My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 775 The Cost
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Chapter 775 The Cost

His voice didn't have much coldness, but instead carried a hint of amusement.

After he finished speaking, he stared at Sienna without any intention of looking away.

Sienna remained silent and kept a cold expression on her face like ice.

Mario spoke again, "Sienna, even though you've returned to Flento City physically, but ask yourself if

your heart is truly here. You've been like a puppet with strings cut off for these past few days. This isn't

what I want from you. Are you deceiving me or yourself?"

The more he thought about her reactions since returning to Flento City, the colder his eyes became. He

knew why she was acting this way - just to appease him.

At first Mario could tolerate it and believed that given enough time she would change. But recently he

realized that she wouldn't change at all.

All of her heart was in Hance City; the person who with me in Flento City was just an empty shell

without any vitality - not what he wanted at all.

As these thoughts consumed him, his gaze became even colder and his indifference more apparent as

he stared at the woman before him - someone familiar yet distant from him now.

This feeling grew deeper within him until he had to control himself before it spiraled out of control


His questioning left Sienna silent for quite some time until she finally said: "Mr. King, I came back to

Flento City as per your request. Isn't that enough? Do you really need to control my heart too? That's

quite tyrannical."

She taunted him with a sarcastic smile; each word felt like a needle piercing into his heart deeply.

He asked incredulously: "Is this how you speak to me?"

Addressing him only as Mr. King... didn't he have a name?

This made Mario's face turn even darker while emotions flickered through his eyes thickly and


Sienna continued calmly: "Isn't what I said true? I came back according to your wishes and joined King

Group just like you wanted me too... so what else do you want from me?"

She looked up towards Mario with an icy expression in her eyes which revealed her resistance towards

Mario openly now.

Mario's emotions were ignited by Sienna's words, and he questioned her, "Do you just need me to nod

my head for you to leave immediately? Nothing I do can compare to Rex?"

Sienna didn't answer. It wasn't that she didn't have an answer, but she didn't want to provoke him with it

and risk him going crazy and threatening her.

She had learned when to stop pushing things, so she wouldn't say anything that would cost her later


Both of their moods were bad. Although the space in the car was large enough, it still couldn't compare

to being outside. They could clearly hear each other's breathing and feel the temperature rising.

Sienna didn't want to continue being alone with him like this and asked aloud, "Are we still going to the


She changed the subject because she didn't want things between them getting worse. She also

wasn?? t sure how she could change Mario?? s mind or if he would ever give up on his feelings for her


Of course, Sienna knew that Mario wasn?? t madly in love with her; he only saw her as someone

adopted by King family who should listen to his orders. She understood that loving someone was not

like this at all; therefore, there was no point in having unrealistic expectations about it.

Mario remained silent for a few minutes before starting the car engine by stepping on the gas pedal.

The speed of driving was not slow throughout their journey without any conversation or interaction

between them.

When they arrived at King Group building together after taking an elevator upstairs one after another,

Mario had no expression on his face while exuding coldness. His male secretary had been waiting at

the elevator entrance early on and seeing his demeanor not too good made him aware of what might

have happened already.

After a simple greeting, the male secretary then reported work-related matters promptly: "Mr. King, the

lunch appointment with Nores Group has been scheduled for noon today already sir! Would you prefer

me accompanying you over there or Miss King instead?"

Sienna stood behind listening attentively when hearing these words from secretary too while looking up

slightly herself as well.

Mario simply replied indifferently: "You go handle East City project instead. Let Miss King accompany


The secretary nodded in response, and Mario was already walking back to his office. The secretary

looked at Sienna and said, "Then thank you, Miss King."

The secretary was clearly aware of their relationship and was very polite to Sienna.

Sienna nodded without saying anything and walked back to her desk with the sandwich he had given


Sienna spent the morning dealing with work, and she received a phone call.

It was Zoey. Mario's ex-fianc?? e, who had cancelled their engagement, still had feelings for him. When

she found out Sienna worked with Mario, she saw an opportunity to mend their relationship.

Zoey had previously harbored some vague hostility towards Sienna because they weren't blood

siblings but were very close nonetheless. Mario's one-sided attention towards Sienna made it difficult

for Zoey to tolerate her presence.

But things were different now. Mario was too cold towards her and wouldn't even acknowledge her

when they met. Naturally, Zoey had to lower herself in front of Sienna.

"Sienna, are you at the office? Do you have time for lunch? Can we eat together? It's been a while

since we've seen each other and I know there are several new restaurants in Flento City with great

food. Let's go try them out," said Zoey.

Sienna knew the real reason behind her words and her expression became dull as a result. She

remained expressionless but there was a hint of impatience in her eyes as she replied: "Miss Watson,

I'm sorry but I have an appointment at noon with Mr. King, so I can't join you for lunch."

"Oh really?" Zoey felt disappointed but quickly added: "Where are you going? Can you tell me?"

"Miss Watson, this is work."

"Sienna please! Please let me see him! You know our relationship is different from others and our

engagement ended due to some misunderstandings which have now been cleared up, so I think we

can still be together if given the chance. So can you let me meet him? You don't have to do anything,

just tell me where it is, and I won't interrupt your work, okay?" pleaded Zoey.

Zoey came from a good family and was loved by both of her brothers; she was always proud and never

begged anyone before.

It was clear that she really wanted to win back Mario.

Sienna also felt selfish thoughts creeping into her mind - if Mario did get back together with Zoey, then

maybe he would leave her alone?

This thought grew wider until finally Sienna agreed reluctantly by saying, "Mmm... okay."

Zoey thanked Sienna profusely before ending the call.

At noon, Sienna accompanied Mario to the hotel, where they met Zoey at the door after a meal.

Specifically, Zoey had been waiting here for a long time and immediately greeted Mario when she saw

him: "Mario!"

Zoey smiled lightly, but Mario's face immediately turned cold. He then glanced at Sienna without saying

a word, causing her to lower her eyes immediately.

Zoey said: "Mario, can we have a cup of coffee?"

Mario replied flatly: "I still have work to do. I won't be able to join you for coffee."


Without saying anything else, Mario looked at her indifferently and said in an unfriendly tone: "Zoey,

don't use people around me to get closer to me. You'll only hurt others by doing so." After speaking hisnovelbin

piece, he walked away without any regard for Zoey's sour expression.

Sienna quickly followed suit as they both headed towards the car and sat in the back seat one after the


Mario asked coldly: "Don't you have anything else that you want to say?"

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