My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 656 - A Dinner
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Chapter 656 - A Dinner

Chapter 656 - A Dinner

"You think he won't be suspicious after a while?" Preston laughed lightly. The mockery in his eyes was

obvious. He said: "There is no way that the grudge between me and Ayan can be resolved. He has

done so many things to me, so I can not just let it go, not to mention that the Simpson family owes me

a lot more. This is just the beginning. "

Preston's eyes were filled with coldness and malice, like a wolf with a grudge against the hunter.

Sean immediately understood the meaning of his words and nodded in response, "Okay, I'll go arrange

it now."

"Hmm." Preston replied in a low voice, then closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair behind him

without speaking again.

Sean also slightly lowered his head and exited from the study. Preston, since he had ordered it,

naturally arranged it immediately. He also waited for a long time. His father Elijah was still in prison, all

because of Ayan and Camille. Preston was not willing to do anything to Camille, but he would not be

merciful. It is the best to let Camille disappear with Ayan, too.

With a cold face, he left the house where Preston lived.

On the Simpson Group side, Kian also learned at the first time that Preston had invited Mr. Bell to

dinner tonight, and he immediately returned to the office to relay the news to Ayan.

Ayan did not have any obvious reaction after hearing this, but only said lightly: "A dinner together is a

must. After all, Mr. Bell is the leader of this project. He surely needed to please Mr. Bell as a late


Kian could not understand the underlying meaning of Ayan's words, but did not believe that he really

thought so in his heart.

Kian asked in a low voice: "Mr. Simpson, don't you think this meal is a bit too unusual? We have

already invited all the people on the project for dinner, and all we need to do now is finish the work we

are responsible for. Besides, Mr. Bell and Preston should not be very familiar with each other, so why

invite guests to dinner in private?"

Ayan lightly swept a glance at Kian. His expression could hardly be seen, so it was hard to guess what

he was thinking at the moment.

His face was expressionless without any response, and such a reaction made Kian wonder if he was

talking too much or saying the wrong thing.

The atmosphere in the office fell into silence. Kian lowered his head and repeatedly thought over what

he said in the heart, but found nothing wrong.

He wasn't quite sure what Ayan had in mind, so he could only ask in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, did I

say something wrong?

He had been with Ayan for so many years and knew him very well, but there were many times when

Ayan's mind was still hard to guess.

Ayan did not answer yes or no. He was expressionless. There was a slight frown between the

eyebrows. He said in a low voice: "You do not want him to become close with Mr. Bell?"

Kian immediately understood it, and said: "It's reasonable for him to build connections, but why should

Mrs. Simpson be included? He only needs to do it alone in private. If Mrs Simpson is there, is it

convenient to talk? Unless he wants to use Mrs. Simpson to get close to Mr. and Mrs. Bell or has other


Ayan did not speak, the expression on his face remained so without the slightest change, but the look

under his eyes was tinged with a touch of coldness.

Then he said indifferently in his voice: "Check the hotel they are going to in advance. If she is there, let

the manager of the hotel take care of her. Don't let her drink or be calculated by Preston, and don't let

her get too close to Preston."

"I understand. Do we have to tell Mrs. Bell in advance?"

"No need."

Ayan refused because he didn't know what Camillewas thinking about, so what if he recklessly told

Mrs. Bell and she got upset?

Ayan's rejection stunned Kian, and he now really felt that his Mr. Simpson was becoming more and

more obedient to Mrs. Simpson, always afraid of upsetting her.

This is a reaction that comes only when you really like somebody, right?

At the thought of this, the corners of his mouth also subconsciously appeared a smile. This scene was

caught by Ayan. He asked indifferently: "What are you laughing at?"

Kian's face instantly froze and he immediately returned, "No, no laughing."

Ayan's face was expressionless. He just gave another glance at him and then did not say anythingnovelbin

else. As for Kian, he naturally did not dare to stay longer, afraid that Ayan might deduct his year-end


Ayan knew that Camille was having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Preston at night, but he never

asked her about it and did nothing as if he didn't know.

By 6:00 p. m., Preston had driven down to Camille's office.

He did not go up directly, because he did not want to completely be Preston in public. After all, now he

was Benjamin. Even though Ayan knew his true identity, as long as he didn't admit it, then no one could

do anything about him.

Preston sat in the driver's seat. He stared at the building in front of him before the crash happened

every day in and out. The look in his eyes also became mild, until after smoking the cigarette in his

hand, he took out his phone to send a message to Camille.

He said, "I'm here."

He did not address Camille, nor did he express his identity, and his purpose in doing so was


Of course, he did not want to leave any proof of his identity.

Camille didn't reply, but when she saw the message she knew he was already downstairs waiting, and

Preston was clearly ambushing her, so she couldn't say no as well as find other reasons.

Camille was upstairs until 7 p. m. when Mrs. Bell called.

Mrs. Bell asked, "Cami, when are you and Mr. Baxter arriving?"

"You're already at the hotel?"

"Well, we have just arrived. Mr. Baxter said he'd come to pick you up, for it's not good to let you drive

here alone. So now we are waiting for you two. I just looked at the menu. There are dishes you like. I'll

order one for you, right?"

Mrs. Bell's voice was gentle, and her words are full of concern for Camille, just as an elder treated the

young with affection.

Camille also responded immediately, "Yes, as you decide."

"You go ahead with your business. We'll wait for you. There's no need to rush."

"Well, I know."

After the phone call, Camille couldn't possibly stay "busy" any longer, so she went downstairs after

almost ten minutes.

Preston saw her coming out of the building and immediately got out of the car. He pulled open the

passenger door for her, Camille's face was indifferent and her eyes were cold. She sat in the

passenger seat and had almost no conversation with Preston the whole time.

The hotel Preston booked was Darkmoor.

The two got out of the car and Preston took the initiative: "I know you love Darkmoor's food, and I've

learned that there are a lot of new dishes that have come out recently, so try them tonight?"

A slight indifference flashed across her face, and her voice was emotionless as she said, "Don't you

want to go through the project with Mr. and Mrs. Bell? So there is no need to pick the taste I like, and

you should only take care of Mr. and Mrs. Bell."

Preston froze, and his eyes instantly darkened, but he did not show the slightest emotion, only the tone

of voice just a little colder than before: "Cami, I do want to know about the project, and other people's

tastes have nothing to do with me. We are friends for many years. You are willing to come to help me

today. Of course I have to think about you more, so you do not need to have any pressure."

Camille dropped her eyes not to look at him, and did not want to continue the conversation, so she said

nothing and continued to walk forward.

When they walked into Darkmoor, the manager immediately greeted them, took Camille and Preston to

the private room, and immediately ordered food to be served.

There were only four people, but both the private room and the dishes on the table were very grand.

Mrs. Bell suddenly asked, "Cami, should we ask Ayan if he's done? Let him come and eat with us. Mr.

Baxter wants to meet him too, right?"

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