My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 731 - Atonement
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Chapter 731 - Atonement

Chapter 731 - Atonement

Sean's face suddenly changed dramatically, and those pupils were flushed with shock and full of fear.

His reaction has betrayed everything, Ayan raised an eyebrow to reveal a cold smile, he guessed right,

it is indeed Elijah's son.

This will also be a relief, as long as we can find out where he came from and what he's up to then all is

not necessary to have any worries.

As for this matter now, it can also be resolved smoothly.

His only fear is not knowing Sean's purpose? What does Sean want from all this? Or who else was

behind Sean?

Now that it is clear, the stone hanging in Ayan's heart also fell down.

Because the matter concerns Camille, so his step by step are very cautious and careful not to make

any mistakes and errors.

After his words, Sean followed suit and slowed down. Sean's mouth bubbled with expletives and the

bodyguard directly stuffed a towel to gag his mouth before being led into the room with Sean's eyes full

of despair.

Ayan's gaze fell on the gossip blogger on the ground, and he looked at him and reminded him faintly,

"Want to take it off this thing?"

The gossip blogger nodded his head almost instinctively: "Mr. Simpson, I really don't know him, he said

he could guarantee that the blogger account I run could take off in the circle before I agreed, I didn't

charge him a dime."

Ayan does not care about this, just eyes filled with a cold look at him: "You have a chance, now send a

video to clarify that all the things are self-directed and self-made, because you want to use Armstrong

Corp and Simpson Group cooperation project to rubbish the heat to achieve their own purposes so that

they made up so many false things The "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Mr. Simpson, do you mean to tell me to admit everything? But I didn't do it at all, it was all done by that

Sean, I can't be left alone to take the blame, can I?"

The gossip blogger tried to retort that he wanted to give himself leniency, but Ayan did not respond to

him, but went to sit down on a sofa, crossed his legs and looked at him indifferently.

He raised his hand somewhat tiredly and squeezed his temples, obviously the weather is warm now,

but because he was sitting there, the whole house was filled with a biting chill.

The bodyguard on the side is also immediately to Ayan poured a cup of hot tea handed, gossip blogger

words he did not answer, is Kian out of the voice to respond.

Kian said: "Who are you to talk about conditions? From the moment you promised Sean that you would

cooperate with him, you were destined for today's outcome because of your interest.

The gossip blogger knew he had no choice but to cooperate with Ayan in order to be safe, otherwise he

would have been detained here with Sean even if the police were not of any use.

Thinking of this, the gossip blogger's eyes shone with endless fear and dread as he hung his head,

seemingly making a final struggle and hesitation.

Ayan leaned on the sofa, his bony fingers resting on his knees and lightly tapping, probably out of

patience, his deep eyes slightly narrowed, his indifferent voice said: "Since you have not thought about

it, then give you enough time to think clearly."

When Ayan finished, he got up from the couch with her.

His voice indifferent: "notify the police to come over to take people away, without any evidence

arbitrarily slander others, the use of face changing means deliberately editing video to others caused

personal attacks and injuries, let the police decide how to sentence it!"

He did not look at the gossip blogger more than once, and did not wait for the gossip blogger to make

any response has lifted his feet towards the villa door.

As he was about to walk out the door the gossip blogger reacted as an afterthought and was extremely

emotional as he shouted, "Mr. Simpson, Mr. Simpson I'm willing, I'm willing to do what you want ..."

But Ayan didn't stop there because of his words.

Ayan came out of the villa and got in the car directly. Kian stood by the car and asked in a low voice,

"Mr. Simpson, are we just going to leave?"

Ayan stares ahead and wonders what he is thinking about.

He was thus expressionlessly silent for nearly half a minute, watching the sky grow brighter and

brighter, and his desire to see Camille grew more and more urgent.

Kian knew how bad he was feeling, but still risked continuing: "Mr. Simpson, I'm afraid that if we don't

need this gossip blogger to come out and clarify, it's not convincing enough, so we still have to let him

record a video to explain properly so Mrs. Simpson won't be questioned."

Mentioned Camille, Ayan face this is slightly eased, so did not continue to waste time, just said: "you go

in, give him five minutes to record a good video, my only condition for this video is not to appear any

thing questioned by the netizens appear, he needs to remain natural throughout, can not do this point is

not forced. "

He doesn't need a gossip blogger to issue a statement he has the same way, just this process may

cause others to question, he just doesn't want Camille to carry so many questions so that's why he is

holding back.

Kian nodded and immediately went to relay the meaning to the gossip blogger as he had instructed,

and this time the gossip blogger did not have any more hesitation and nodded his head in agreement.

Because he was arrested with the bodyguard still had some arguments, his cheek some vague bruises,

Kian let someone give him a simple and quick clean-up, and then this turned on the camera to record

video for him.

The content of the video is simple and clear, the gossip blogger describes all his purposes and

intentions, and also contains all the information that was used by Sean, because at the beginning he

deliberately recorded the call and the caller log, which is the most important point that allows him to

redeem himself.

After getting the video, Kian also immediately took it to Ayan to look at it, and then only then sent it out

with the gossip blogger's account.

After Kian finished the series, he responded to Ayan: "Mr. Simpson, now that the video has been sent

out, is it time to inform the Simpson Group's PR department and lawyers to send out clarification

statements and legal letters to pursue those media and personal accounts that don't want to get too


"No hurry, first send me to Maple Leaves Mansion, then you go back to the company to personally

keep an eye on this matter." Ayan face cold, Kian is also immediately nodded and said yes, let Kian

unexpectedly, Ayan next second and said more: "hard work."

Kian was a bit flattered, not that Ayan was too harsh and oppressive, but it was a surprise to hear the

word "hard work" from the president of Simpson Group.

After Kian was slightly stunned, he hurriedly said, "It's not hard, it's all what I should do."

Ayan did not speak again, perhaps he is only polite and polite in words, but Kian himself seriously, the

heart is still moved to a mess.

Kian drove Ayan back to Maple Leaves Mansion in his car. He went upstairs alone, and instead of

ringing the doorbell when he got to the door, he called Talia directly.

It was still quite early, and Talia was awakened by the ringing of his phone, and with it Camille.

Last night the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law slept in the same bed, and the relationship between

mother-in-law and daughter-in-law followed a step closer.

When Talia saw that Camille had also opened her eyes, she hurriedly muted the ringing phone and

asked in a gentle voice, "Did it wake you up?"

Camille flashed a smile, "No, I woke up about this time too."novelbin

Sleep early last night, so now wake up early is also refreshing.

Talia nodded lightly, her eyes darting to the phone screen, seeing that it was Ayan calling, her eyes

drifted even further, and she couldn't help but wonder what was going on at this hour.

Since Ayan had arranged quite a lot for her yesterday, she wasn't quite sure if she could let Camille

know about this call now?

Her unnatural reaction Camille caught as well and asked with some concern, "Mom, what's wrong with


Talia hurriedly said, "No, I'm fine, I'm going out to take a call."

Camille nodded her head without thinking much about it.

Talia quickly got up from the bed and walked outside to the living room before pressing answer this

time, "Hello?"

"Open the door!"


"Open the door, I'm at the door."

"You're back?"


Talia had an aunt's smile on her face.

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