My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 711 Suspicion
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Chapter 711 Suspicion

Chapter 711 Suspicion

Secretary Horace looked hesitant and seemed reluctant to say it in front of anyone but Horace.

Horace also realized this, but he did not want Brody and Camille to have any extra thoughts in mind, so

he said: "If you have anything to say, just say it, Mr. Armstrong and Camille and they are not outsiders."

The secretary listened, then looked slightly heavy voice: "Mr. Burris, just received news, the other

company because we have not given a response for a long time has been open to the final draft of their

company design time, the final draft time than we, so the other side directly identified our designers

copied them."

Such evidence is not kind to Armstrong Corp.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell also called at this time to inquire about the situation.

While Horace can vouch for the absolute absence of plagiarism, there is no tangible proof of the

absence of plagiarism.

So that's why the other company has the biggest leverage to eat Armstrong Corp.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell said to Horace: "Mr. Burris, you only have three days to deal with this matter, if threenovelbin

days have passed and you haven't solved it clearly, then Armstrong Corp can only withdraw from this

project, not only that, all the losses will be responsible by Armstrong Corp. "

Mr. and Mrs. Bell said that this is also for the sake of Camille so give three days.

But three days to find out about it, whether it's Horace or Brody and Grace or Camille understand that

it's very difficult.

Because now there is no clue and there is no loophole, everything seems to be true.

If they were not the parties involved, I'm afraid they would have decided that Armstrong Corp was the

one who copied.

After the phone call with Mr. and Mrs. Bell, the entire office was silent.

Brody's face was unhappy, and his voice and tone were not much better, he said: "Mr. Burris, at the

beginning I said that the private settlement must also be private, like this company wants is just money,

whether it is plagiarism, as long as the other party's requirements are met, then it is a solution to the


He probably wasn't too good at getting angry with Horace, so he threw most of his emotions and

grievances at Camille: "This is the Armstrong family's business, since you've married out, you should

not be involved in the Armstrong family's business, and the shares in your name should be transferred

to me directly. Take the time to transfer directly to me."

Brody's words carry a command that cannot be denied, and his attitude leaves Camille silent without

any response.

Probably because of Horace's presence, Brody wanted to show the dignity of a strict father, and he

stared at Camille with a tightly knitted brow in displeasure: "Did you hear what I told you?"

Camille just glanced at Brody lightly, but did not have any intention to respond to Brody.

Seeing this, Grace also hurriedly said, "Dad, can we talk about these things later? Now is not the time

to talk about this."

Brody, however, did not listen to advice, because he felt that after today's events he must take the

largest shareholding in their own hands, otherwise easily suppressed by Horace, if time is long Horace

in the whole Armstrong Corp are going to be a cut above him, he can not lose this face.

So at this moment he thinks as long as he takes Camille that is to take the shares in Camille's hands,

so he is the largest equity owner of Armstrong Corp.

He went to Camille's side, reached out and pulled Camille's arm, his strength was heavy, not so much

pulling as pinching hard, causing Camille to subconsciously cringe and feel a hot stinging pain spilling

over from where she had just been pulled.

Camille's reaction Brody did not notice, nor did he feel that his strength was too strong, instead he felt

that Camille's ignoring him made him lose face, and his tone increased a bit of anger: "I'm talking to

you, did you hear me or not?"

Brody's tone was almost violent, and his voice was heard throughout the office.

The atmosphere also became instantly frosty.

Grace wanted to ease the atmosphere, but before her words came out of her mouth, she heard Camille

speak indifferently: "I am indeed married out, and all the shares in my hands are not mine alone, you

asked me to transfer them to you directly, I'm afraid I can't do it, I still have to discuss with Ayan?"

Camille's words made Brody's face filled with coldness, he said, "This is the Armstrong family's shares,

no need to discuss with Ayan, now I'll have my secretary draw up the share transfer letter, you just sign

it, the rest doesn't need your presence, I'll arrange it."

"What if I don't?"

Camille asked lightly.

Her voice is soft, but not the kind of light that people just ignore away, but with a toughness that makes

it impossible to change.

Seeing that the dialogue between the two is getting lower and lower, Horace also immediately

interrupted in a light voice: "Mr. Armstrong, you just said that this is your family business, since it is a

family matter is more appropriate to talk about it back home, I am just an outsider, so I do not want to

know too much about your family business."

Because Brody just deliberately said that this is his family business hope that Horace do not interfere

too much, then at this moment Horace will be this sentence directly back to him.

After Horace's words, Brody was also silent.

But Horace did not have extra time to speculate on Brody's mind, but spoke directly: "The other

company put the word out, we can not sit still, now either private or public can not solve this matter

completely, we need to find evidence to clear the black pot."

Brody's face is not very good: "Find evidence? How to find evidence? I think it's the designer's side of

the problem, the responsibility for all this lies with the designer, directly hand the designer out even if,

otherwise the whole Armstrong Corp will have to follow the responsibility."

"Mr. Armstrong, the designer did not copy, and even then you think it's the designer's problem?"

Horace asked with some incredulity.

Camille seemed to read the meaning of Horace's words, so he said slightly euphemistically: "If it's not

the designer's problem how can there be this problem of plagiarism? All the drawings were designed

by the designer, and I don't know what happened except for the designer, do I?"

Horace could not help but smile, but that smile was very cold, he said: "Mr. Armstrong, the designer is

my personal search, also I follow from the beginning to the completion, you say so, I would also wonder

if I myself have a suspicion?"

"Mr. Burris, I don't mean that, you don't think much of my words, I am just worried that we are being

counted, besides, how can I suspect you? You and I are Armstrong Corp people, Armstrong Corp out

of things you and I are responsible for, I suspect who can not suspect you ah!"

"Since Mr. Armstrong said so I am relieved, but nowadays Armstrong Corp is asking Mr. Armstrong to

cooperate with my decision since I am the one who is executing everything."

"It's natural."

Brody smiled with him and had to nod despite his dissatisfaction.

Horace immediately asked his secretary to go and draw up all the people who had contacted this

design project, because Armstrong Corp did not plagiarize, so he felt that the company that identified

them as plagiarizing the final draft time as well as some small details must get the design drawings in

question to lay out good evidence, so the suspect must be someone who knows the design drawings.

In total, six people have worked on this project.

A designer, the designer's assistant, and Horace with his secretary, the architect, and finally Camille.

Although the entire project has three designers, but only Horace a person clear he submitted to the

design is actually from a designer, as for the remaining two designers' works are temporarily pressed in

his hands and did not disclose.

It is also at this moment that the entire office is aware of this.

Horace did not mean to explain, Camille and Grace did not ask, because he is the CEO of Armstrong

Corp, then what he does naturally has his reasons.

Horace said, "Six people on the project had access to the design, so the suspects are among those six

people, Miss Armstrong and Camille don't mind me investigating, do they?"

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