My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 655 Lesson
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Chapter 655 Lesson

Chapter 655 Lesson

"Yesterday I saw him get into Mr. Walker's car and I saw that the person in the car was exactly Mr.

Walker. And later he also posted a statement on Twitter indicating that he is currently working at the

Norman Group of Hance City now."

Camille nodded without saying anything else, only a hint of coldness in the bottom of her eyes.

She said, "Don't let it bother you too much, but you keep an eye on it. If there is anything wrong with

the project, then immediately collect the evidence."

Yessica nodded to show her understanding.

After Yessica exited from the office, Camille's face then turned cold.

What exactly does Preston want to do?

When he came back, he immediately took his secretary away from the company. If he didn't have

anything else in mind, why didn't he ask her himself?

Camille pursed her lips slightly. Her suspicion of Preston kept growing. He seemed to be hiding so

much that, more than once, she felt as if she had never really known him.

At the same time, Sean was reporting to Preston: "Mr. Walker, by now, Miss Armstrong must have

known that Jude Adams has come to work for you."

Preston hummed indifferently. There wasn't much emotion on his face. He picked up his phone and

glanced at it, and there were no calls or messages from Camille.

If she already knew, why didn't she call or text him to question him?

Preston waited a long time, but still no message or call from Camille, and finally he took the initiative to

call her.

He asked Camille, "Cami, why didn't you have any reaction even though you knew Jude left for me?"

Camille felt a little ridiculous. She didn't know how to answer this question.

She asked rhetorically, "How do you expect me to react? Or what reaction do you expect from me?"

Her words caused Preston's expression to change and his voice to stiffen, but he still asked with some

hope, "Cami, don't you want to know why I poached Jude? Or are you upset because I did it?"

Camille wrinkled her eyebrows, she was obviously unhappy, but her voice did not show the slightest

emotion. She just said lightly: "I don't know what you mean by asking this. If you know I'm not happy

and yet you do it anyway, then why should I ask? As for whether Jude is going to work for you or

anyone else, actually for me, it doesn't matter. Everyone has the right to choose better pay and

benefits. It is quite normal, so there is nothing to be unhappy about."

Camille's words, although Preston could not distinguish her emotions, were clearly audible in her


She was like that yesterday when they met, and again today.

This made Preston subconsciously put it all down to Ayan. He felt that it was Ayan who did not allow

Camille to associate with him, and that it was Ayan's constant denigration in front of Camille that led to

Camille's cold attitude towards him, which could almost be described as not wanting to talk to him.

Since returning to Hance City, he had such thoughts more than once, so the thought of teaching Ayan

a lesson had become even heavier in his mind.

He pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "Cami, whether you care or not, I have to explain to you. I

didn't do this to do anything. I just came to Hance City with insufficient manpower in hand, so I asked

Sean to contact Yessica, and he misunderstood my meaning and contacted Jude directly, until just now

I didn't know Sean didn't relay my meaning clearly, and I didn't want you to misunderstand me."

Camille was expressionless, without any ripple under her eyes. "It's okay. He was originally one of your


"Cami!" Preston's tone was instantly raw as he tried to explain, "He was my secretary yes, but that was

only before I left the company. I haven't contacted him since I left the company. Do you think I left him

at the company just to keep an eye on you on purpose? ?"

"Preston, I did not say that. You do not need to explain it so clearly." She also did n't think it was that

important. Jude was his secretary. If he wanted him, then just ask, and why did he need to beat around

the bush?

As for his claim that he had only just learned that Sean had not conveyed his meaning clearly, Camille

was less than convinced.

She had known Preston for so long, and worked with him for so long. He was a careful man, and he

would not allow such a lapse to occur.

Camille did not point it out, keeping each other's dignity.

Because Camille's response was too cold, no matter what Preston said, she didn't show any warmth. It

was like boiling frog in warm water, making him not know how to do about it. He wanted to question,

but could not find a reason, so he could only take the initiative to end the topic.

But the call was still going on, Preston said in a light voice: "Cami, I just joined this project . There are a

lot of things I do not know too well. I want to invite Mr. and Mrs. Bell for dinner, but you know, I'm not

familiar with Mr. and Mrs. Bell, so you can go with me? "

Camille's slightly furrowed brow had not yet been smoothed out and was now furrowed again as she

subconsciously refused, "Haven't you and Mr. Bell met a few times already?"

"Although we met a few times, we couldn't talk about anything, and the atmosphere of eating alone is

too quiet quite awkward. You and Mrs. Bell are in a good relationship. With you, I can also be

comfortable. You can take this as a favor to me, okay?"

Preston asked expectantly.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and asked indifferently, "You are Benjamin in front of Mr. and Mrs. Bell.

Won't I reveal your identity by having this meal with you?"

It was Preston's turn to be silent. He hadn't thought about it. All his attention was on trying to convincenovelbin

Camille to say yes.

At this moment Camille asked such a rhetorical question, he was silence shortly, and then said: "I will

confess to Mr. and Mrs. Bell. I did not only invited them and you. I also thought of the reason. You are

the architect of the project. I am responsible for the finance. So it's normal for me to turn to you to know

more about the project. So Cami, do not turn me down again, okay? You're the only one I can trust in

Hance City, and if you won't help me either, who else will?"

He knew that Camille was soft-hearted. A direct request would definitely not work, so he had to make

Camille compromise in this way.

He also talked about the time when he came to Hance City with Camille and was unfamiliar with

everything, but was full of confidence, because Camille was there, so he felt that nothing mattered. As

long as Camille was with him, all the difficulties would be solved.

He said a lot until Camille interrupted with a voice: "I can't give you an exact answer, because the

company has been doing a lot of things lately."

"That's okay, I can wait for you." Preston was probably worried that Camille would still politely refuse,

so he directly said, "I'll meet you downstairs at the office after work. You don't have to rush. My

appointment with Mr. and Mrs. Bell can depend on your time."


"Cami, it's decided then."

After saying that, Preston cut the call first, he would not give Camille the chance to say no.

And then he made a personal call to Mr. Bell to make an appointment for dinner tonight at 8:00 p. m.

Here was his excuse: "I also have an appointment with Camille, and she's busy at the office today, so

she won't finish work until about this time."

Mr. Bell was naturally fine with it. After all, Camille was there, even if there was any doubt, it was

immediately dispelled.

After making a date and time for dinner in the evening, Preston then called Sean to come to the study.

He looked impassively at Sean and ordered, "Ayan doesn't need to pick a time anymore, just schedule

it for tonight!"

Sean immediately understood the meaning of his words, but his eyes still overflowed with a trace of

doubt. He said, "Mr. Walker, will it be too soon? Ayan will suspect you if we do it now, right?"

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