My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 771: Investigation
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Chapter 771: Investigation

Sean's face changed slightly, and he immediately denied, "Of course it has nothing to do with me."

Subconsciously, he remembered Kian's instructions at the apartment and quickly replied, "Mr. Walker,

Miss Armstrong's situation has nothing to do with me. I haven't forgotten your words. I know that it is

not the right time yet. Besides, Miss Armstrong don't have a choice sometimes. Naturally, I also know

that it has nothing to do with Miss Armstrong. So I won't do anything to her. If you don't believe me, you

can investigate on it."

The last few words Sean said without confidence and he was in a panic. His eyes stared at Preston

without any distraction for fear that Preston would ask him more questions.

But in the end Preston didn't ask anything else either. His warm and gentle face showed little emotion

or thoughts as he remained quiet for a long time before speaking softly again: "Since it has nothing to

do with you, then investigate this matter thoroughly yourself. Who is targeting Camille? I need results."

Sean's face changed slightly, but tried his best to control his emotions inside as he whispered: "Mr.

Walker, I think Ayan will definitely investigate this matter too. If we also intervene, it might arouse

suspicion from his side."

"Why would they be suspicious? It has nothing to do with me! Even if he suspects something, what

difference does it make? What could they find out?" Preston asked each question slowly, leaving Sean

no room for response.

Sean fell silent and could only nod in agreement.

Then Preston added: "In two days, come visit the prison with me!"

Sean widened his eyes looking towards Preston; "Why are you going there?"

"Your father has been imprisoned for so long now, and only you have visited him before. I as his

nephew should go see him personally too. Previously, it wasn't convenient, but now there's no reason

why I shouldn't."

Preston spoke indifferently but kept watching Sean all along. His gaze seemed like testing him and

waiting for any reaction from Sean.

This kind of gaze made Sean very uncomfortable. He couldn't help avoiding eye contact, dodging away

from looking directly into Preston's eyes. His brain was spinning rapidly, trying hard to figure out what

did Preston's words mean exactly?

Just when Sean hadn't figured out what was going on, Preston spoke again: "Do you have any


Sean immediately said, "I think it's better not to go. After all, Ayan has been watching you. If you go to

the prison to see my dad at this time, Ayan will definitely have doubts. It's not good if he finds out about

our relationship."

Preston didn't force him and responded calmly, "Yeah, you're right. Our relationship shouldn't be known

by Ayan. So I'm not suitable to go to the prison at this time either. I was just thinking too simply of it."

However, Preston was only testing Sean, and even though Sean answered like that, he still had doubts

about him in his heart. He always felt that Sean was hiding something from him, but couldn't be sure

what it was.

He squinted his eyes and didn't continue talking with Sean anymore as he knew when to stop probing

further into the matter. If they broke their relationship over this issue alone, then it wouldn't be good for

them both since what Elijah had done wasn't enough for him to turn against Sean completely, so he

could only ignore some things as long as they didn't go too far.

The atmosphere gradually became quiet, and when Sean hesitated whether or not he should find an

excuse to leave, Preston's phone rang at that moment.

Preston picked up his phone and glanced at the caller ID before saying lightly towards Sean, "There is

nothing else now so you can rest first and come pick me up tomorrow morning for the museum tour."

Sean nodded quickly,"Okay I got it! Then I'll leave now! Call me if there is anything!"

Sean didn't need any excuses now. After bidding farewell with Preston, he left immediately after saying


After hearing the sound of closing door behind him, Preston finally answered Austin's call. He had

called earlier.

"Mr. Norman, why are you calling me at this hour?"

Austin replied, "I came over Hance City already. I am currently staying in a hotel. Would you like us

have dinner together?"

Preston wasn't aware of Austin's arrival beforehand. which surprised him a little bit but nevertheless

agreed on meeting up with Austin later on during dinner time. He didn't ask much about why Austin

came over suddenly without prior notice .

That night, the two met in a high-end restaurant. They booked a private room because they wanted

privacy while discussing matters between them.

After ordering food and drink, and once their waiter left their room, Preston started speaking first, "Why

did Mr. Norman suddenly come here? You should've told me earlier so that we could arrange someone

to pick you up from airport!"

The two of them had a working relationship, and now Preston was involved in Mr. and Mrs. Bell's

project as well as the museum project under the name of Norman Group. His relationship with Austin

was naturally related to their common interests, so he would deliberately get closer to Austin.

Austin sighed with sorrow on his face, full of annoyance: "The media found out about me and Eileen's

affair. The media directly reported that I neglected Cora and had another woman. This matter is widely

reported in Campole. Hasn't Mr. Walker heard about it?"

Austin looked at Preston, his words were clearly probing.

Preston met Austin's gaze and asked: "Is Mr. Norman suspecting me?"

Austin smiled slightly: "Of course not, Mr. Walker, don't worry too much, I just feel that this matter is a

bit strange; almost everyone in Campole knows about it, but has Mr. Walker really not heard anything

in Hance?"

"To be honest with you, my secretary was taken away by Ayan last night and just came back." novelbin

"Ayan took your secretary away?" Austin frowned slightly with an extremely serious expression on his


Preston said nonchalantly: "Mr. Norman, you also find it surprising, right? I'm busy dealing with this

matter, so naturally I have no extra time to pay attention to the news in Campole. Mr. Norman, you can

rest assured that some things won't be leaked from my mouth."

Austin immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Walker, you are thinking too much by saying that. I'm not

suspicious of you. I'm just wondering who did it."

Although Austin said so, Preston didn't really believe him; if Austin really didn't suspect him, he

wouldn't have said those words just now and was busy trying to smooth things over probably after he

listened to what he responded earlier. After all, Austin's scheming mind was something he knew very


Preston did not expose Austin's thoughts, but analyzed for him according to his words: "Who knows

best about Mr. Norman's affairs?"

Austin narrowed his eyes slightly, coldness flickering at the bottom of his eyes as he replied: "Naturally

it is Ayan."

"Mrs. Norman is still in Ayan's hands now, right?"

Austin became even more gloomy, but did not speak. His reaction could already be considered


A hint of laughter flashed across Preston's eyes when they dropped down, but when they lifted up

again, everything had returned back to normal. He looked at Austin, asking: "What does Mr. Norman

plan on doing? If there is anything you need help with, you can ask me!"

Austin looked at Preston and nodded slightly before speaking, "Since Mr. Walker has offered it, please

forgive me."

Preston nodded in agreement.

Austin continued, "Ayan is deliberately causing trouble for me by keeping Cora in his hands. He refuses

to send her back, because she hurt Old Simpson and his child. But this is just his excuse. Who knows

what the truth really is? Who can guarantee that Ayan doesn't have other motives? After all, he had a

history with Cora and I don't believe he has completely forgotten about it. So Mr. Walker, since you are

familiar with Mrs. Simpson, I hope you can help me find out where Cora is now."

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