My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 787: Wronged
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Chapter 787: Wronged

Chapter 787: Wronged

Kian immediately began investigating.

Louise had always been arrogant during her time at the company, especially because she was the

chief architect. She wasn't friendly to the people around her, although she wasn't the type to bullynovelbin

others in the workplace. But no one wanted to listen to what she had to say.

Most of her words were sucking up to the management but belittling those of lower ranks.

That's why there were very few people who could tolerate her temper.

In addition, after she got part in the museum project, even her immediate supervisor didn't pay much

attention to her. Her company directly abandoned her, and her supervisor arranged for Amber, who was

slightly less showy than Louise, to come and suppress her.

The two of them were on equal footing in the company, but Louise was good at flattering people. With a

stroke of luck, she managed to snatch many projects from Amber, which made their encounters

extremely tense.

Kian informed Ayan of these details. "Mr. Simpson, this matter should also have something to do with

Amber. According to my investigation and contact with other architects involved in this project, when

they heard about Louise's accident, they discussed it in the meeting room. Amber clearly showed signs

of guilt and avoided answering questions. If she had nothing to do with it, why would she avoid them?"

Ayan contacted Sophie and Summer since they were close to Camille. He had already instructed them

to investigate they thoroughly.

After experiencing such an incident, both of them were frightened and scared. Although Jenson had

instructed them not to speak recklessly or discuss the matter too much, they immediately told the truth

when questioned by Kian.

Naturally, they also discovered that Camille wasn't the only one taken in for questioning; Amber was

also questioned.

Upon hearing this news, Ayan didn't say much. He simply told Kian to keep an eye on the actions of the

police. After Camille finished giving her statement, he had Yessica go and pick her up, then return

directly to Maple Leaves Mansion.

Every action Ayan took was to maintain distance from Camille. However, it wasn't because he was

concerned about his own sake, but worried that his involvement would bring trouble to Camille, for she

didn't have anything to do with the situation.

His identity was too special, and it would be easy for others to perceive him as being maneuver it.

He couldn't allow such a situation to arise.

Ayan was also anxious actually. As a result, he had no focus on work and stood silently by the floor-to-

ceiling window in his office.

At the police station...

After Camille and Amber were brought in, they were placed in separate small rooms.

There were two police officers, a man and a woman, conducting the interview with Camille. They asked

her for detailed information about her interactions with Louise, including the previous incident.

The female officer questioned Camille, "Since she apologized to you, why didn't you accept her


Camille expressed her truest feelings, saying, "I believe that not every apology from someone who has

done wrong deserves a response. Although she apologized, the harm she caused me didn't make me

feel that her apology was worth accepting."

"So you don't accept her apology, and your anger towards her remains hidden inside you, right?"

"I truly don't accept her apology, but I don't feel angry towards her either. She's simply someone I

dislike, but I'm not angry enough to let it linger in my heart. For me, she's just even more of a stranger

to me."

"Miss Armstrong, we will record every word you said, so we hope you can be truthful with us."

"Every word I said is my innermost honest thought."

Camille knew she did nothing wrong, so she had no fear.

Only someone without any guilt would have enough confidence to keep their composure.

And that was exactly how Camille was at the moment.

After nearly half an hour of interrogation, the two police officers left the room, leaving Camille alone


She still felt somewhat unreal because, the person she worked with just yesterday was gone like this.

Although she truly didn't like Louise, she didn't wish for her to die either.

So she felt a sense of indescribable regret, a kind of lament on in the fragility of life.

Camille pressed her lips together and sat quietly without moving.

In another room.

Two police officers asked Amber several questions, and her answers were somewhat evasive and

panicked. Her facial expression showed both nervousness and impatience.

When the police asked, "Did you have many unpleasant experiences with the deceased? Did you often

assign her to do tasks that weren't architectural in nature in this project? Did you frequently have

conflicts and arguments?"

Amber's first reaction was not to answer the questions but to stare at the police with a stiff face. She

said, "Many people had conflicts with her, so don't blame everything on me, okay? You're falsely

accusing me. Did Camille tell you to ask me this? Camille herself had conflicts with Louise too. When

Louise apologized to her, she completely ignored it. Is it because she's Ayan's wife that she wants to

cover up these facts?"

Amber's panic caused the two officers recording the statement to exchange glances. One of the

officers said, "We are asking you now, don't involve others. We naturally have someone to take

Camille's statement. We're not accusing you of anything related to the deceased. We're just trying to

understand how your relationship is with the deceased. You don't need to be so nervous and agitated.

Your reaction might make people wonder if you have something to hide."

"I don't, I have nothing to hide. I haven't done anything. Feel free to ask me anything because it has

nothing to do with me."

Amber's attitude was overly forceful, and she repeated over and over again that she had no connection

to Louise's death. But the more she did this, the more it seemed like she was reacting strongly because

she had something to hide.

Due to her excessive reactions and attitude, the recording session with Amber took over an hour to


After about half an hour, the police released both Camille and Amber.

Before leaving, the officers said to them, "We hope both of you won't leave Hance City recently, and

please make sure we can get to you. The police may contact you at any time for further investigation.

We hope you understand."

Camille nodded. "I understand."

Amber remained silent with a grim expression, not saying a word.

She didn't want to stay here any longer, not even for a second. She just wanted to leave as soon as


Camille and Amber walked out of the police station, and Yessica, who was in the car, immediately got

out and waved at Camille. "Cami!"

Camille smiled and walked towards Yessica, but just as she took a step forward, Amber suddenly

turned and looked at her.

Amber stared at Camille and said, "Did you tell the police that there were conflicts between Louise and

me? Mrs. Simpson, aren't you just adding fuel to the fire? Can you honestly say that you didn't have

any conflicts with her? Why are you pushing all the blame onto me?"

Camille frowned, coldly staring at Amber. "First, I didn't do what you're accusing me of. Second, if you

truly believe it was me, then present the evidence. We're still in the police station, so let's make things

clear while we're here."

After finishing her words, Camille didn't immediately avert her gaze from Amber's face. She waited for

Amber's response, leaving the decision entirely in Amber's hands.

If necessary, they would turn back. They hadn't gone far from the police station anyway.

As for whether Camille actually said those words in front of the police, the police wouldn't deceive or

lie. The truth would be revealed with a single question.

The two locked eyes, but Amber couldn't hold Camille's gaze for long. She said, "I have nothing to

hide, whether it concerns you or not. You can keep accusing me however you want."

"It's not my place to judge. You should clarify it with the police. But you're so nervous. What are you

afraid of?" Camille's eyes showed a probing look as she stared at Amber without blinking.

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