My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 582 Pestering
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Chapter 582 Pestering

Chapter 582 Pestering

Her words were full of mocking sarcasm, and a cold smile swept under her eyes, and her face was

expressionless again. She subconsciously wanted to push away him and to keep her distance from

him, but Ayan obviously saw through her mind, so he directly held her wrist.

He was cold, but his tone was close to gentle, light and slow: "Yes, you are right, I have loved you so

much that I can't help myself, so even though I know you have someone else in your heart, I don't

mind, so for the sake of my deep love like this, can you promise to remarry?"

"Wish it as you like!" She said coldly, "I don't want to, I've had a hard time drawing the line with you,

why would I want to jump in again?"

Ayan did not have the slightest displeasure, just hooked his lips into a light smile, and a doting look

surfaced under his eyes. He said, "Well, this time you don't have to jump in, I'll go up to you and make

you agree."

"What makes you think I can't find anyone else but you?"

"Not on the basis of anything but your willingness to give me a chance."

"Ayan, do you have to be so cheeky?" Camille was so mad at him, he would reply to whatever she

said, so if he couldn't do it forcefully, he would do it with softness, wouldn't he?

She grimaced and jerked her hand hard, "Let go of me, I don't want to see you and I don't want to say

one more word to you."

He did not let go of his hand, looking down at her, his deep eyes like an impermeable net covering

every movement of her face. He said in a low voice: "You say I do not love you? Now that I admit to

loving you so much, you can't believe it or dare to face it?"

"Do I have to believe you when you say you love me?"

"Do you not believe it or are you afraid that you will fall in love with me even after you believe it?"

He pressed on, as if he had to pry Camille's mouth open before he would give up.

Camille grimaced. Of course, she didn't believe him when he said he loved her. It was just a response

to the snide remarks she had just made.

She stared, her eyes indifferent. "I won't trust you, and I don't need you to fall in love with me, and I

don't want anything to do with you."

Camille struggled to pull her hand out, but he wouldn't let go, making her feel as if her wrist was about

to be broken.

Her eyes turned red. "You're hurting me!"

He then reacted and immediately let go of her hand.

He said, "Since before we got divorced, you said you wanted to end this loveless marriage because I

didn't love you, now I admit to loving you and you refuse to agree to remarry. Camille, can't you believe

I love you or are you afraid to remarry me?"

"Whatever you say, whatever you think doesn't matter to me at all, and I don't want to know what you


"Okay, if you don't want to know, I'm not in a hurry. I can wait until you believe."

His eyes were slightly narrowed, a gentle, light smile on his face, and whatever Camille said, he had

something to say in response.

There was a moment when Camille regretted picking up the subject tonight. She should have

responded to him by playing dumb and giving him the cold shoulder, instead of saying all the things she

did now, making him cheeky and shameless instead.

She did not want to say another word to him. She pushed him away, pulled him away completely, and

then walked into the building without looking back.

She fled as if there were a wolf following her. Looking at her back, Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly,

which revealing intense and strong emotion.

After this night, his intention of remarriage was laid bare, and Ayan also would no longer hold back.

The next morning, Camille came out of the gate to see him leaning against the body, a cigarette in his

bony fingertips. And when he saw her, he immediately put it out and stood there staring at her for a


Camille didn't even know if he came over early in the morning or if he didn't go back at all last night?

Ayan did not follow her up, but just watched her get into her car and then drove behind her.

Of course, this was just the beginning.

Shortly after Camille arrived at the office, Yessica knocked on the door, "Cami, someone has sent you

something and you have to sign for it in person."

"What stuff?"

"Flowers." Yessica squeezed her eyebrows and smiled, "Did Master Simpson surprise you again?"

Camille wrinkled her nose and walked out of the office. She saw the runner holding a bouquet of

brightly colored roses. Then he said to her with a smile on his face, "Hello, these are flowers for younovelbin

from Master Simpson."

Camille didn't want to make things difficult for the errand boy, so she had to sign for it. Yessica

immediately helped her carry it into the office, then grabbed her phone and took a picture and sent it to

the small chat group of three.

She said, "Master Simpson is demonstrating his love, and it's making me jealous from the morning of

the day."

Camille sat in front of her desk and stared at the bouquet of roses in front of her, she narrowed her

eyes and spoke lightly: "Okay, I have to work, you go out."

Yessica sensed that she didn't seem too happy and didn't dare to ask more questions, so she could

only put her phone away and exit from the office.

Camille pursed her lips, she was silent for a long time before picking up the phone and dialing out. The

other side answered quickly. Without waiting for him to speak, Camille said, "Mr. Reid, it's Camille, can

you please stop ordering me flowers for Ayan? I know you're just doing what he tells you to do, but as

long as I don't tell him, he won't know if you ordered them or not. It'll make you relaxed and me happy,


Her voice was soft and full of courtesy, and after she finished, she quietly waited for Kian's response.

But the next moment, instead of Kian's voice, she heard a familiar hoarse voice. "I ordered the flowers

myself. Do you not like red roses? And tomorrow, another color or another flower?"

The gentleness on Camille's face was gone, and she said coldly, "Ayan, don't you understand what I

mean? It's not that I don't like flowers, I don't like the flowers you gave me. I think I made it clear

enough last night, don't you understand?"

After saying that, she didn't wait for Ayan's response and cut off the call directly. Originally, she just

wanted to discuss with Kian, but who knew that Ayan would be the one to answer the phone?

Did he have that much time?

Doesn't the Simpson Group have anything for him to do?

But Camille did not know, Ayan instructed Kian, as soon as Camille called, to let him answer

immediately. Originally, it was just in case, but he guessed it right.

After Camille hung up the phone, Ayan put the phone in front of Kian, gave him a condescending

glance, and said meaningfully: "She trusts you a lot? And she took the initiative to call and talk with

you. Does she often take the initiative to contact you?"

Kian immediately sensed the danger in these words and shook his head hastily, "No, no, this is the first

time she called me. The phone can be at your disposal if you need."

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly, indifferently looked at him, and then walked into the office with his long

and slender legs.

Kian breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking he almost had to retire early.

It was just the beginning for Ayan. He finished work early in the evening and drove his car down to

Camille's office, then accompanied her back to Maple Leaves Mansion just as he had done in the

morning, although Camille ignored him and even treated him as if he were transparent.

But the next day, he repeated the same actions. At first Camille found it annoying, and disturbed, but

knowing that he would not stop there, she gradually began to see herself not part of it, so that she

would not felt bothered again.

Even when talking to Sienna, she just said with an indifferent attitude as if she had nothing to do with it,

"It's his business how to do it, but it's my business whether I will change my idea."

"You've already made up your mind?"

"Yes. Maybe I still had a smallest fantasy before on this matter, but now I have completely abandoned

all the thoughts after the showdown. I think we are doomed to be strangers, we are not suitable, so the

it can only be like this."

Sienna nodded and threw out the last question in her mind, one that she wanted Camille to confront

directly, she said, "You don't believe him when he says he loves you, do you think there's really no such

possibility or is it because you've loved him for too long without a response, so when he says he's in

love with you, revenge arises in your heart? "

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