My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 776 Lovely
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Chapter 776 Lovely

Sienna responded in a low voice, "Sorry, Zoey did contact me and I told her your address for the event


"Hmm, at least you're honest," Mario's face was as cold as ice and he didn't say anything else.

They arrived back at the company and the driver got out early. Mario said indifferently, "Sienna, don't

waste your time. Since I brought you back to Flento City, I have no intention of letting you leave again.

You better adapt quickly to my presence because I'm going to announce our relationship publicly within

the King family. We'll get married this year."

Without waiting for Sienna's response, he had already pushed open the car door and left.

His words shocked Sienna; she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Mario wasn't just talking or negotiating with her; he was informing her that he had already made his


Sienna didn't go upstairs with him but instead got out of the car in the garage and took a taxi back to

her apartment.

This news made it impossible for her to calm down.

She had to do something about it but what could she do?

After Camille talked on the phone with Sienna last night, she kept thinking about their conversation.

During breakfast with Ayan this morning, she tried subtly asking about Rex's recent situation.

Camille asked mostly if Rex had been dating anyone recently or if there were any women around him.

But Camille asked too many questions which annoyed Ayan who asked: "Why are you so concerned

about Rex?"

Camille hesitated before explaining: "I'm trying to help Sienna find out more information."

"Why doesn't she come herself?"

"She has things going on in Flento City, so if I don?? t help her, who will?"

"Regarding Mario?"

Camille nodded

Ayan smiled faintly: "To deal with someone like Mario one must be even tougher than him; only by

being stronger, can she make him wary."

"But how can Sienna be stronger than him?" After all The King Family is behind Mario!

Camille pursed her lips, looking worried while staring at Ayan asking: "Just tell me if Rex is seeing


"I don?? t know. I?? m not interested in his private life," replied Ayan calmly.

"Aren?? t you friends?" Camille couldn?? t help but complain - aren?? t friends supposed care about

each other?? s private lives?

Ayan looked up meeting Camile?? s gaze, saying firmly: "Why should we be friends? But since I?? m

not his mother, then why would I care about his personal life?"

"Then why don't you invite him out for lunch with us? You can treat!"

"Camille, are you asking me to go out and have dinner with another man and pay for it myself? Do you

think that's fair?"

"Well, do you want to or not?" Camille's eyes threatened. If she was holding a mirror in her hand, she

would find she looked like someone right now.

In the end, Ayan agreed naturally. Of course, he knew that Camille was only doing this for Sienna.

Seeing how worried she was and knowing that he hadn't seen Rex in a while either, having lunch

together wouldn't hurt.

The three of them met at Darkmoor at noon.

Rex came alone naturally.

Rex couldn't help but ask when Ayan suddenly invited him out to eat with his wife: "Why did you

suddenly want to have dinner with me? Ayan, do you miss me?"

"You're thinking too much." Ayan denied indifferently before getting straight to the point: "I wanted to

ask if you've been dating any new girlfriends lately."

Rex frowned subconsciously and looked towards Camille beside him with a hint of laughter in his eyes:

"Are you concerned about me so much?"

Camille was also shocked by what Ayan said; this guy did it on purpose?

Camille awkwardly smiled and said lightly: "Maybe he cares more about you than I do."

Rex laughed while Ayan continued speaking: "Well then are we friends or not?"

"Of course we are friends," Rex replied. "But I'm just shy so give me some personal space!"

Ayan squinted his eyes slightly and said indifferently: "Okay then this meal is on your tab."

"I'd be happy to treat Camille but Mr. Simpson, do I need to treat as well?"

"She needs your treat?" Ayan snorted lightly.

The two bickered back-and-forth causing the atmosphere between them become lively again.

As for the question earlier about whether Rex had a girlfriend or not - he never answered directly in the

end; obviously he already guessed that it was something Camille wanted to know. And who was behind

her back, of course he understood clearly himself too.

During their conversation over lunch, Rex talked about work-related topics which left no room for

Camilla?? s input, so she just ate quietly while scrolling through videos on her phone boredly.

Finally, she turned her head around sneakily took a side profile picture of Rex without anyone noticing

and sent it over Sienna saying: "Don?? t worry, he is still single. You keep going."

Sienna quickly replied:"OK."

Without saying much else, Camille thought that Ayan was busy, so she didn't continue speaking. After

finishing their meal, Rex went to pay the bill and Camille took the opportunity to say to Ayan, "Is it not a

bit unfair for him to pay? After all, we invited him out. It feels like we're taking advantage of him."

"If he doesn't pay then I'll have to. You're thinking about him but what about me? He's a single guy who

can eat his fill without worrying about anyone else, but I have a wife and a kid to support. It's not easy

for me," Ayan said as if it were true. Especially when he mentioned ?? wife?? in such a natural way.

Camille was momentarily stunned before saying lightly, "Don't be ridiculous."

Ayan smirked and reached out his hand to hold hers as they waited for Rex's return before leaving

Darkmoor together.

When they got back to the car, Rex suggested that they play basketball together in a few days since

Ayan had been busy lately and hadn't been able to hang out with them much. Everyone in their circlenovelbin

had been speculating whether or not he was whipped by his wife.

Ayan wasn't bothered by these rumors at all; with an attractive face devoid of any emotion he replied

coolly: "I can?? t make decisions on my own now; you should ask my boss if she approves."

His boss stared at him blankly for two or three seconds before finally understanding what he meant.

Rex laughed and turned towards Camille: "Mrs. Simpson here has done quite well! If you'd married him

earlier, maybe I could work with you instead of being bullied by this guy all these years!"

Camille smiled sheepishly and gently patted Ayan: "Stop talking nonsense! You're making me look


"Aren?? t you supposed to look successful?" asked Ayan teasingly. "Look how much Rex admires you!"

Rex looked enviously at her while wondering when his significant woman would come back.

"Cami," said Rex again after getting into the car,"Come play basketball with us! I'm mainly inviting you

rather than Ayan. It would be an honor for us if you could join us."

Camille nodded her head in agreement: "Okay."

After watching Rex drive away in his car, Camille turned towards Ayan and asked:"Do you think that

something is different about Rex?"

"Camille, I'm warning you now; if you talk about other men in front of me again, I will get angry."Ayan??

s voice became low and threatening as he spoke.

Camille glanced at him, her eyebrows furrowed as she asked in a low voice, "Why are you angry?

Timmy is also another man. Are you also angry?"

Ayan pursed his lips and remained silent, clearly not wanting to answer.

She continued, "Mr. Simpson, are you really angry?" She smiled lightly and reached out to gently pinch

his chin, turning his face towards her like he did earlier. She said, "You look cute when you're angry.

What should I do? I want to tease you..."

She finished speaking and even winked at him with a hint of playfulness in her eyes. This made Ayan

almost grit his teeth as he leaned over and kissed her until they both ran out of breath before muttering

hoarsely, "You really want to drive me crazy!"

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