My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 553 Guess
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Chapter 553 Guess

Chapter 553 Guess

The screen also shows the chat page with Ayan, basically all of which he sent to Ayan unilaterally.

"Master Simpson, look at how close your wife is to Master Tucker!"

It's a picture of Camille standing with Dan.

"Master Simpson, look how gentle your wife is looking at Dan!"

Then another photo.

"Master Simpson, I think you're a bit redundant now, I'm getting high on both of them cp, I've got a

name in mind, it's Sugar-free!"

Another photo.

The more Sienna looked at it, the colder her face became. She raised her phone and questioned Rex,

"What are you doing?"

Rex reached out to take the phone, but Sienna avoided allowing him to touch it, her face always cold

as ice.

She said, "You're invading people's privacy, Camille is my friend, and you just came over here

specifically to be an undercover agent?"

Besides, Camille and Ayan are divorced, so nothing she does is illegal.

That's why Sienna resents Rex's behavior.

Rex reached out and gently grasped her shoulders in an attempt to pull her into his arms and explain,

but Sienna wouldn't let her touch her at all, and the atmosphere between the two of them cooled down

a bit.

Rex lowered his voice and gently explained: "I just deliberately stimulate him, let him jealous hard, so

that can also enhance the relationship between the two couples, otherwise he dragged me to drink

every day I am almost alcohol poisoning, he just need people to force a little to take the initiative."

"What are you trying to force him to do?"

"Force him to know something to learn the code of male virtue up, you do not he see nothing to say, but

with what I know about him, he must be sour now."

Rex has been friends with Ayan for many years, so he can know very well that Ayan must care about

Camille in his heart, but he just doesn't know in what way.

He said, "I'm doing this for the good of the couple, too. Don't you want your best friend to have a

harmonious relationship with her husband and wife?"

Sienna looked at Rex without changing her face and nodded lightly, the words in her mouth that she

wanted to accuse Rex also swallowed, she just smiled: "Of course I hope, then you just send these can

not, in fact, I tell you it, the two of them is not only the problem is not good so simple, Camille that ex-

boyfriend always contact her recently, Ayan if not properly I guess it's hard to behave."

Rex's eyes widened, "Ex-boyfriend?"

"Well, just tell him that, and don't say much else, besides you want to stimulate Ayan? Then you can't

just take pictures of Camille with Dan, you have to tell Ayan that even if he leaves him the beautiful

Camille is still chased by many people."

Sienna intends to use Rex's mouth to make Ayan eat his words, telling him to make Camille sad about

Timmy and threatening Camille with Timmy, so she has to give Camille a piece of her mind as a friend.

Completely unaware of this, Camille turned back to the two standing still behind her with Dan and

asked, "Why aren't you leaving?"

Rex immediately said, "Not happy anymore, I'm coaxing!"

Sienna smiled at Camille and Dan, then said lightly, "I'll forgive you for once for their sake."

Then happily took her hand and moved closer to Camille.

Dan, a maternal single of this kind, was completely confused, and he laughed lightly and said, "That's


"It would seem so." Camille is used to Sienna's fickleness, but only to the extent that she is not really

angry, if really upset, not to mention coaxing, even to beg on their knees is useless.

Dan still didn't quite understand, and he asked in a low voice, "Are you girls like this?"


"You too?" novelbin

Camille didn't answer, just tilted her head and looked at him, "Guess!"

Without waiting for Dan to respond, Sienna and Rex were already following.

The four of them went back to school.

Camille and Sienna briefly tidied up the room and packed the bags again before hearing Sienna ask,

"Will you tell Ayan about this discovery when you get back?"

"No comment."


"You think your Rex's mouth is unable to make a sound?"

Camille's speculation made Sienna smile, but deep down she was also curious what Ayan's reaction

would be.

During the three days Camille was away, Ayan was very busy every day, and almost every night he had

to work until around ten o'clock before he could finish his work.

But tonight he left early after attending the dinner.

Back in the car, he closed his eyes and leaned back in the back seat, the past few days little sleep, at

the moment is also very tired.

Kian also got into the driver's seat, looked back at Ayan and asked, "Master Simpson, take you back to


Ayan narrowed his dark eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "There is no hurry, send me somewhere


When he said the location, Kian was slightly surprised, but nodded his head immediately.

Half an hour's drive to the destination, Ayan said to Kian, "You're coming up with me!"

Kian nodded, understanding that Ayan was trying to avoid suspicion.

The time was just about nine o'clock, but the hospital was already quiet.

Arriving at the door of the ward, Kian knocked on the door and a voice soon came from inside: "Come


Kian opened the door, Ayan lifted his foot and walked in, then let Kian stand in the doorway and the

door didn't have to be closed.

Seeing that it was Ayan, the woman who was leaning on the sofa watching a movie instantly got up

and she showed a smile, "Ayan, why are you here at this time?"

He looked at the woman in front of him with a shallow gaze that did not show any temperature: "The

doctor said you are recovering quite well? Have you thought about when you will be discharged from

the hospital?"

If the recovery is good in fact, there is no need to stay in hospital all the time, because the

psychological and spiritual aspects of the problem still need their own mediation.

But Cora thinks otherwise.

Her eyes were slightly stunned as she asked in a low voice, "Did you come over so late just to get me

out of the hospital?"

"You're overthinking it, and if you want to continue living there, of course you can."

He returned indifferently and did not make too much explanation.

This made Cora unable to find the opportunity to say the words she was holding in her mouth.

She hesitated and didn't continue the conversation, just said, "Sit down and talk, I'll get you some


"No, I just happened to be passing by and came up to say a few words and then left."

Cora raised her eyes to stare at him, her heart flushed with apprehension. The last time she went to

Camille's office to apologize after he sent her back, his tone was also this cold, so she was a little

unsure of what he was going to say?

Ayan's gaze finally looked directly at her, but the emotions under his eyes were very light, like a calm

sea, without the slightest ripple.

His handsome face looked calm but had a distinct coldness revealed as he asked, "Do you still

remember what happened when you went to Fola on business?"

"What are you referring to?" She asked softly in a low voice.

His eyebrows were faint and his voice was inaudible: "Do you remember your injury and Camille being

bitten by ants or anything else more?"

"Of course I remember, it hasn't been long since it happened!" She kept her composure.

But Ayan's aura is too powerful, and the kind of compelling aura revealed in his bones makes it

impossible to ignore.

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