My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 573 Rely On Him
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Chapter 573 Rely On Him

Chapter 573 Rely on Him

Camille subconsciously looked at Ayan, whose introduction was so formal that she almost suspected

they weren't divorced.

She was slightly stunned until the two aunts called out to her with a smile, and only then did she hastily

return to her senses and respond with a smile.

Janie took Camille and Ayan into the innermost dining room, and then asked them to have seats. "I just

made roast beef today. You're just about time. I'll have it ready soon. Have some fruit and tea."

Janie walked out with a smile on her face.

Camille sat down in her chair and looked at Ayan with a light expression, "You could have actually just

introduced me to them that way, after all, we ..."

"Did it bother you? The reason I said that was just that I didn't think I needed to explain too much, and if

you don't like it, then I won't next time, eh?"

Camille nodded and did not continue the conversation.

A moment later, Janie came in with the noodles.

The two sat face to face at the tiny table eating their noodles, Janie chatting along.

When Ayan went out to answer a phone call, Janie then started to talk about Ayan's childhood with


She sighed: "Although you even have children, I still have to say one more thing, you are the first girl

he brought me to this noodle shop. Looking at now, you guys are so good. I am happy from the bottom

of my heart. From now on, take this place as your own home. Come whenever you want. Don't be too

polite, OK?"

Camille nodded, "Sure, don't worry Janie, I'll make myself home."

"Good." Janie smiled and continued to chat with Camille about Timmy, just as Ayan returned at that

moment, and she couldn't help asking, "Now that you have Timmy, any more thoughts about having a

second child?"

Such a question now?

Camille froze.

The same for Ayan.

But he was still calm and soon laughed, "Janie, if you keep talking about it, Camille won't come next


Camille just smiled.

Janie hurriedly explained: "Look at me, I'm so carried away. Cami, this is just a random question, hope

you do not feel offended. From now on, if I say anything unpleasant, you interrupt me immediately, or I

can't stop it."

Janie was so happy that she completely opened up the conversation.

Camille didn't really care. After all, it was just a question.

It was dark when we came out of the noodle shop.

The two drove straight back to Maple Leaves Mansion.

But Ayan had not been settled yet, so naturally, he couldn't stay.

The car stopped steadily. Camille subconsciously wanted to reach out to open the door, but suddenly

she thought of something and immediately put it down. She turned to look at Ayan. "Ayan, you do not

have to come to pick me up tomorrow. After today I think Austin also dare not take it too far, and I also

informed the property management to check the surveillance at any time, there will not be anything

wrong. "

Camille's refusal was clear.

Ayan didn't say anything, just looked at her, "Am I causing you trouble?"

Camille paused and still answered truthfully, "No, it's just that it's too much trouble for you, so..."

"It's no trouble for me if not for you. If you really feel uncomfortable, just think of me as Kian or the

driver." He finished the topic as soon as possible, his gentle eyes revealing a light smile, "Well, get in

the car."

Camille did not move, her fair face revealing hesitation. She pursed her lips lightly and whispered,

"Although it did not cause me any trouble, I think it is better for us to keep a little distance, so that it will

not make grandpa and them misunderstand."

Although it felt like burning the bridge, Camille thought it was something else, and she would remember

him coming to help, but she couldn't rely on him for everything, could she?

So Camille seriously thought about it and still felt she needed to speak out.

As soon as she made these remarks, the atmosphere immediately quieted down.

The man's handsome face also immediately flooded with a slight stiffness of indifference. He narrowed

his eyes slightly, and his tone was firm: "Well, then let's do as you say!"

Camille nodded, then said goodbye before turning to walk into the building.

Ayan sat in the car for a long time. He did not start the engine to leave. He watched Camille's figure

disappear from view, before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

He thought it would've been just like she agreed to go to Janie's place to eat noodles, even if she did

not want to. Thinking that she was just hesitating again and again before expressing her refusal, he

pursed his thin lips in a straight line. White smoke curled around his deep eyes, which could hardly be


A cigarette ended and he drove away from Maple Leaves Mansion.

But did he really give up like that?

The next morning, Camille left the house at about the same time as before to get ready for work.

She had just stepped out of the floor door when she saw the car that brought her back last night parked

in front of her, and subconsciously frowned and stopped.

The car window opened and the handsome man in the car looked at her. "Camille, come here." His

tone sounded as if nothing had happened last night, but he tried to explain, "Last night I went back to

Simpson's mansion to see Timmy, and early this morning my mother prepared breakfast for me to bring

you here on the way, so get in and eat, or it will get cold later."

Camille stood still and did not immediately go over, but silently took a deep breath, and then stepped


She walked to the copilot seat and didn't intend to get in, but leaned over to look through the window at

Ayan in the driver's seat and said, "Give me breakfast, I'm not going to the office yet."

Ayan was slightly stunned. He narrowed his eyes slightly to look at her without much expression.

Camille felt she was being stared at by the teacher with scrutiny.

But Camille did not hide, and without the slightest emotion, she met his gaze. novelbin

The two confronted each other for about two or three seconds, then he picked up the breakfast on the

seat and handed it to Camille: "Careful, don't spill it."

"OK." She whispered in response, and then took the breakfast.

The man's bony fingers inadvertently slid across her palm leaving a trace of warmth, so that she

subconsciously pursed her lips lightly and looked away.

She spoke again, "Next time, tell Mom not to make it, and when I want to eat it, I'll go back to

Simpson's mansion, it's quite a hassle to bring it here."

Ayan's eyebrows wrinkled, and frowned, and looked at her palm-sized, pretty face, and vaguely said,


She smiled and said softly, "Go to the office then, bye!"

After saying that, she just stared at him without any extra expression on her delicate white face.

And finally, he just nodded lightly, "Well, bye."

Then Ayan stepped on the gas and drove away from Maple Leaves Mansion as she watched.

After he left, Camille went to her car, where she ate her breakfast and then cleaned up and threw away

the trash before driving to the office.

Yessica was still pretending to deal with the dispute the way that company wanted, and they were

fooled into thinking that both Yessica and the company behind her agreed to the condition of free

drawing because they were afraid of getting into trouble, and now they started working together again

as if nothing had happened.

After Camille arrived at the office, Dan came a short while later. The two of them went through the

usual routine of looking for the necessary changes to the drawings, which had been going on for days

and was actually quite tedious.

But Camille and Dan were both the kind of people who could stay alone and not get bored, so it was

OK for them.

While working, Dan looked at Camille several times without saying anything.

After catching David peeking many times, Camille finally spoke up, "Do you have something you want

to say?"

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