My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 641 Scoundrel
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Chapter 641 Scoundrel

Chapter 641 Scoundrel

Camille slightly narrowed her eyes, her face expression was impassive, but the emotions under her

eyes were deep. Sienna's words echoed in her ears. She also subconsciously recalled a lot of things. If

the conflict and misunderstanding were just because of her, it should not be so deep. It was obviously

more than that.

But if not because of her, what else?

Camille couldn't have imagined.

Camille asked without much emotion, "What do you think could be the grudge between them?"

"Ask Ayan?"

"Ask him?" Camille repeated in a low voice. She was not sure, because she knew Ayan's personality

very well. If he did not want to talk about something, no one could pry his mouth open. Even if she took

the initiative to ask, it might end up with nothing.

The two stayed at the restaurant until dark when Kian drove up to pick them up.

Kian just made time for them. After what happened today, he naturally had been back to the company

to deal with a lot of work. And then he cooperate with the police for the investigation. As for Ayan's

situation, it was still confidential and not open to the public, nor intentionally misleading the public. They

just kept silent without disclosing anything.

Because Ayan's schedule was kept confidential throughout the Simpson Group, no one except Kian

knew the details, so naturally, they didn't know whether he was busy or not.

Everyone began to speculate whether Ayan was really injured or had already died.

But the Simpson Group never gave a response. The Simpson family was busy taking care of the old

Simpson in the hospital, so they did not know. But Fletcher and Talia contacted Kian immediately after

they got the news. Knowing nothing was wrong , they also kept silent as the Simpson Group station,

not answering any question on the incident.

After getting into the car, Kian also first reported the specific situation with Ayan, and then Kian said:

"Because they can not get the exact result, Austin is also a little anxious. He contacted the private

detective bribed by us to find out the information about you. Do you have any arrangements?"

"Then let the private detective get paid by two sides as a reward. As for the arrangement, no need for

now, wait for Austin to expose his weakness."

"So you're not going to show up from now on?"

"Whether I show myself or not does not affect whether he will expose himself or not." He slightly

narrowed his eyes, the bottom of his eyes overflowed with indifference. Doing nothing would only make

Austin panic.

Ayan never took Austin seriously, so he didn't give a damn about any of his moves.

After saying this, Kian looked at Ayan through the rearview mirror and asked, "Mr. Simpson, are you

still taking Mrs. Simpson back to the Rosenkins Mansion today?"

"Go straight to the Simpson's mansion!" he ordered. He looked sideways at Camille next to him and

said, "Is it all right to go back to the Simpson's mansion for the night now?"

He asked very seriously, not in his usual tone. In fact, it was not a question.

Camille pursed her lips lightly, then agreed.

She could also keep Timmy company, and since Ayan hadn't been as brazen as before, she wouldn't

worry about what would happen to Ayan.

The two returned to the Simpson's mansion. Ayan let the maids clean up the guest room. Because it

was already late, Fletcher and Talia rested, and Timmy also went to bed.

So at this moment, besides the maids, only Camille and Ayan were left. The two of them went upstairs

to the bedroom to prepare for washing and resting. And when Ayan brought Camille to the door,

Camille did not rush in, but took the initiative to turn to look at Ayan and asked, "I want to ask you a


"What's it?"

"Preston was involved in what happened today, right? So why would he do that? Is he just trying to help

Austin because he's in a partnership with him?" She asked politely, but the implication was clear.

Ayan also looked at her for a moment, as if there were not many surprises and ripples. His face was

elegant and noble as usual, and his deep eyes always revealed the gentle gaze that only he could

have for her. He said, "I'm afraid that's not the only thing you want to ask, is it?"

"So are you going to tell me?"

"For the time being, I can't tell you because I haven't checked it out yet either, so there's no way to give

you a definite answer, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to know Preston's identity but not yet break it

down and let him continue to act."

His voice had little temperature, and it was his usual tone. His handsome face was without a ripple.

Camille looked at him emotionlessly and spoke in a low voice: "So you don't know why Preston did this

to you either?"

"That's true for now."

"When did you first become suspicious?"

"It's been quite a while, but I can't remember the details."

Camille looked at him without blinking, and with a wide-eyed look on her face, she asked half-heartedly,


With a smile on his thin lips, he reached out and pinched her chin, his voice low and hoarse: "That's not

believing me?"

She didn't say anything, just kept looking at him.

He reached out, took her into his arms and hugged her gently: "It's true. I'm not lying to you, and it's not

perfunctory. I promise, huh?"

He seemed to be getting more and more adept at hugging her, as if it had already been played out innovelbin

his mind a million times.

The most important thing was that he had not forgotten that they were divorced.

Why could he hug his ex-wife so naturally and smoothly?

Camille frowned slightly. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she was. She felt that

she must have condoned Ayan so that he became more and more greedy.

She immediately reached out to push him, and her eyebrows knitted tighter as she said, "Get off me!"

Ayan frowned and thought she didn't believe him, so she wouldn't let him hold her.

Instead of letting go, he held her even tighter.

He pressed his voice and asked in a low voice: "I'm telling the truth, no lying to you. Indeed, I don't

know what he is really up to, because he is not revealing too many secrets at the moment, so it's more

tedious to check, trust me, huh?"

"Let go of me before you talk!"


"Ayan, will you stop hugging me all the time?" It was okay if she didn't say it, but after she did he

hugged her even tighter, making her almost breathless, just as she felt too bundled up to move.

Camille reached out and struggled, but to no avail, he simply wouldn't budge.

Camille glared at him unhappily, "What are you doing?"

"I have to ask what you want, wasn't that just fine? Suddenly you have a big change of attitude towards

me because of Preston?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let go of me first."

Ayan naturally refused, not only refused, but also took advantage of this lovey-dovey atmosphere late

at night to say in a low and hoarse voice: "Who am I going to hug if not you?"

"Mr. Simpson, have you forgotten that we're divorced? I'm your ex-wife now. What kind of an ex-

husband would hold on to his ex-wife in the middle of the night like you do?"

"Ex-wife?" Ayan snorted, not even putting the title in his eyes. What ex-wife and ex-husband? If not to

obey her, he would have turned their relationship into somewhere like this?

Ayan gritted his teeth lightly, his brow revealing his displeasure, but his hand holding Camille did not

mean to let go at all, and their eyes locked.

Camille was also stubborn, "Isn't it?"

He narrowed his eyes and said with an nonchalant expression: "So what if it is? So what if it's not? I

won't let go, what can you do to me?"

"Ayan, can you stop being such a bummer?"

"I'll be it then."

"You go away!!!"

She was somewhat unhappily annoyed, then struggled hard, but within a few strokes she was pinned

directly against the door by Ayan, his voice low and deep, "Try moving again!"


He leaned down to kiss her, but before the kiss could fall, he heard a soft cough: "Ahem..."

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