she

probably wouldn't have the means."

Though Austin was being pursued, he had connections with unsavory characters who would protect

him for the time being. However, whether he could continue to hide like this was unknown.novelbin

After ruling out the possibility of Cora contacting Austin, Kian also investigated Cora's friends but found


Since coming to Hance, Cora had not been in touch with her friends from Dane or overseas.

Furthermore, she wasn't very social, so she didn't have many friends. People didn't have much to say

about her because she had a gentle personality but rarely interacted with others, so no one really knew

her well.

Kian relayed all this information to Ayan and shared his thoughts, "Mr. Simpson, could Cora still be in

the suburbs and not have left? If no one is helping her, she might not even know the way back to

Hance or anywhere else."

Ayan narrowed his eyes, his eyes filled with deep emotions. His voice was calm as he said,

"Regardless of whom she contacts or seeks help from, it has nothing to do with us. As long as she

keeps quiet and leaves Hance or goes somewhere else, I won't pursue the matter. But if she insists on

spreading rumors, I cannot tolerate it."

Kian hurriedly responded, "Understood. I've already driven to the suburbs now. I'll have people search

the area bit by bit and ask around. The uncertainty lies in whether Cora has any money on her. If she

does, we can't stop her from taking a car. If she doesn't, she won't be able to disappear so quickly."

Regarding this, Ayan actually believed that she had money because what she did couldn't have been

impulsive. If it was impulsive, she wouldn't have had no contact for so long.

However, Ayan didn't stop Kian from searching, and he also asked Kian to keep an eye out for other

possible places Cora might appear.

After finishing the call with Kian, Ayan's face still carried a serious expression. He was so absorbed in

his thoughts that he didn't notice Camille had already stepped out of the bedroom.

His mind was still pondering where Cora might have gone.

Until Camille spoke up, "Ayan? Aren't you going to the company tonight?"

Hearing Camille's voice, he finally looked up, and the seriousness on his face vanished, replaced by a

gentle smile. He said, "I'll take half the day off today and stay home with you." He reached out to

Camille and asked in a soft voice, "Why didn't you sleep a bit longer?"

Camille walked over and sat next to him, leaning her head gently against his shoulder. She spoke

softly, "Didn't you stay up late thinking about resting this morning? Don't tell me it's to accompany me. I

won't buy that excuse."

"If it was really just staying up late, I would have gone to the company right away. It's not like I've never

pulled an all-nighter before."

"So, are you really doing this to accompany me?"

"Yes, I didn't get to have dinner with you last night, so I want to make it up to you today. How about

that?" He reached up and gently touched her hair, pulling her into his embrace. He said, "I've already

contacted Rex and the others. We'll have lunch together at Sienna's restaurant."

"Mr. Simpson, you really know how to do business. Even though you stood us up, you still want to go to

Sienna's restaurant. So, who's going to accompany whom to dinner?"

Camille immediately sat up straight, her expression accusing as she stared at him.

Ayan smiled faintly, and his voice became even gentler. He kept looking at Camille without blinking as

he said, "Alright, alright. It's my fault for standing you up. Let me treat you to this meal. The reason I

chose Sienna's restaurant is because there's no harm for her to make my money!"

"Fine, since you want to give her your money, I'll set the price."

"Okay, I'll follow your lead. But you can't be mad at me, alright?"

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