My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 788: Contradictions
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Chapter 788: Contradictions

Chapter 788: Contradictions

Amber naturally denied it, her eyes constantly evading. She turned around and quickly walked away.

She didn't come by car, so she had to walk to the side of the road and hail a taxi.

Several reporters were squatting at the entrance of the police station, probably there for Louise's

incident. Amber lowered her head, and no one recognized her.

Camille also got into Yessica's car.

Buckling her seatbelt, Yessica drove away from the police station.

Camille asked, "Did Ayan ask you to pick me up?"

"Yes, yes, it was Mr. Simpson. He was worried, so he asked me to come and pick you up." Yessica

nodded and couldn't help but ask the question that had been on her mind, "But why didn't Mr. Simpson

come himself? Wouldn't you be even more moved if he did?"

Camille knew very well why Ayan wouldn't come to pick her up.

She understood it all too well, so naturally, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Because over the course

of such a long time with Ayan, many things had happened, and repeated experiences made her well

aware that sometimes, having greater power and influence didn't necessarily help to solve all the


Sometimes, public opinion could become more and more uncontrollable as a result.

Camille didn't answer Yessica's question, instead, she remained silent in the back seat, her gaze fixed

outside the car, feeling a sense of indescribable melancholy.

Was it because of Louise's sudden death?

It might have had some connection, but it wasn't solely because of Louise. It was simply because a life

was gone just like that, and there wasn't really much need to fight for certain things.

Who knew what would happen in the next second?

So, cherishing everything in front of you was the best thing to do.

Yessica dropped Camille off at Maple Leaves Mansion, but she didn't immediately ask Camille to get

out of the car. Instead, she looked around cautiously, on high alert. Camille couldn't help but smile and

ask, "What are you looking at?"

Yessica said cautiously, "I'm checking if anyone is secretly taking photos."

Camille laughed and said, "Don't worry, no one can get in here."

The security at Maple Leaves Mansion was quite good, and outsiders wouldn't be let in. Even if

someone managed to enter, they would be thoroughly checked.

After the incidents that had happened last time, Ayan had made some suggestions, so the property

management of Maple Leaves Mansion couldn't afford to be negligent.

Camille said to Yessica, "Thank you for picking me up, but I'm a bit tired today. I won't invite you to

come up."

"It's no trouble at all. Just go upstairs quickly. I'll wait for you to go up before leaving," Yessica said with

sincere innocence in her eyes. She treated Camille with the same sincerity as always, without any

ulterior motives or demands just because Camille was Ayan's wife.

After bidding farewell to Yessica, Camille got out of the car.

Just as she had stepped inside her house, Ayan's call came in.

Camille answered and put it on speakerphone. She poured herself a glass of water because she had

talked quite a bit at the police station and hadn't had a single sip of water. She was quite thirsty now.

The person on the other end of the line didn't hear her speak and said in a hoarse voice, "Why aren't

you saying anything?"

"I'm drinking water," she responded calmly.

Ayan continued, "Are you home?"


She seemed a bit aloof, so asked, "Are you upset with me?"

Camille said, "No."

He naturally didn't believe her.

His voice was gentle as he said, "Open the door."

Camille furrowed her brows slightly. He had come here, so why did he still call?

She didn't bring her phone with her and walked directly to the door to open it.

Ayan had also just arrived. Their gazes met, and he put down his raised phone, his expression

subdued. He spoke in a low, hoarse voice, "Are you really upset?"

Camille looked at him, feeling a bit tired. She didn't want to explain too much and simply said, "No, are

you coming in? If not, I'll close the door."

Her words were cold, giving the impression that she was in a bad mood.

He furrowed his brows slightly, stepped inside, and Camille let go of the doorknob and turned towards

the living room.

He closed the door and caught up with Camille, reaching out and grabbing her arm, pulling her into his

embrace. He lowered his gaze and stared at her. "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I should have come to pick

you up. I was just worried that if I went there, we would be caught on camera, which would bring

trouble and public opinion. I don't want you to bear any risks or criticisms. Many people are watching

this matter closely."

Camille shook her head, burying her head in his chest, and whispered, "I'm not angry. I just feel it was

sudden and I'm a little scared because I don't know who this time is aimed at."

From the moment the incident happened until she returned from the police station, she had been

suppressing her emotions. Now that she was back home, she didn't need to pretend anymore,

especially when facing Ayan. She naturally showed her true self.

She told Ayan, "I'm a bit tired, emotionally and mentally exhausted. After reading the online posts, I feel

like there must be a lot of hidden things behind them. I'm just afraid of who is behind all this. It makes

me feel fearful."

Ayan gently stroked Camille's hair, soothing her in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, I'm here. Nothing will


Camille nodded softly, "Mm."

Ayan held her hand and walked to the sofa, where they lazily lounged together. It was still early, and

they sat quietly, enjoying each other's company.

Ayan couldn't help but pay more attention to Louise due to Camille's earlier words. Louise was naturally

unimportant to him, but this incident made Camille uneasy, so he had to take it seriously.

He accompanied Camille to have a light lunch. Then he asked Camille to rest for a while. Concernednovelbin

about her lack of a sense of security. He said, "I don't need to go to the office today. I'll stay at home

with you. You go rest, and once I finish some work matters, I'll come and be with you, okay?"

Camille nodded and got up to go back to her room.

She was indeed tired, so after a quick wash, she lay down and fell asleep.

Ayan used his phone to handle some emails, then got up to check if Camille was asleep. After

confirming, he closed the door and walked to the balcony in the living room, making a call to Kian.

He said to Kian, "Investigate where Louise went and who she had contact with after she returned from

the museum last night. What happened during that time?"

He emphasized, "I want to know more than what the police have found. I want to know things that the

police couldn't dig up and who is directly involved in this matter?"

Kian whispered, "Mr. Simpson, this might be a bit difficult. Many people are closely watching this

matter, and if we start investigating now, it will surely attract attention and cause trouble."

"This is your job. I want to know what I mentioned earlier."

"Alright, I understand!"

Kian had a bit headache, but since the CEO said so, what else could he do? He had to push through it.

Kian immediately got to the network of people unrelated to this matter and asked them to investigate in

it. It was unlikely to be discovered by the police.

Although the police were also investigating, there were things they couldn't uncover, especially the

deeply hidden ones.

During the investigation, Kian learned that Louise had a heated argument with Amber on their way

home from work last night. Afterward, Amber threatened Louise to leave if she knew what was good for

her, or else she wouldn't even know how she'd end up dead.

Louise naturally wouldn't compromise, but after the dispute, they both went their separate ways.

Amber hadn't left her place at all, so she didn't seem to have much connection to the incident.

As for Louise, she returned to her apartment and didn't leave again.

However, she was discovered in the bushes the next morning, which was clearly contradictory.

Kian compared the apartment building's surveillance footage and found that there was a problem with

the cameras around 4 a. m. Someone deliberately tampered with the footage, making it difficult to

notice if one didn't pay close attention.

So it seemed that the time when Louise had the accident was during this period.

At the same time, Kian received some news from his contacts.

The informant told him, "Kian, we found a car, and a man."

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