My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 882: Helping Hand
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Chapter 882: Helping Hand

Chapter 882: Helping Hand

Apart from that, Camille didn't want to discuss her relationship with Ayan, as she disliked others

gossiping about them.

So, when Preston started accusing Ayan word by word, her reaction became so intense and agitated.

After she shouted to stop him, there was a brief pause in Preston's voice for almost half a minute.

During this time, Camille remained silent.

They both kept quiet until Preston composed himself and spoke again, saying, "Cami, I didn't mean to

offend you. I'm just worried about you, and I didn't intend to badmouth Ayan. I only want to protect you

from any harm."

Camille didn't reply, as she didn't want to continue the topic.

Preston didn't press on either; instead, he asked, "Actually, I don't have any specific plans. I'm in Flento

right now. Do you want me to visit your Grandma?"

In a short while, it would be Flento City's annual Tomb Sweeping Day. Unlike other places, Flento City

had its own customs and didn't follow specific dates for tomb sweeping.

Preston remembered this and asked casually.

However, Camille declined, saying, "No need, I'll visit Grandma when the time comes."

"I thought it might be troublesome for you to come back and forth. I'm here, so I could help you with


"Thank you for your kindness, but I can handle it on my own. You don't need to trouble yourself."

Camille politely declined, but she didn't want Preston's help.

Sometimes, once a relationship fades, it's hard to restore it.

Preston seemed displeased with Camille's attitude and said, "Cami, I don't mean anything else. I just

want to help you. After all, aren't we friends? Friends help each other without hesitation. Why do you

have to be so formal with me? Is it because you have a better relationship with Ayan now, and we can't

be friends anymore?"

"Cami, I'm going to be a father soon. Can't you trust me even with this?" Preston brought up Molly's

pregnancy and asked Camille how he could make her feel better, as Molly had been acting irrationally

and throwing tantrums, thanks to being spoiled by the Walker family.

He sounded helpless and unsure. In the past, Camille would have comforted him or tried to help him

understand Molly, but now she didn't want to say anything.

She remained indifferent.

Preston sighed lightly and asked, "Cami, were you also moody during your pregnancy? What should I

do to make her feel a bit happier?"

Camille calmly replied, "It's been a long time, and I don't remember well. You can ask the doctor; they'll

give you the most objective advice."

After her response, Preston's face became stiff and cold. He narrowed his eyes and spoke in a low

voice, "Cami, it seems like no matter what I say, you won't talk to me properly."

"Preston, I don't know what you mean by talking properly. Am I not speaking properly now?"

"Cami, I don't know what's wrong with you. I don't know if you have misunderstood me, but I just want

to tell you that I have no other intentions. I never wanted to hurt you, and my feelings for you remain


Preston didn't continue the conversation and ended the call on his own, fearing that if they continued

talking, Camille wouldn't even answer his calls next time.

After talking to Camille, the only thing Preston could be sure of was that Ayan was not with her.

Otherwise, Camille wouldn't have had such a long conversation with him. If Ayan knew that it was

Preston who called, he would have definitely tried to stop Camille from talking to him.

In Preston's mind, Ayan was always like this, afraid that frequent communication with Camille would

affect their relationship.

With a slight grunt, Preston stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

After talking to Preston, Camille didn't immediately put down her phone. She held onto it for a long time

without any reaction.

It was already late at night, but Ayan still hadn't returned, nor had he sent any messages. He hadn't

even called her.

Where was he and what was he doing?

The more Camille thought about it, the more her face darkened, and her worry grew. She couldn't help

but imagine various scenarios.

She felt that since they were discussing remarriage and preparing for the wedding, they should at least

be open with each other, especially about important matters. How could they be at ease without

knowing what the other was doing?

Camille didn't want to call him directly either, as it was late at night, and she didn't want to disturb him in

case he couldn't answer.

Of course, Camille didn't suspect that he was doing something to hurt her. Basic trust still existed

between them.

She was just genuinely worried about him.

Camille waited until after one in the morning before lying down to sleep. However, her mind was

preoccupied with thoughts, making her sleep shallow, and the slightest sound would wake her up.

Ayan returned after three in the morning. He gently pushed open the bedroom door, walked in under

the faint light from the bedside, and stopped before reaching the window. Camille was already awake.

She immediately sat up, causing Ayan to halt his steps. They locked eyes, gazing at each other.

After a brief silence, Ayan spoke in a calm voice, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Camille didn't answer and questioned, "Why did you come back so late? Why couldn't you even take a


Her tone sounded agitated and rushed, and Ayan took a step forward. As he hadn't changed or

showered yet, he didn't sit on the bed, just leaned down to gently rub her hair and said in a soft voice, "I

had to deal with something urgently, so I left my phone with Kian. I asked Kian to return your call.


"Why couldn't you take a call? What were you doing so late? What exactly was it that you can't tell

me?" Camille continued to ask.

Usually, she wouldn't press so hard on a matter, but this time she was stubborn and wanted to

understand clearly. She didn't know why; she just wanted to know where he had been and what he was


Facing Camille's inquiries, Ayan sighed helplessly and shook his head lightly. "I went to the outskirts.novelbin

Cora went missing. I went there to investigate, but I haven't found her yet."

Camille's brow furrowed slightly, and her expression turned somewhat rigid.

Camille didn't speak but looked at him with a cold detachment, and Ayan continued, "Don't overthink it.

I was worried because I had her confined to a private mental hospital in the suburbs. She must have

planned her escape carefully, so I have to find out where she went. Besides, her appearance is

dangerous, and I don't want the past to repeat itself. So, I must find her as soon as possible."

Camille's expression softened a bit at this explanation, and she gazed at Ayan, asking, "Have you

found her now?"

Ayan sighed again and shook his head. "No."

Camille's brow furrowed even more, and she asked, "She must have had help to escape. She wouldn't

have been able to do it alone, right?"

"Yes, we discovered she had assistance from a staff member who is in charge of food purchase at the

mental hospital. According to the his confession, Cora promised to marry him who helped her escape,"

Ayan explained with a hint of disdain in his voice. He added, "The man was nearly fifty and single."

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