My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 572 A Regular Customer
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Chapter 572 A Regular Customer

Chapter 572 A Regular Customer

Camille agreed, which was good, so she wouldn't have to feel like she owed him anything.

Afterwards, Ayan took the initiative to explain what he had just said to Austin about Cora, saying, "I

know you don't want to hear anything about her, but I don't want to hide it from you, so I want to make

everything clear to you, and I won't interfere in Cora's affairs in the future."

He hadn't planned to mention it specifically to Austin, but he just happened to run into it, and in that

situation just now, so he said it.

But he wondered what Camille thought of it.

"OK." Camille just nodded as she listened.

Her reaction was a bit too flat, as if it didn't matter and as if she didn't care at all.

His pupils snapped shut and his voice dropped as he asked, "Only one word? Nothing more to say?"

Camille looked at him with some confusion, "What more do I have to say?"

The two's eyes collided, and emotions that the other could not see remained in each other's eyes, and

he whispered, "Cami, do you believe me?"

Ayan had always addressed her as Camille, so she was a little uncomfortable being called Cami in

such an intimate way at the moment.

Her fair face was filled with consternation. Without waiting for her to respond, Ayan spoke first: "Well, I

won't force you to answer, but you can choose to trust me."

He wanted to show her that he was actually worth trusting.

But Camille was not clear about what Ayan was thinking, only that his recent changes made her

increasingly inscrutable. Although she also vaguely perceived some different feelings, he did not

personally indicate them, so she did not quite dare to think in that way.

She just thought he probably treated her that way because of Timmy, right?

Ayan saw that Camille seemed lost in thought, so he whispered, "Why didn't you spend more time with

Timmy at the Simpson's mansion?"

He thought she would take advantage of the opportunity to stay a few more days and was planning to

return to Simpson's mansion for dinner tonight or tomorrow.

Camille: "I came to deal with something that happened to the company."


He, too, answered softly, and then went back into silence.

Both of them noticed that it was a bit awkward from time to time as long as they were alone together,

but Ayan seemed determined to break the ice today.

He said, "In order to prevent Austin from looking for you again recently, why don't I drive you to and

from work every day from now on?"

His words sounded like he was asking, but in fact it was more like he had made a decision just to tell

Camille again, but the tone gave a sense of negotiation that would not be uncomfortable.

Camille shook her head. "No, it's quite a hassle."

"No problem, I had Kian buy a suite in my name at Maple Leaves Mansion and will be moving there in

the next couple of days, so it's just down the road."

He did not hide his purchase of the house from her, because sooner or later she would know. Rather

than upset her after she found herself, it was better to confess now.

Camille's brow furrowed, and her face went expressionless. "Why are you buying a house at Maple

Leaves Mansion?"

He had no shortage of places to live. He owned houses in most of the high-end condominiums and

villas in Hance City, especially the one prepared for their marriage, Hanyama Mansion, which was one

of a kind in location and environment, and was not far from Simpson Group, which was convenient for


He bought a temporary suite at Maple Leaves Mansion just to drive her to and from work?

After this thought, the expression on Camille's face became more and more indifferent.

Honestly, she didn't like it very much.

Ayan said in a light voice: "You don't need to have pressure. I won't always live there. It's just that I'm

responsible for everything that's happened recently. Well, it's been decided, so do not refuse me again,


Camille didn't answer, but before she could say anything, Ayan's phone rang.

He glanced at Camille, picked up his phone, and walked to the window to answer it. Looking at his

back, Camille was still in a state of confusion.

After the call ended, Ayan looked at Camille: "Are you done yet? If you're okay, let's go together!"

Camille's expression was slightly stiff, but she eventually followed him out of the office.

Ayan's car took her out of the company's garage, and he took a gentle look at her in the passenger

seat and asked warmly, "Want to go to Janie's place for a bowl of noodles?"

Speaking of delicious food, one would still want to eat it even if they had eaten it last night. Especially

the excellent food. One would like to have it every day until he got tired of it.

But Camille held back.

She said, "No, I can't. I was there last night, and it's too much trouble for Janie to go now."

"It's not a problem," a smile crossed Ayan's thin lips, "Janie loves you so much that she welcomes you

every day you go."

Camille gave him a complicated look, "Another time."

He didn't say yes, and he didn't say no.

Just looking ahead and staring at the road, he said in a warm voice: "Janie and Kit have no children, so

Aria and I used to often go to their home to eat. Then I was so busy that I couldn't go there even once a

year. I should have brought you over to try Janie's cooking, but Janie was sick half a year ago, and it

took her a few months to recover. Last night when we went over, she was very happy, and also asked

Kit to call me today to take you over to have dinner. Today she also asked Kit to call me, asking me

take you to eat more noodles when I have time. If you happen to want to eat the noodle, can you visit

them again? Don't you want to buy some fruit for Janie to express your gratitude?"

Camille was naturally moved when she heard Janie was childless.

She also found that what Ayan said could always easily sway her, especially when some decisions henovelbin

had already made, but still insisted on giving her the final nod.

Probably she nodded her head in agreement, so Ayan said nothing more, but his handsome face wore

a clear smile, showing that he was in a very good mood.

He said and did all this just to get her to go to Janie's for a bowl of noodles?

Camille gave him a deep look, then looked out the window before Ayan noticed.

Ayan found a high-end fruit supermarket, bought a lot of fruit and some milk and brought them to Janie.

Originally Camille was going to pay the bill, but Ayan had already paid first.

Carrying the fruit and milk back to the car, Ayan explained, "Let me pay the bill first this time, and then

buy it yourself the next time you go alone."

Camille nodded and said nothing more.

They drove all the way to Janie's place. It was still early, and there were two tables of guests. In order

to give guests enough space, the rooms were separated so as not to disturb their dinner, but also to

show respect for their privacy.

Janie saw Camille and Ayan with their hands full of fruit, wiped her hands and greeted them: "Why do

you buy so many things? Cami, we are friends!"

"Janie, it's just some fruit. You can share it with everyone." Camille explained softly, but not so

confidantly. After all, she was not the one who bought them.

Ayan also helped Camille explain: "Janie, don't be polite, or she won't come next time."

Janie immediately smiled and hurriedly took the fruit and pulled Camille inside, explaining in a soft

voice, "Next time, don't buy any more. I'm glad you're here, you know?"

Camille nodded in response.

In addition to Janie, there was also a chef and two middle-aged waitresses. Everyone had been helping

Janie for years, so they also recognized Ayan. Now they also came to greet them. Then Ayan took the

initiative to introduce Camille: "This is my wife Camille. From now on, she will probably be a regular

customer of your noodle shop. "

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