My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 554 Lies
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Chapter 554 Lies

Chapter 554 Liesnovelbin

She didn't quite dare to look Ayan in the eye and asked in a very soft voice, "Ayan, what do you want to


"Have you ever lied about anything during that time?" The man's voice tone was gradually increasing,

slightly narrowing his deep eyes flooded with a few indifferent coolness.

Cora's eyes widened subconsciously, but she was still trying to maintain her composure: "Why do you

suddenly ask that?"

"So what's your answer?" He asked instead of answering, not giving the other party the slightest

chance to catch his breath.

Cora's eyes dodged, but she immediately replied, "Of course not, so someone said something to you

on purpose to make you misunderstand?"

Ayan didn't answer, just looked at Cora with indifferent eyes and repeated once more, "Really haven't

told any lies?"

"No." She was calm and composed, and her eyes were full of determination, but where no one could

see, her fingers trembled gently, revealing how fast her heart was jumping at the moment?

She did not move and took a breath, and her voice was not too fast, "I am not lying, if you have any

questions you can ask me directly, after all, you can not just listen to what a person says, right?"

Ayan's thin lips rose slightly to reveal a smile, but there was no smile under his eyes, and his

handsome and noble face still looked elegant, but his low voice popped out a bit of coldness: "So

you've never made any promises to the local children either? So where are the ants that you asked

them to find for you to bring back to Hance City?"

His question caused Cora's face to stiffen momentarily.

She stood there motionless as much as she was at a loss for words, and her eyes were covered with

an unbelievable dodge as she gently shook her head: "What ants? Ayan, how can I not understand

what you said?"

"If there is no actual evidence you think I will open this mouth? The day you got lost in the mountains

there happened to be an aerial photography team filming the countryside scenery recommendation

promo, all your moves were captured by the aerial photography, need I show you the video?"

Ayan's face is cold and sullen, and his deep black eyes are filled with cold intent.

It's been two days since Rex sent the message. He just found out that Camille's ant bite allergy was

caused by Cora, and he was planning to question her first, but who can guarantee that she will admit it

without actual evidence?

So Ayan did not rush and waited until now.

He needs to finish this before Camille goes back to Hance City, after all, he deserves to be punished

for his wrongdoing.

As for the matter of Cora lost, although he is also clear with her eight or nine, but compared to Camille

was bitten by ants he does not care in the end who did it? Because Camille is not hurt in this matter

that is enough.

As for Cora's injury, then also just lifting stones to hit their own feet, are adults, naturally can not blame


After his words, Cora was silent for almost half a minute.

She was pale, biting her lips tightly, she tried to explain, but in the end she could not say anything, she

could only find excuses to want Ayan to believe that she did not mean it.

She said, "Ayan, I .... I just ...."

"No matter what you're doing it for, but what you did to Camille has caused intentional harm, so you

need to apologize." Ayan interrupted her directly, he didn't want to hear something that didn't matter.

The expression on Cora's face seemed to slacken a little, and her face was even more relaxed, just


She is acceptable.

She nodded with a mild expression, "Okay, I'm willing to apologize to Camille, don't worry I definitely

won't go to her alone this time, I'll do whatever you arrange, okay?"

"Since this happened during this project, you should confess this to Camille in front of everyone on this

project and give Camille a public apology and admit that you caused both of these incidents."

His proposed conditions can not be refused, deep eyes indifferent look at Cora waiting for her


But Cora pursed her lips and refused at all, her heart full of rejection.

She could be willing to give Camille a private apology, but she couldn't do it in front of everyone.

How can she get involved in this project in the future?

She pursed her lips and asked in a low voice, "Can I apologize to her in front of you, please? Or I can

call Camille right now and apologize to her in front of you. I can't leave the hospital right now, my body

is recovering a lot according to the doctor, but I don't feel safe leaving here, so can I not apologize in


"You only have two choices, the first directly out of this project without any apology, the second initiative

in the project group to say these two things clearly to Camille apologize."

"Ayan!" she was filled with sadness as she asked in a low voice, "Are you really going to push me to

this point?"

"You have a choice, but you only have two days."

Ayan looked at her with an expressionless face.

The look on his face already told Cora the answer.

Some things as long as the bottom line is not touched, he can turn a blind eye, but some things can

not, even if it has passed, but in his case still need a sense of the end of the ceremony.

Ayan gave Cora two days because he did not want to push her too hard, because he knew the apology

was undoubtedly to make Cora's next job very difficult, but the adult world is not not difficult, do wrong

to admit, beaten to stand up.

If she doesn't do anything in two days, she will be out of the project by default, and she will not be the

only one involved, but also the whole Norman Group.

Ayan finished what he needed to say and left.

As for Cora, she didn't say another word until he left.

After taking the elevator downstairs to leave the hospital and getting into the car, Kian then asked,

"Master Simpson, would it be a bad idea for you to push Mrs. Norman too hard?"

"There is nothing good, if even this little thing can not bear that is too fragile? What's more, since we

dare to do it we have to think that sooner or later there will be this day."

This is the most basic rule.

As for how Cora is going to choose?

That'll be two days from now.

The next day at 4:00 p. m. at Hance City International Airport, the four Camille's walked out of the

airport and Kian was already waiting at the exit.

After seeing the person, rushed forward to result in the suitcase in Rex's hand, and then intended to

help Dan was politely refused: "I can do it myself."

Kian was no longer polite and took them to the airport parking lot with his cart luggage.

Walking to the car and seeing Kian picking them up in a commercial vehicle, Rex couldn't help but spit,

"How many people is this going to pick up?"

Kian was just about to open his mouth to explain when the rear window followed and lowered.

The crowd saw the person in the car, then it dawned on them.

Rex flirted and laughed: "Yo, Master Simpson personally picked up the plane? This is a great honor for

us! Or is it thanks to whom we can enjoy such a supreme treatment?"

He meant to imply, and the flavor of the implication was clear.

Ayan looked at him indifferently and said nonchalantly, "If you don't think you can afford it, walk back?"

"Master Simpson is not letting me get in the car? You don't think we're too bright, do you?" Rex said

and reached for Sienna's shoulder and whispered, "I guess I'll have to ask you to walk home with me?"

Sienna didn't even think twice before she broke away from holding Camille's arm: "I'll stay with Camille,

you can walk by yourself!"

"I ..." Rex gasped and reached out to yank Sienna's hand, "You're going to fly with me in a big way?"

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