My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 835: Clarification
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Chapter 835: Clarification

Chapter 835: Clarification

Listen, is she even a bit afraid of making Ayan angry?

She's just a total drama queen.

Camille also cooperated by raising her hand and pulling her into embrace, soothing her softly, "Don't

think too much. If he's sensible, he won't be upset. After all, we haven't seen each other for so long.

You're my little baby, and it doesn't matter if anyone is angry."

Sienna nodded, snuggling in Camille's arms like a typical drama queen. Although Ayan didn't hear their

conversation, something seemed off when he answered the call. He felt like someone was trying to

instigate a conflict between him and Camille.

The call Ayan received was from Kian, who relayed the current situation of Campole in detail.

Kian said, "According to our cooperation with Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya, Norman Group has already

started issuing statements and is demanding that lawyers hold those who made accusations against

Austin accountable. The investigation has begun. Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya just contacted me as well.

Their actions have made most of the people in Campole and the online community side with Norman

Group and Austin. Now it depends on what Austin will do next."

Ayan squinted his eyes and uttered a flat "Hmm" without any warmth in his voice.

He continued, "Since Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya have chosen to cooperate with us, you can decide

what to do after this matter is resolved. Arrange for someone to stay in Campole to keep in touch with


"Yes, that's what I planned. So can I go to Dane City directly after Austin responds?"


Ayan replied softly.

The conversation didn't last too long because Kian was still meeting with Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya, so

after ending the call, he immediately returned to the private room to continue dining with them.

Mr. Dávalos knew that Kian's call was for Ayan, and Kian didn't hide it. He admitted it candidly when

Mr. Dávalos asked.

Mr. Dávalos looked thoughtful and asked in a low voice, "Kian, does Mr. Simpson know about this? Will

Norman Group be implicated because of Austin? If Norman Group is involved into it, it will be trouble."

"Don't worry, I already mentioned it at the beginning. Mr. Simpson only targets those who provoke him.

Austin has crossed Mr. Simpson's bottom line, so he had to take action against him. As for the others,

even though they work for Austin and also Norman Group, they are innocent, especially you two. We

have a cooperative relationship now, so how could Mr. Simpson target you?"

Kian looked sincerely at the two men. His words were not just to placate them; they reflected Ayan's

true thoughts as well.

Having one more friend is always better than having one more enemy.

Especially after this incident, Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya have completely taken over Norman Group. In

the future, there may be many things that require their assistance.

After receiving Kian's response, Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya raised their glasses and clinked them with

Kian's, saying, "Then we'll rely on Kian to speak for us in front of Mr. Simpson. Although Norman Group

may not be as prosperous as Simpson Group, it is still an established company with a strong voice in

Campole. As long as Mr. Simpson stands by our side, we will have the best cooperative relationship

with him in the future."

Kian nodded and said, "You're being too polite. Since you've chosen to be on the same boat as us,

we're naturally friends now. Mr. Simpson couldn't come personally this time due to some personal

matters, but he has asked me to come here on his behalf. Once there's a response from Austin, I might

leave Campole first. It has been a long time, and Austin might start to suspect something, so I'll

arrange for an assistant here to stay in contact with both of you."

Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya also nodded in agreement.

At this point, Mr. Moya raised his own question and asked, "Kian, does Mr. Simpson mean that our

cooperation should remain confidential?"

Mr. Moya had concerns about this kind of secretive collaboration. What if Ayan suddenly refused to


Or if Ayan counterattacked unexpectedly, Norman Group would be in immediate danger.

So Mr. Moya's concerns were not unfounded.

Kian answered this point by saying, "Mr. Simpson anticipated your concerns from the beginning. Your

worries are actually quite normal, but Mr. Simpson's arrangement is actually for the best. This quiet and

discreet cooperation won't bring you any trouble or danger. If Austin finds out that you're working with

us to plot against him, what do you think he would do?"

Kian smiled as he carefully posed the question to Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya.

Naturally, his words made both of them slightly stiffen, and Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya exchanged a

glance, their eyes filled with shocked disbelief.

Observing their reaction, Kian asked in a low voice, "Have you ever considered this? Or do you think

you know Austin well enough to believe he wouldn't do such a thing?"

Of course, Austin would definitely do such a thing.

Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya immediately denied this notion in their hearts. After all, Austin had already

schemed on how to make them turn against each other even before they had done anything. Austin

wanted to get rid of them too, which would conveniently solve his current troubles and allow him to

maintain control over Norman Group in the future.

While Austin had been calculating behind the scenes, they hadn't taken any actual actions to harm him,

despite their dislike for him and his disrespect. After all, when it came down to it, they were still on the

same boat.

The two of them contemplated for a long time, exchanged another glance, and already had their

answer in their hearts.

Both Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya nodded in agreement, saying, "Kian is right. Mr. Simpson's foresight is

impressive. If Austin were to find out about our cooperation, he would definitely act desperately. So it's

better to continue this quiet collaboration, which will also benefit our future development."

"As long as you understand. Are there any other questions?"

"No, there aren't."

"Since there are none, I'll leave first. You can leave later. If Austin or anyone else asks, including your

families, you should say that you were just having dinner with the former president of the Chamber of

Commerce because you needed his help with the Norman Group matter."

Kian carefully reiterated, afraid that they might become overconfident and forget the correct response.

After both of them nodded, Kian finally got up and left.

The Norman Group matter had been temporarily brought under control thanks to the strong defense

and various clarification statements from Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya.

Kian seemed satisfied with this arrangement, as he didn't reach out to them proactively.

That night was peaceful and calm.

Whether it was Hance City, Campole, or Fl

ento City, everything was quiet without any disturbances.

But before a storm arrives, it's always like this. The real turbulent waves will only be late, but they won't

be absent.

Camille and Sienna chatted at a quiet bar for most of the night, while Ayan sat there without having anovelbin

single drop of alcohol, quietly accompanying the two of them as their chaperon.

The two girls had a few cocktails, and the effects started to kick in.

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