My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 649 Crossing The Line
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Chapter 649 Crossing The Line

Chapter 649 Crossing the Line

Preston's face suddenly changed and his eyebrows furrowed, his voice flooded with displeasure as he

asked, "Cami, what do you mean by that?"

"You just have to answer me, is it the former or the latter?" Camille still stared at Preston's eyes with a

very cold look, her eyes carrying a compulsion that was hard to resist or ignore.

The expression on Preston's face had also sunk coldly. He did not reply immediately, and only after a

few seconds of silence did he say: "We have not seen each other for so long. Do you really want to ask

me such a question from the very start, without any catching up?"

"I don't see anything wrong about asking it, no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other."

"And Ayan didn't say anything to you?"

"I already said that what we talked about today had nothing to do with him."

"Cami, it is not as simple as you have said. It's between me and Ayan, naturally it is related to him."

Camille smiled indifferently, she said directly: "But from the beginning, the whole thing is led by you. If it

is not because you calculated Ayan's project, how could he force you?"

"Cami, so you think it's my fault? You don't think Ayan is at fault for anything?"

Preston sneered, but there was no laughter in his eyes, only cold questioning.

Camille also did not have the slightest timidity and retreat. She met his eyes head-on, her tone always

indifferent: "I do not know exactly who is right and who is wrong. I don't know what it is between you

two. I only know that you should not do that, and should not regard other people's lives as your stake,

because many people are involved in this matter, even I was also pushed into the front. Preston, you

really take me as a friend?"

Camille had never asked him these words. Since the incident , they had not talked seriously about this


Although things and time will pass, it does not mean that they will treat those issues as if they did not


The atmosphere had also become more tense because of Camille's words, and the two eyes had

always looked at each other, but the look under their eyes had gradually changed.

Preston did not say anything. Camille didn't want to waste any more time. She said again: "This matter

has not been resolved so far. When you were away, didn't you think about all the people involved in this

matter? Do you think everything can disappear when you come back with a new identity?"

"Cami, are you now suggesting that you want me to turn myself in?" Preston smiled, indifference

flashing across his eyes.

Camille denies it: "How could it be? I have no right to ask you to do that. It's just for you to decide."

"So you and I will never be the same again, will we?"

She didn't say anything, because in her heart she didn't know what the answer was either.

Some things, not just romance, friendships are the same. Once the signs of brokenness appear, it is

difficult to return to what was once.

So she didn't want to answer the question with deception.novelbin

Preston never answered the question she asked at the beginning, and he also changed the subject

directly. He said: "Cami, I'm with Molly. If you are worried that there will be pressure to resume the

previous relationship with me as good friends, it's not necessary at all. Now I do treat you like a family,

a sister. After all, our years of friendship is precious, so I do not want to have anything uncomfortable in

the relationship with you because of some misunderstanding."

He said frankly, as if he had no reservation about revealing all the thoughts of his heart to Camille. He

wanted to tell Camille, if only because she was worried that he still liked her, then there was no need,

because he was now with Molly, so now, he only regarded Camille as a sister.

Camille didn't know if she believed it or not, but she didn't say anything for a while.

Preston's voice was low and laughing: "Cami, after all my words, do you still refuse to believe me?

What exactly do you think you want me to do so that you don't treat me with such indifference?"

"Since you're with Molly, and knowing Molly like I do, I don't think she wants us to have any contact and

continue to be friends, right?"

"No, I've made it very clear to her, and she's clear that my feelings for you are just friends and nothing

more, so she won't."

Preston replied with great certainty.

Camille, however, just smiled as she said, "I'm a girl, I know girls, and you should never underestimate

what a girl is thinking about."

"You can really rest assured about this, Molly also said that she wants to apologize to you when she

has the chance, and hopes that you can forgive her for the what happened before. So are you free to

have dinner together?"

He stared at Camille with a gentle, light smile on his face, his eyes filled with a look of anticipation for

her response.

Camille did not answer Preston's words as he had hoped, but only refused without much emotion: "No,

if there is a real opportunity to meet, it'll come naturally, so let's talk about it then!"

After saying that, she looked at the time on her phone, then said liimpassively, "I still have some work

to do, so if you don't have anything else, then I'll go back to the office first."

"Cami!" Preston immediately spoke up, "I still say, I'll do whatever you want me to do in Grandma's


"How is it possible to find evidence after so long?"

"I have to find it even if I can't, because you will only believe me if everything comes out, and if I find

the evidence, will you believe me? If so, I will do whatever I can to find the evidence to prove that it had

nothing to do with me. Cami, I just need a word from you."

Preston's stance seemed firm, and his eyes were staring straight at Camille, waiting for her to speak up

and answer.

But Camille didn't speak.

Preston thought she didn't quite believe it, so he followed up with, "Cami, Grandma's death won't do

me any good, but it might not be so for others, so we should figure out this."

Camille pursed her lips lightly, the emotions under her eyes making it impossible for Preston to read

her mind, for the emotion in her eyes was not very obvious, but it wasn't nothing there either.

But it's this somewhat coldness made Preston a bit puzzled.

He whispered, "Cami, why are you not even talking?"

Camille gave a light smile, "I trust Ayan. He wouldn't do that."

Because Ayan would not do that. Even if it is not for her, he would alsohink t about Timmy. After all,

Timmy is also his child. He couldn't put Timmy in the hatred of his parents, making him bear such

pressure from childhood.

So he wouldn't.

This was something Camille believes in unconditionally.

But Camille's answer made Preston become agitated, and he sneered and questioned Camille: "So

you'd rather trust Ayan than me? Why? Are you still in love with him now? Are you? Didn't you already

want to divorce him and have separated? Why are you still with him?"

Preston's questioning made Camille completely unable to sit there. She showed up just to know the

answers to the questions she had just asked, but he didn't want to answer them, so there was no point

in staying any longer.

She said indifferently, "Your question has crossed the line, so don't say it again."

When Camille finished, she was already out of her seat.

Preston wanted to go after her, but in the end, he didn't move.

The two of them parted on awkward terms, and Preston had more emotion and resentment pent up in

his heart. He thought all of them were naturally on Ayan. It was because of Ayan that Camille became

like this.

He didn't stay in the cafe much longer and contacted Sean as soon as he got back in the car. "Has

Eileen left?"

"Not yet, the afternoon flight."

"Tell her to come and see me."

"No problem."

Preston returned to his place. Eileen also arrived at about the same time. Eileen left the hospital just to

find an excuse to come out for a meal, so the hospital staff hadn't told Ayan yet.

Eileen asked confusedly, "Why are you meeting me at this time? What if Ayan finds out?"

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