My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 730 Solution
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Chapter 730 Solution

Chapter 730 Solution

Leaving the original paper with only Brody's signature and stamp, she immediately took a pen and

wrote down a few words on the paper.

Declaration -

Grace moved quickly, and the simple statement was extremely informative.

Every word is in Camille's defense, not only for Armstrong Corp and the Armstrong family, but most

importantly because she is the older sister and Camille is the younger sister, and she doesn't want to

see Camille being bullied over and over again with no one to back her up.

Although she is aware of her limited ability, perhaps not even any role, but she still want to work hard.

Grace took a picture of the statement after writing it, and then posted it herself on Armstrong Corp's

official blog

At this moment, although the time is late, but saw the news of many people.

So soon the statement about Armstrong Corp was topped up, but the Armstrong family side Brody and

Page and home phone are shut down and unplugged, so the Armstrong family spent the night very


5:00 AM.

The sky is getting ready to be white.

Ayan had just walked out of Hance City Airport, and Kian was pushing his suitcase along with him as

they walked quickly to the car waiting outside.

When he got to the car, Kian quickly opened the back seat and let Ayan get in before he got into the

passenger seat and told the driver to drive.

Kian turned back to Ayan: "Mr. Simpson, Armstrong Corp issued a statement in support of Mrs.

Simpson while we were on the plane."

Kian also just saw the message, the content also hurriedly handed to Ayan to look over, he also just

lightly skimmed without too much emotion and reaction.

Kian added: "Armstrong Corp issued the statement through the Armstrong family's permission, and for

once the Armstrong family did what it had to do."

Ayan let out a light chuckle, his voice mocking: "The Armstrong family? How could the Armstrong family

do such a self-sacrificing thing? The Armstrong family would never do such a self-serving thing.

Ayan knows the Armstrong family's Brody and Page's mind, all of them are categorically not to make

any payment for Camille, his face is wrapped in coldness, deep eyes are also a fierce shrinkage, the

bottom of the eyes flashing thick chill.

Kian is also nodding to quickly digress and said, "Mr. Simpson, now first send you to Maple Leaves

Mansion to see Mrs. Simpson or go back to rest?"

"At this point she is still resting, for the time being not back to Maple Leaves Mansion," Ayan responded

in a light voice, because almost no rest all night, so he has a very obvious blue-gray under his eyes, a

face gloomy and cold, the bottom of the deep eyes is also obvious indifference, he looked out the

window, his voice low and said. "It's almost dawn, it's time to close the net."

Kian nodded in a hurry, "Good."

Kian sat straight back up, he also hurriedly took out his phone and began to order down, and within ten

minutes there was a message in response.

He read the message and immediately responded to Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, the net has been closed."

"Then let's go over there and take a look!"

"Don't you want to know who the other person is?"

"Who will be revealed soon? And why rush? Anyone who can be easily caught is not an important

character, so why should I be in a hurry to know?" Ayan's words were lightly sarcastic, not putting the

other party in the slightest bit.

For him, the only thing that mattered in this case was Camille's emotions.

As for others, it is not important at all, and there is no need to put it in the eyes.

He didn't speak after that, closing his eyes and leaning back in his seat to rest his eyes.

The car has been driving for nearly an hour, at this moment is close to six in the morning, the sky is

slowly whitening.

The car stopped at the entrance of a villa, Kian got out and opened the door for Ayan, Ayan face

without any expression, the body also exudes a cold indifference, he raised his foot into the villa door,

the lights inside instantly turned on, the ground was lying two men tied by rope.

Upon seeing Ayan, the bodyguard immediately stepped forward, "Mr. Simpson."

Ayan expressionlessly skipped the two people on the ground and swept a glance, his voice indifferent

as he asked, "How's the account?"

The bodyguard immediately responded: "Sean bribed this gossip blogger, all the things are through this

gossip blogger's account out, we also followed the information given by Kian to check the

communication records of the gossip blogger, he talked to Sean many times, just now he also

personally admitted that Sean bribed him with money and fame so that these online slander Mrs.

Simpson appeared. We have now taken control of his account and are waiting for your order."

The gossip blogger and Sean both collapsed to the ground losing all their defenses and freedom, Ayan

looked at him with deep indifference, his voice indifferent: "Sean, Preston's secretary."

His tongue on the top of the jaw, deep eyes flooded with cold, followed by a look to the bodyguard to

take away the two blocked mouth, get free gossip blogger immediately said: "Mr. Simpson, Mr.

Simpson I really was forced, Mr. Simpson give me a chance, I will now issue a statement to clarify that I

was used by people. "

Ayan expressionless as if he had not heard, the bottom of the deep ground eyes flooded with cold

indifference, he said coldly: "Preston knows that you do all this?"

This was naturally asked of Sean.

The first thing you can do is to get a good idea of what you can do. I can do whatever I want!"

Sean is extremely arrogant, the words are all provocative and mocking to Ayan, he is a way to provoke

Ayan to try to make Ayan make some response.

But Ayan is not as he would like, the whole time just look at him indifferently, eyes reveal a few cool

smile, if not look carefully is very difficult to easily find.

The bodyguard heard Sean's disrespect and kicked him hard on the body, and Sean fell to the ground

with a roar.

Ayan doesn't know what he's thinking.

Standing there for a long time without saying anything, Kian saw this and spoke in a low voice beside

him: "Mr. Simpson, does Sean want to go directly to the police?"

"No, since he won't say whether he was authorized by Preston, it's useless to give it to the police,

erase all the information that took him away and leave him to deal with it on his own." His voice was

light, but the ruthlessness between his words made people tremble.

Mr. Simpson, Mr. Simpson, I'm sorry, I'm insatiable, I'm too greedy, Mr. Simpson give me a chance, I'll

redeem myself, Mr. Simpson you want me to do I'll do whatever you want me to do, please Mr.


Ayan swept an expressionless glance at him, his voice silent: "What do you deserve? In the eyes of

others you are worth using, but in my case what do you think you have that I should use?"

The gossip blogger instantly froze, a face was scared white, but he simply did not have any way to

respond, because Ayan was right, he simply did not deserve to be used by Ayan, he pressed nothing

worthy of Ayan's use.

How sad it is that a person is useless!

Sean is also extremely out of control after hearing Ayan's arrangement, even though the place he was

just kicked was painful, but his mouth still did not hesitate to roar: "Ayan, you have the ability not to play

those unseen tricks? You have the ability to hand me over to the police, I would like to see whether the

police will help you or help justice?"

Ayan snorted lightly and laughed: "How did you still fall into my hands with all your skills? Since you

refuse to say anything, you should never think about seeing the sunlight outside again!"

At Ayan's words, Kian immediately ordered his bodyguard to take Sean down and lock him up.

Sean struggled hard, knowing that he could not escape, but still refused to die trying to put up a lastnovelbin

dying struggle.

But his struggle simply can not make the slightest ripple, two strong body weight and tall bodyguards

holding him down as if holding down an ant.

Just as the bodyguard was leading Sean into a small room off to the side, Ayan's voice suddenly

sounded slowly again and he said, "Oh, your name is Sean, right? What's your relationship to Elijah?"

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