My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 710 Leave Of Absence
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Chapter 710 Leave Of Absence

Chapter 710 Leave of Absence

"You do not mess, you now deal with the internal emotions of the company, so that employees do not

reverie at will, not to mention that this matter is not allowed to internal as after-dinner gossip, in

addition, the attitude and reaction of the company's top management in this matter is best to close the

door and talk slowly." Camille wrinkled his brow, can think of only these probably.

But Grace was still flustered, and she asked, "Well, can you come over here?"

Camille looked down at the time on her watch, thought carefully in her mind again, and then said, "I'm

going over there now."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." Grace was greatly relieved from the bottom of her heart, because of the

previous incident, she relied on Camille and trusted Camille immensely, and always felt that as long as

Camille was there nothing was a big deal.

After Camille got off the phone with Grace, she briefly hesitated to find the cell phone number that

Jenson had posted in the direct group, and she called Jenson directly.

When she got through, she took the lead, "Hello Mr. Evans, this is Camille!"

Hearing Camille's voice, Jenson was also stunned even returned: "Camille hello, what can I do for you?


"I have something that I would like to take a morning off, and I hope Mr. Evans will approve it."

Camille's manner was polite and gentle.

Jenson was quick to say, "Sure."

With Jenson's approval, Camille replied to the conference room to get her bag, and since Louise hadn't

arrived yet, she just said to the few people present, "I'm taking a little time off for something, so I'll work

hard on the morning."

Several people were also a little surprised to see this, after all, just fine, Summer quickly asked: "What

happened? Do you need our help?"

Camille shook her head with a faint smile, "Thanks, no need for now, I'll let you know if there's a need."

Everyone nodded and then let Camille rush off to her own business, with Sophie not forgetting to tell

her, "Don't worry about your own business, we'll talk to her later when Representative Holland gets


Camille nodded, "Yes, thank you."

Within ten minutes of Camille's departure, Louise arrived in the conference room.

She came and everyone returned to their seats, her gaze circled the conference room and said

indifferently, "Do some people think that they have no sense of time because they are not working in

the company? I've come over at this hour and already given you guys a generous amount of time on

purpose, but I didn't expect some people to still be so unconscious."

Louise's connotation that everyone is hanging their eyes and not responding, as for her saying that she

is purposely giving everyone a wide berth, who knows if it is her own excuse for coming late?

Zhou Zhou pursed her lips slightly and spoke, "Representative Holland, Camille took off this morning."

Louise's face instantly turned sour as she asked indifferently, "Leave of absence: from whom? With

you? I didn't get a message from her."

Summer said, "Camille had an emergency, she had just come in and left because something came up."

"You're loyal to her? But this is work, not a place for you to cultivate your feelings, I'm the architect

representative, she didn't take leave from me, that's even irresponsible to work, I'll tell Mr. Baxter and

Mr. Evans to let them handle it, now you start your own work."

Louise seems to be upset because Camille didn't put her in her place and is now encouraging others to

not put her in theirs, so she is full of anger towards Camille.

Her mind has already started to brew vocabulary how to participate in Camille a book.

Half an hour later, Camille arrived at Armstrong Corp.

Grace's secretary was waiting for her at the door, and the two of them took the elevator upstairs.

Because of the plagiarism, the company's employees couldn't help but gossip privately, and Camille

had seen several of them just on the way into the lobby to the elevator.

It wasn't until she entered the elevator that she spoke, "What's the situation?"

Grace's secretary shook her head: "Not very well, Mr. Burris and Mr. Armstrong both insist on their own

decisions, so a solution has not been discussed yet."

Camille asks, "What does Mr. Burris plan to do?"

"Mr. Burris insisted not to private, Mr. Burris worried that the other party caught the evidence of private

back-bite, because we did not plagiarism, so can not accept any private conditions, but Mr. Armstrong

think can private chat is the best way to deal with, so that can be the fastest way to calm the current

public opinion. "

Camille understands the situation that Horace and Brody are now each arguing about whether to settle

privately or publicly.

What about her?

And how did she choose to do so?

This question was asked after her meeting with Grace, who was also a bit emotional: "Cami, if it were

you, what would you choose? Are you on Dad's side or Horace's side?"

Compared to Grace's reaction, Camille is much more calm.

Camille's face did not have any extra expression, just said lightly, "Let's go to the office first to see how

they have discussed?"

Grace nodded and didn't pursue Camille's answer any further.

Grace took Camille to Horace's office, where the atmosphere was gloomy, and Grace knocked on the

door and pushed it open.

Brody saw Camille coming too and immediately got up from the couch and looked at Camille with a

questioning gaze, "What are you doing here?"

Camille's expression froze and the look under her eyes immediately floated in bewilderment.

Grace hurriedly said, "Dad, I'm the one who sent Cami over."

Brody's tone lightened slightly when he heard that Grace had called her in, but he was still a little upset:

"What did you send her over for?"

Camille pursed her lips and did not speak, Horace spoke at this point: "Mr. Armstrong, you and I have

the same shares, we have discussed for so long but do not have an accurate answer, how about this,

let Camille choose, this is fair to everyone, what do you think?"

After Horace's words, Brody's eyes immediately looked at Camille, and then without waiting for Camille

to speak, he had already decided: "Camille is the Armstrongs, we are family, her decision is naturally

the same as mine, so there is no need to ask her, everything is still according to what I just said It's


Brody had no intention of giving Camille a chance to speak, his domineering forcefulness made even

Horace frown, Horace's gaze went to Camille and asked, "Camille, what do you think?"

Camille's expression faded, and Brody's voice stole the show again, "Camille, you tell Mr. Burris that

this is what you think I'm talking about."

Instead of responding to Brody, Camille looked to Horace and asked, "Mr. Burris, can you make sure

that the designer is original and not a copy?"

"I can make sure of that."

"Since it can be ensured, there is no need to ask for any private conditions, because the body is not

afraid of the shadow, once you agree to the other party's private conditions, the consequences are

unimaginable, and probably will continue to be uncontrollable, so I agree with Mr. Burris's meaning."

Camille quickly expressed her inner thoughts in a few words.

Her words fell, but Brody exploded.

Brody's tone was very bad: "Camille, this is Armstrong Corp, you don't have the right to speak, what do

you think you are, do you need to decide Armstrong Corp's business?"

Camille did not respond to Brody's words, but looked to Horace: "Mr. Burris early arrangements, the

longer the public opinion continues the more Armstrong Corp has to influence."

"Well, you said it." Horace's face was grave, and he then summoned his secretary to immediately go

and issue a statement, as well as a lawyer's letter, which was to stop the rumors from continuing to


Camille's complete ignorance made Brody's emotions grow more and more agitated, he walked up to

Camille and pointed at Camille: "I'm talking to you now you're taking it as a deaf ear aren't you? You ..."

"Armstrong Corp is indeed not mine, so I do not care whether Armstrong Corp will be affected or not, if

not because Armstrong Corp and Simpson Group are involved in this project of Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Inovelbin

would not be standing here today. Because this project also has my heart and soul, I can't let the

project receive any questions, if you agree to someone else's request for a private settlement, the other

party offered a sky-high price you want what? As usual to meet it? Do you think the bottomless pit can

be filled?"

One of Camille's remarks made Brody silent this time.

I thought this would bring things under control, but Horace's secretary soon returned to the office, and

the secretary faltered a bit, sweeping her eyes over Camille in a languid manner.

Horace asked in a soft voice, "Something wrong?"

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