My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 581 A Slap
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Chapter 581 A Slap

Chapter 581 A Slap

He didn't think Camille would be asked so bluntly, he didn't think the time was ripe, so since the last

time he asked her to give him a chance, he stopped asking her similar questions, he didn't want to put

her under pressure, he just wanted her to know what he was thinking and his sincerity before she

considered it seriously.

The two's eyes just looked at each other and his answer was straightforward, not denying it because ofnovelbin

this suddenness.

Camille gritted her teeth lightly, a faint smile on her cheeks, "I don't want a remarriage." She lowered

her eyes to look away and made the meaning of her words clearer: "I have no intention of getting

remarried, so you should stop wasting your time on me."

"Is that what you insisted on telling me even though you had already fallen asleep?" The light smile on

Ayan's cheeks still surfaced, but the bottom of his deep eyes were flooded with thick darkness, as if a

thick layer of ink had been splashed on and could not be erased.

"I just want to be clear, I don't want you to waste your time and I don't want the relationship to become


Especially she didn't want him to continue doing things that weren't in line with what divorced couples


That would be more and more entwined.

Ayan asked, "What made you want to talk to me about it at this time? Was it a spur of the moment or

did you have that in mind?"

"There's no conflict whether it's impromptu or pre-planned, right?"

"Is it because my presence around you too often lately has made you feel stressed and annoyed, so

you don't want to keep seeing me anymore and now you put an end to all my hopes to stop me

pestering you?"

"That's fine if that's how you want to understand it."

Camille did not hide or avoid staring at him, her eyes clear and bright without the slightest emotion.

That was what makes Ayan feel powerless.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his brow furrowed especially, and his voice was low to the extreme: "I

don't accept your reason, we only separated because of misunderstandings between us. As long as

these misunderstandings are cleared up, everything will go back to the original. Now we also have

Timmy, can't that be a reason to get back together?"

Camille's eyes were cold as she looked at him. Her long eyelashes couldn't hide the look in her eyes.

His words made her laugh as if she had heard some ridiculous joke. "So you think we have to remarry

because of Timmy? All you need is a reason and a condition to remarry?"

He stared at her with a stony expression, not knowing how to answer the question.

Camille took a deep breath, for she had already fallen asleep before getting up, so her hair was

casually draped, and was now gently swaying with the wind.

She said, "Ayan, you don't love me, so why pretend you love me so much that you only want me?"

Just because she was suitable?

But the world is so big. How could people be sure she was the only one suitable for him?

Ayan stared at her without changing his expression, his tightly furrowed brows were gradually

smoothed out, his eyes were thin and deep, his thin lips were pursed into a straight line, and only after

a long time did he say in a light voice: "It's late, you should have finished your words? Then go up and

rest, I still have a video conference to hold, huh?"

He sounded as if nothing had just happened.

Camille stared blankly at him, and without waiting for her to say anything, Ayan added, "Go upstairs by


Camille: "Ayan, what I said ...."

"Camille, I'm on the last flight back straight from Dane City after working on the project without even

eating dinner. If you're done talking, go up now. If you're not done, either I'll go up with you and

continue or you'll get in the car with me and go back to Hanyama Mansion and continue, so do you

want to choose the former or the latter? "

His words were full of threats and warnings, and he told Camille again not to go on, or he couldn't

guarantee what he would do.

Camille stared at him coldly, her brow as cold as ice. "You see, you always do this. You want to

remarry, but where is your effort and sincerity? You think I'm right for you, right for the Simpson family,

but have you ever asked me? Are you right for me?"

"So you're choosing the latter to go back to Hanyama Mansion with me to continue the conversation?"

With that, he had already reached out his hand to hold her wrist, and he seemed to want to take her to

the car. "Camille, I gave you a choice, and you didn't want it."

He didn't want to hear any more. Not a word that came out of her mouth was that he wanted to hear.

Now he just wanted to shut her up right away.

Camille struggled, but how could she possibly be a match for Ayan's strength?

With the prospect of being taken to his car, she gave vent to all her feelings. She said in a cold voice:

"Ayan, you will only use this way and means. You have never asked me if I want it. You have never

thought about it from my point of view. Even after our divorce you have never reflected on it, because

you think you have the certainty to make me agree to remarry you. You think you can definitely

influence my decision. Even if it is not voluntary, you have a way to threaten me to make me nod, but

have you ever thought that if a marriage is not based on feelings, then divorce is its destiny"


Camille's words fell as she was pushed hard against the car by Ayan, and with him fell a fierce kiss of

no gentleness.

The dry nicotine smell of tobacco immediately took over her mouth.

Camille was unable to avoid her, as her hands were also tightly clutched by him, and she could only

open her eyes wide, forced to accept his wanton kisses.

Nobody knew how long this kiss lasted.

Until her body went limp and almost slid down, he let go of her mercifully, and then before he could say

anything, she jerked away from his clutching hand and raised a heavy slap directly to his cheek.


The sound of a loud, crisp slap was extraordinarily clear.

In the dim light, the man's deep eyes were gloomy and cold, his handsome face expressionless to the


She looked at him with arched eyebrows, as if smiling, but there was not the slightest warmth. She

looked at him indifferently: "Ayan, you really can't even be a qualified ex-husband, you 're so annoying!"

He narrowed his eyes, his handsome face so gloomy that raindrops could fall from it. He looked down

at her, and only after half a second did he speak in a low voice: "It's fine you hate me. I didn't expect

you to like me. After all, you're still over your ex-boyfriend, and I'm not interested in being a qualified


She looked into his deep, dark eyes and laughed, "Since you know I have an ex-boyfriend in my heart

that I can't get out of my mind, you should keep your distance from me, or do you love me too much to

leave me, Master Simpson? You don't mind even if I have someone else in my heart, as long as I can

agree to remarry you?"

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