My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 642 Pissed Off
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Chapter 642 Pissed Off

Chapter 642 Pissed Off

Hearing the voice, Camille suddenly stiffened and did not dare to move. Ayan also immediately

covered her to avoid her appearance at the moment for anyone to see.

Ayan looked back, only to see Talia somehow appear in the stairway with a pair of eyes looking straight

at them.

Talia was also feeling very embarrassed. She just heard the sound and came out to see who it was.

As a result, she did not expect to see such a sight, and for a while she did not know whether to feel

happy or unhappy.

The atmosphere was suddenly a little stiff and awkward, the silence wafted through the air, and Talia

immediately said, "You guys go on, I didn't see anything."

Then immediately turned around and went back to the room, but the more she said that, the better they

knew she'd seen everything.

Camille was embarassed to the most.

Camille clenched her lips and buried her head without saying a word, with Ayan's low voice in her ear:

"It's okay, Mom won't say anything, and she can't wait for us to do it!"

"Get out of here!" She pushed Ayan away with words full of anger, then went straight back to the

master bedroom.


And then the door was thrown shut.

Looking at the door that was closed, Ayan also sighed helplessly, the corners of his mouth overflowed

with a faint smile, the bottom of his eyes were full of doting, and then he walked to the guest room.

Camille, who was just a door away, felt that all her face had been lost by Ayan. Although Talia did not

laugh at her, she felt that she could no longer hold her head up in front of Talia.

Divorced, also refusing to remarry. Usually showed there wouldn't be much possibility of being back

together. Now what? Now she was in his arms...

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt ashamed.

Camille took a shower to calm down a bit. It was about eleven o'clock at night. She lay fast asleep in

bed, but Preston, who was guarding the Maple Leaves Mansion downstairs, had no sleep.

He came over at around seven o'clock, but never saw Camille's car or herself return. He also managed

to get to the floor where Camille lived, but did not see any lights in the room where Camille lived, which

made him unable to tell how Ayan was now in the end.

Although Ayan did not deliberately hide, he could not find where he was. It was still very difficult to find

out a person's every move in the big city of Hance.

Ayan, in particular, was perfectly capable of letting everyone see what he wanted them to see. And if

he didn't want to, it would naturally take time to figure it out.

Preston waited until after midnight to leave, then also asked his secretary Sean to tell Austin about the


In order to inquire about Ayan's situation, he just contacted Mr. Bell privately to mention what happebed

in the daytime. Mr. Bell was calm about it, thinking since there was no reaction from Simpson Group, it

was naturally fine. So he also reassured Preston by saying: "Mr. Baxter, no need to worry, there won't

be anything wrong with Mr. Simpson, with his ability."

"That's true, it's just that the Simpson Group hasn't responded to anything, is there something else

going on here?"

"I don't think so."

"I'm also worried. After all, this project is important, so I have to think more about it."

Mr. Bell became unsure of it because of his words, then he contacted Ayan, but it could not get

through. He then got to Kian. Kian also just said: "Mr. Bell, do not worry, Mr. Simpson will be fine."

This was not accurate, but Kian was not going to say too much of it, just asked Mr. Bell to stay calm,

and then also digressed to other topics.

Mr. Bell, as a partner, naturally could not ask too much. After all, this was Simpson Group's business.

Ayan, as president of the Simpson Group, was not only involved in this one project, so he had the right

not to tell anyone about his plans.

So Preston and Austin spent the night wondering how Ayan was doing.


The next morning, the entire Simpson's mansion was filled with joy, and it was probably the happiest

morning since the old Simpson woke up.

Talia carried Timmy, who had already had milk for breakfast, into the garden to get some fresh air early

in the morning. Fletcher had breakfast and was going to see the old Simpson in the hospital.

Talia didn't tell it directly, but just laughed low: "This thing makes me happier than winning the lottery."

"What is it, another collection of treasured jewelry or a bag?"

"Of course it's not the little things, I'm happy about the big things, see?" She whispered in Fletcher's

ear, "Get ready for your granddaughter!"

Fletcher froze. He didn't realize what she meant.

But soon Fletcher understood, stunned, and said, "Don't say that. Cami didn't want to hear it."

"Cami is still upstairs and hasn't come down. I saw with my own eyes last night. The two of them came

back together. Your son was holding my Cami in his arms..."

Thinking of that, Talia put on a sweet smile. Her imagination had even gone to the moment when their

daughter was born.

Camille naturally did not know that. She was still embarrassed because of last night. Now although she

had got up and tidied up, she still hid herself in the bedroom and didn't want to step downstairs.

There was a knock on the bedroom door at that moment.novelbin

Camille frowned. The person who could knock on the door naturally couldn't be Talia or the maid. It

could only be Ayan.

She didn't answer, pretending she didn't hear it, and the phone rang the next second. The bell rang

through the bedroom, followed by the man's voice outside: "Open the door!"

She pursed her lips slightly and forced herself to open the door.

Ayan had already changed yesterday's white shirt and black suit jacket. Today, he wore a light blue

shirt which he seldom put on usually. And he also wore a long classic black blazer. It made him a little

less harsh and a little more gentle

His eyes gazed at the woman in front of him and asked in a low voice, "Haven't had enough sleep?"

"Yes." She responded lightly, then just stood in the doorway not going to let him in either, just saying,

"Aren't you going to the office yet?"

"It's still early, I just got up, now I'm going downstairs for breakfast, and I'll go with you later?"

"No, I can't. I'll stay with Timmy here and give Mom a break."

"Well, yes."

He didn't say anything and Camille was relieved, and then the two came downstairs together and Talia

sent Fletcher out the door.

When she saw them, Talia said subconsciously, "Why are you up so early? Don't you want to sleep a

little more?"

This was said with no intention, but the listeners took too much of it.

Camille's cheeks instantly rushed and her heart was pounding. She was still thinking of what happened

last night, so Talia's words also made her overthink.

Camille was suddenly stunned, and even when Timmy reached out to her for a hug, she did not react

for a moment.

Until Ayan spoke in a low voice: "You are tired, take a rest!"

This was said to Talia, telling her to stop talking and to keep quiet and take a break.

Talia also understood the meaning and quickly said, "You guys eat breakfast first, I'll take Timmy for a

walk around."

With a blink of an eye, she disappeared.

Ayan walked over to Camille and asked warmly, "What? Being shy?"

Camille glared at him and naturally said nothing.

she did not want to continue this topic, so silence was the best response.

After breakfast, Camille originally wanted to stay with Timmy, but thinking of Talia's attitude just now,

she was a bit overwhelmed. She thought it was better not to spend time alone with Talia, so just played

with Timmy for a while and then left the Simpson's mansion with Ayan.

Before she left, Talia always looked like she had a meaningful smile that made Camille glare angrily at

Ayan several times.

A day had passed since the fire, and there was no news from the Simpson family or the Simpson

Group. Everything was back to peace.

Ayan drove out of the Simpson's mansion with Camille, when Kian's phone call came in.

On the phone, Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, Austin is starting to make moves!"

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