My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 627 - Whereabouts
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Chapter 627 - Whereabouts

Chapter 627 - Whereabouts

Mr. Bell immediately said, "The person Austin arranged to take over the project is one of Austin's

partners. Because of what happened to Austin in this project, the other party thought it was not good to

meet directly at work, so they proposed to have dinner with all of you tonight, as an apology on behalf

of Austin, so that we can cooperate in the future."

"Which one of the partners who has refused to disclose for many days told you so?" Ayan smiled

meaningfully, and after seeing Mr. Bell nod, he also immediately said: "In that case, it is better to accept

it. It would seem petty if we refuse such a sincere offer, so let's get together tonight!

Once Ayan said this, the crowd had no problem with it.

After the meeting, everyone came out of the conference room together, and Ayan personally took Mr.

and Mrs. Bell and others to the elevator door, and Ayan said, "Then I'll see you tonight."

"Okay, I'll see you tonight, I'll contact that Mr. Baxter when I get back here."

"names Baxter?"

"Yes, the person in charge for the handover is Mr. Baxter of names Baxter."

"Well, then, I'll ask you to pass on the message."

Ayan said lightly.

Mr. Bell didn't think much of it and just said, "We're all on the same side, no need to be polite."

Camille also smiled, her eyes revealing her meaningful thoughts.

The elevator also arrived, and when the doors opened, several people headed inside, and Ayan

reached out to take Camille's wrist and whispered: "Wait for me, right?"

His voice was gentle, causing her to flinch slightly, and all eyes were on him. Camille struggled a little

uncomfortably, but he refused to let go.

Mrs. Bell, who had already entered the elevator, smiled: "Ayan really refused to separate for a while?"

Ayan also just smiled lightly and did not say anything, but there was a kind of acquiescence.

Camille pursed her lips and just showed a light smile, then watched the crowd leave by elevator.

Camille then pulled her hand away and asked emotionlessly, "What are you doing?"

Ayan raised his eyebrows: "Nothing, just let you wait for me, won't you?"

His voice was low and he smiled vaguely.

Camille frowned, thinking he was teasing. "Be serious."

"I'm serious." He looked at her, then reached out and wrapped his hand around her shoulder and said

in a low voice, "Come on, go back to the office first, don't reject and embarrass me. So many people

are watching. If they see me being rejected by you, they might talk about how pathetic I am in private


He said it like it was true, but Camille wouldn't believe it. After all, he was Ayan.

Who dared to talk about Ayan?

But Camille didn't break it down either, so she went back to the office with the piece.

Ayan said, "I still have a little bit of work to finish, you sit down and eat some fruit first, soon."

"Hmm." Camille gave him a look, and Ayan didn't linger much longer as he went straight to his desk

and sat down to start working.

Camille wondered what he was doing by leaving her behind on purpose.

Do you still need company at work?

I haven't seen this before!

It took nearly an hour for Ayan to finish his work and then Kian knocked on the door.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, Mr. Bell called, and the restaurant for dinner tonight is the Hance City Hotel."


"Do you need me to go over and make arrangements in advance?"

Kian asked.

Ayan glanced at him indifferently: "It's not the Simpson Group's treat, you don't need to arrange

anything in advance, the host today is Mr. Baxter from the Norman Group, so just sit and wait to eat!

Kian nodded, "Okay."

Ayan added, "Drive to the door and wait."

Kian answered and exited the office. Ayan also got up from his desk. He walked up to Camille and

explained, "Let's go to the hospital together to see Grandpa?"

Camille nodded and guessed that she had been left behind on purpose so that she could go to the

hospital with him to see Grandpa.

This didn't seem wrong. After all, if they went to the hospital together, Grandpa would be happy.

The two left the Simpson Group together and Kian drove them to the hospital in his car.

Kian said to Ayan while driving, "Mr. Simpson, our people found out Molly's whereabouts. She was

seen going back to the Walker family, and she was also seen in Flento City."

"Well, is that all?"

"For now, but now that Molly has shown up, it shouldn't be too far away when Preston turns up." Kian

said in a hurry.

Ayan did not respond again, his handsome face expressionlessly looking out of the window, not

knowing what he was thinking.

Camille also heard clearly throughout the conversation between the two. She pursed her lips slightly

and did not participate.

The conversation did not continue because of Ayan's silence. Shortly after arriving at the hospital, the

two got out of the car together and walked inside.

Old Simpson was also awake when the two arrived. Dr. Ellis just gave old Simpson a check-up last

night and brought over his medication. Old Simpson could simply eat a little liquid food for those two

days, and naturally he could start taking medication.

After Old Simpson had taken his medicine, Camille and Ayan were able to talk with the old Simpson.

He was still very weak and started to get tired after a few words.

But he was happy to see the two of them come together in what looked like a very harmonious way.

The two stayed with the old Simpson for a long time in the hospital before leaving. When they came

out, Ayan said to Camille, "I'm going to see Eileen, will you come with me?"

Camille froze . That was the main reason he called her to the hospital, wasn't it?

Camille said, "See her for what?"

"Something I wanted to ask, stay with me, huh?"

After Ayan finished, he didn't wait for her answer, and naturally took her hand and led her to the


The two took the elevator to the floor where Eileen was hospitalized. Eileen had been in the hospital

since the last time, and Cora was lucky for not infected. But Eileen had two positive results on every

test, so she needed to wait for the results of the six-month test for the first incubation period of the


From when she was found til now, it was already six months. Although she was living in the hospital,

Ayan had always arranged for people to keep an eye on her, especially on who came to visit her.

Everything was transparent as to what people she communicated with frequently.

When she reached the door of Eileen's ward, Camille said without much emotion, "You go, I won't go


In fact, she wanted to say that Ayan could have come to see Eileen without telling her.

Because she didn't mind at all. Her feelings towards Eileen had slowly faded with time, and comparing

Eileen and Cora, she naturally loathed the latter.

When Camille finished, Ayan also lowered his eyes and explained in a low voice: "Then you sit here

and wait for me, I will come out soon, because there are some things that need answers from her side,

so I had to come here personally."

Camille nodded and said nothing.

After seeing Ayan enter the ward, she then went to the chair in the corridor and sat down to rest.

In the ward, Ayan entered and the nurse closed the door behind him.

Eileen was standing on the balcony staring out, and when she heard the door open she turned around

and looked over, and for a moment she was lost in thought when she saw the man in the hospital room.

She blinked lightly and spoke in a soft voice, "Ayan?"

Ayan said indifferently, "How are you feeling these days?"

Eileen: "It's okay, the results aren't here yet. Did you come here specifically to see me?"

She hadn't seen Ayan for nearly two months, and she had been in the hospital and couldn't get out, so

she felt disconnected from the outside world.

Ayan did not answer the question, but simply said, "A few words to ask you."

"Okay, you ask!"

"Has Preston been in touch with you?" He inquired indifferently, and his deep eyes were fixed on her so

as not to miss any detail.

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