My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 648 - Pursuit
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Chapter 648 - Pursuit

Chapter 648 - Pursuit

After leaving the Simpson Group, Camille went back to the office, and Dan left with her.

Dan had just returned from Fola without a car, so Camille stopped by to give him a ride.

Camille drove the car, Dan sat in the passenger side, with a light smile, and asked, "How did I do today,

Mr. Simpson should be lenient to me for my good performance, right?"

Camille frowned at him in confusion, "What performance?"

"Of course it's the meeting performance, I've been standing in line for Mr. Simpson, you didn't see


"Well, it didn't open up, I thought you were just mindlessly hounding!"

"You ....." Dan looked helpless as he said, "Forget it, I won't bother with you, for the sake of Mr.


"When did Ayan become so facetious?" Camille couldn't help but ask, after all, these two hadn't

crossed paths, and they hadn't seen much back and forth during the collaboration, so how did they

suddenly go after Ayan?

Dan just smiled and deliberately sold out: "I won't tell you, but I'm a big fan of Mr. Simpson now


In fact, there is no other reason, Dan also simply appreciate Ayan's ability, and because Sophia side

since the last piece of a meal after Jing sinking to talk with him about Ayan topics, understanding, he

felt that Ayan is really a very rare partner.

So he did so in addition to appreciate the accident, but also still quite hope for more cooperation in the


So he didn't say it outright, and Camille stopped asking questions, just hummed lightly and stopped


When we got back to the office, Dan borrowed the car and Camille went upstairs to the office alone.

She hadn't been back at the office for long when she received a call from Preston.

This is the third time Preston has contacted her since her return, but she has never agreed to meet with

him in private.

Camille pursed her lips slightly and looked at the phone number that kept ringing, she thought carefully

before pressing the answer button: "Hello?"

"Cami, where is it?"

"Can I help you?"

"I want to see you." He went straight to the point and said lightly, probably worried that Camille would

not say yes, and then immediately said, "Cami, there are some things you will always have

misunderstandings about me if we never talk clearly, so let's meet and talk?"

"If I say no will you continue to fight until I say yes?"

Camille asked indifferently and rhetorically.

Preston didn't answer, just said, "I'm already downstairs at your office, Cami, so don't turn me down

again, okay?"

Camille's eyebrows tightened and the expression on his face instantly cooled down. Since he was

already downstairs in the company, he had just seen her enter the building with his own eyes, so why

did he have to deliberately ask her where she was one more time?

Is it to wait for her to lie back?

Camille was immediately uncomfortable, and she felt that Preston was being too direct.

Why beat around the bush for something that can be clearly stated in one sentence?

Camille took a deep breath and did not want to call again and again in the future because of the

meeting, if there is really any misunderstanding then let's talk about it, so that she does not also feel

distracted, Preston also as obsessive as always haunting.

Camille pursed her lips lightly and said faintly, "I know."

After saying that, she took the lead in cutting off the call, and then this went straight downstairs.

Yessica saw that she was leaving again just a short time after she came back and immediately asked,

"Are you leaving now?"

Camille whispered, "Something came up and I may be back later."

"Okay, then go ahead and get busy, I'll find you later when I get back!"

"Something for me?"

"It's not much, it's just something you asked me to keep an eye on before."

Yessica answered in a small voice.

Immediately, Camille understood, and she whispered, "What's the result?"

"It's not really a result, it's just that Mr. Walker's secretary wants to quit."

"Resignation?" Camille's brow immediately tightened as she asked, somewhat puzzled, "Why are you

suddenly resigning?"

"I asked, and he said he wanted to quit because he had another career."

The decision to resign was made suddenly, and I had no idea of resigning until this morning. I just

came straight to Yessica and told Yessica that I hoped Yessica could help me talk to Camille.

At the moment Yessica has not said yes, she also just use need to find Camille to chat before giving an


Camille was briefly silent, her heart somewhat anticipating it.

Yessica saw this and spoke in a low voice, "Cami, you don't think his other development is going to benovelbin

to our competing company, do you?"

Camille raised her eyes to meet Yessica's eyes, with a faint smile under her eyes, and replied

nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter if it is or not, he wants to resign then let's follow the normal rules!"

The normal rule is naturally to wait for the right person to be recruited and the normal resignation time

to go after.

Camille didn't say what was on her mind, she just asked Yessica to pass on her words to her secretary,

and then this left the office.

She met with Preston at a cafe near her office, and walked straight there. When she arrived, Preston

was waiting for her with a drink.

This is the first time since Preston fell into the river to meet Camille in private and alone in his real

identity. Seeing Camille, Preston also immediately got up: "Cami, you're here, have a seat!"

Camille is a bit nervous, probably because she has not seen him alone for too long, so she is a bit

embarrassed to the point of not knowing what to say at the moment?

Camille pursed her lips, lifted her feet and walked over to sit opposite him, their eyes locked, Camille's

attitude was a little too flat and calm, she did not take the initiative to ask or say anything, but gave all

the initiative to Preston, waiting for him to speak.

After about ten seconds or so, Preston spoke up, "Cami, why didn't you answer your phone two days

ago? Did you encounter something?"

Camille gently raised his eyelids indifferently swept him a glance, the bottom of the eyes a flat without

the slightest emotion and fluctuations, but just a glance she moved away not to look at more, the tone

of light indifference said: "So what do you have to do?"

"Cami, you ... What's going on?"

"It's okay."

Preston blushed slightly, he certainly heard Camille's coldness and detachment, he said in a low voice,

"I don't mean anything else, just concern as a friend."

"Just concerned?" Camille smiled faintly, and there seemed to be a little mockery and sarcasm under

her eyes as she said, "At what time did you call here on purpose just to care?"

Her questioning caused Preston to be briefly stunned.

He said, "Cami, did you misunderstand? I didn't call at that time on purpose, I just contacted you

immediately because I was worried about you after seeing the news online, did you think?"

"I didn't think anything, I didn't want to misunderstand you, I just asked if that's concern, why do you

have to be so excited?" Camille directly interrupted his words.

The expression on Preston's face stiffened even more as he asked in a low voice, "Cami, did Ayan say

something to you?"

"Preston, now we're the ones talking about why the misunderstanding you're talking about involves

Ayan? What does this have to do with Ayan?" Camille didn't know why, but a feeling arose in her heart

that she couldn't even talk to Preston on the same topic now.

She was even less sure if she was thinking too much of herself? Or was it just too much of what

Preston was showing?

She pursed her lips slightly, and the tone of these words just now was not much better, causing the

atmosphere to follow the cold.

Camille gritted her teeth lightly and asked faintly, "Preston, did you have anything to do with what

happened to my grandmother or not?"

"Of course not, this is what I mainly talk to you today, if you think there is a relationship with me, then

we can go to the hospital to transfer the previous monitoring, if there is no monitoring we can slowly

check, I think as long as it has happened it must be able to find evidence about it, I am not afraid of you

investigating me."

He was righteous, completely as long as Camille could dispel suspicions of how to do it.

Camille just gave him a deep look before following up with, "Did Ayan force you to drive down the river?

Or did you choose to drive down in order to escape responsibility for the Simpson Group's accident


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