My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 803: Going In Circles
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Chapter 803: Going In Circles

Chapter 803: Going in Circles

Ayan drove into the garage, with still two minutes left before half an hour had passed.

He picked up his phone and dialed the number from the previous call. He said, "I've arrived. How do we

proceed with the transaction?"

The other person smiled and replied, "Mr. Simpson, no need to rush. Good things are never afraid of

being late. Mr. Simpson, do you see a car about a hundred meters away from you? Put the money in

that car, then drive to a nearby abandoned construction site. Someone will meet you there."

Although Ayan had already anticipated that things wouldn't be so easy, hearing the other person's

words still made him extremely angry.

His tone was filled with indignant questioning, "Are you playing a trick on me?"

"Mr. Simpson, it's a misunderstanding. I'm just being cautious. After all, You have many helpers. What if

they come along? From now on, Mr. Simpson, put your phone back in your car as well, and follow my

instructions. Mrs. Simpson and I will be waiting here for your arrival."

The man finished speaking and abruptly ended the call.

Ayan tightly gripped his phone but still followed the instructions given by the other person.

However, while taking the money, he whispered into the car's real-time voice system, "I won't have a

phone next, and the car needs to be changed. Find a way to follow me, but make sure the other side

doesn't know."

Having said that, he picked up the box of money and got into the white car.

Then he drove out of the garage and followed the directions provided by the man on the phone.

As Ayan drove, he maintained a calm demeanor. Perhaps the back and forth were wearing down his

patience, but suddenly, his whole being felt calm, as if all his emotions had settled.

This clarity also sharpened his mind. Initially, when he learned about Camille's situation, his thoughtsnovelbin

were clouded with worry. But after a day of various maneuvers and silent waiting, his anxious heart

gradually regained its rationality.

Based on the current situation and the conversation just now, he could confirm that the person he had

been communicating with was not the mastermind behind Camille's abduction. This indicated that the

other side wasn't just one or two people, and they were well-prepared, knowing when he was at Maple

Leaves Mansion and when he was busy.

Moreover, the other side was aware of Camille's schedule, so it couldn't have been a spur-of-the-

moment decision. They must have been monitoring them for several days.

From all this information, Ayan was convinced of his speculation, leading him to have a premonition

that he probably wouldn't see Camille today.

The other side had gone through so much trouble and made extensive preparations. It couldn't be just

for the money.

Then what was it for?

Ayan arrived at the abandoned construction site mentioned on the phone. As he entered, he saw a

black car parked in the middle of the road. When he drove over, the person inside the black car also

got out-a young man who walked directly towards him.

Through the car window, the man said, "Mr. Simpson, we need to switch cars now. You drive the one in

front, and I'll take yours."

"Switch cars? The person I spoke to on the phone didn't mention this. After the car switch, the

transaction begins, and you take the money. But where is the person I want?" Ayan sat in the car,

gripping the steering wheel with one hand, the engine still running. He was ready to be on guard at any

moment. His gaze carried a chilling sharpness as he coldly scanned the man standing outside the car

door and said, "Do you think you can take this money from me without my consent?"

"So, Mr. Simpson, you're refusing to cooperate? Then I can't guarantee that something won't happen to

Mrs. Simpson."

The man foolishly tried to threaten Ayan with Camille, naturally crossing Ayan's bottom line. He

narrowed his eyes, calmly held the car keys in his hand, then forcefully pushed open the car door,

crashing into the man. The man winced and stumbled back several steps.

Ayan also got out of the car, standing tall and straight, his gaze fixed on the man before him. He said,

"Call the person behind you immediately. If it's about the money, say it. If it's not about the money, state

their demands directly without beating around the bush."

Although the man initially seemed confident, he couldn't help but feel intimidated by Ayan's strong


The man couldn't meet Ayan's gaze and had to retreat to the black car. He picked up his phone and

dialed a number.

He faithfully relayed everything that had just happened and Ayan's words, then cautiously approached

and handed the phone to Ayan.

Ayan stared icily at the man for a moment, then reached out and took the phone. He put it on

speakerphone and coldly questioned, "Is this your sincerity?"

The kidnapper was still using a voice changer, and his voice carried a playful tone as he said, "Mr.

Simpson, don't take it too seriously. We are also prioritizing safety. After all, Mr. Simpson, you have

quite the capability, and we small fries can't afford not to be afraid. So, Mr. Simpson, how about

cooperating a little?"

"If you want to take the money, hand over the person to me."

"Mr. Simpson, you want the person, and I want the money. But for you, the person is more important

than the money. However, for me, if I can't ensure my safety when I have the money, I won't be at

ease. So, I must guarantee my safety. If Mr. Simpson insists on this, I can simply forgo the money. As

for Mrs. Simpson, I can't guarantee what might happen to her. Mr. Simpson should understand it than

me. What do you say, Mr. Simpson?"

Every word in the words was provoking Ayan, stabbing his heart with each one.

He stood frozen in place, unable to move for a long time.

He squinted his eyes, remaining unresponsive for an extended period.

The other person gave him enough time to consider, and after nearly a minute of silence, he spoke

again, asking, "Mr. Simpson, what's your decision? Will you agree or not?"

Ayan cast a low, chilling gaze towards the man in front and said in a deep, icy voice, "Fine, I can let

your people leave by car, but how will you hand over my wife to me?"

"Mr. Simpson, rest assured, as soon as I see the money, Mrs. Simpson will be returned to your side

without any harm."

"Good, I hope you keep your word."

Ayan threw his phone and keys directly at the man in front, then raised his foot and walked towards the

black car.

The man immediately drove away in the white car filled with money.

Watching the car gradually disappear from sight, Ayan's deep, pitch-black eyes subconsciously

narrowed. His face was cold and indifferent, revealing no trace of emotion. He had no idea what the

man was thinking.

Ayan didn't drive for too long before he pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the car.

In less than a minute, his men arrived in another car and stopped in front of him. The car door opened,

and Ayan sat in the back seat.

The bodyguard immediately handed him his phone, saying, "Mr. Simpson, after you left the garage, no

one appeared. We observed the surroundings, and everything seemed normal. The other side seems

to have insufficient people, so there were hardly any people keeping an eye on you."

Ayan nodded with a cold expression, and then his phone rang.

It was Kian calling.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, based on the tracker, we tracked down an abandoned villa in the suburbs.

They seem to be choosing these abandoned buildings and garages, as if none of them can truly hide.

So, following your previous arrangements, Logan and I have learned that there are a total of fifteen

abandoned properties, garages, and other buildings on the east side of Hance City. Our people, along

with the police, are investigating each one."

"Okay, send me John's numbers."

With Kian handling these matters, Ayan felt at ease.

So, now he needed to deal with another issue.

Although Kian didn't know why Ayan suddenly wanted John's contact, he didn't dare to delay and

immediately sent it to Ayan.

Ayan dialed the number himself, surprising John.

Interrupting his astonishment, Ayan spoke in a indifferent and calm voice, "Immediately check the

working hours and personal information of the secretaries for the past three days and send it all to me."

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