My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 544 Invitation To Appointment
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Chapter 544 Invitation To Appointment

Chapter 544 Invitation to Appointment

Grace subconsciously looked at Horace, who did not change his face and revealed a few indifference

between his eyebrows, he said: "Master Norman means nothing more than Armstrong Corp if there is

any problem in this project is the Simpson Group responsible or by Armstrong Corp itself? Since

Armstrong Corp joined the project, Armstrong Corp is naturally responsible, do you have any other


Austin just nodded lightly with a light smile appearing on his face, and then returned, "Since this word

from Master Burris is enough, I don't have any more questions."

After all, it is a business cooperation, not a child's play and verbal promises between friends,

everything must still be asked to understand the signing of a contract is appropriate.

After this topic, the discussion of the second phase of construction was also officially started.

Camille presented a brief introduction of the second issue of the drawing, and everyone asked their

questions for her to answer.

There were no problems with the drawing design and everything went smoothly.

During this period, Ayan raised several new questions, and Horace directly rejected Ayan's proposal

because of the problems related to the decoration.

Horace said, "Master Simpson, Armstrong Corp is responsible for the decorating part, and I think it

would be more appropriate to leave it to Armstrong Corp to complete."

The implication is that Armstrong Corp is also a partner company in the project, and since that is the

case, Armstrong Corp will do its job.

Along with the conversation between the two, their eyes collided in the air, and even the atmosphere

became frosty in this moment.

Others have also looked at each other into silence.

Ayan smiled, the deep color of his eyes could not see the emotion, his voice was indifferent but with an

unquestionable tone: "Master Burris certainly has a point, but Simpson Group as the overall manager

of the project, whether it is Armstrong Corp or Norman Group and Tucker Group, any decision will have

to be made by Simpson Group. Does Master Burris think that Armstrong Corp alone can decide all

issues related to the decoration just by joining the project?"

Horace's eyes pause slightly, but soon regained their composure, he responded in a low voice: "Master

Simpson misunderstood, I am just talking about the matter, as for the final decision how? Naturally,

Master Simpson has the final say!"

Ayan also just smiled meaningfully, and the conversation between the two ended here.

Today's meeting was mainly to introduce the addition of Armstrong Corp, and also to give everyone a

basic understanding of the second phase of the construction, Camille's drawings were basically

unanimously approved, and she only needs to make a few refinements before construction can

officially begin.

The meeting lasted about an hour and ended.

After Ayan's announcement, Horace took the initiative to invite: "Armstrong Corp and I are both working

with you for the first time, and it is a great honor for Armstrong Corp and I to join this project. Mr. and

Mrs. Bell's international reputation has been known to me for a long time, and the Simpson Group is

the leader of the business community in Hance City, and I admire Master Simpson's ability, Master

Norman and Master Tucker are also the best in the business community, and Miss Armstrong's ability

has just convinced me. I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

Horace, although he gives the impression that he doesn't seem to get along well, has a sincere attitude

at the moment and his words are even more sincere.

Grace also hurriedly echoed, "Master Burris is the first time to come to Hance City, so I still hope

everyone can take care of him."

Mr. and Mrs. Bell looked at each other, and then nodded first: "Yes, it just so happens that we may not

have eaten together, and since Master Burris has taken the initiative to invite us, we are welcome to do


Mr. and Mrs. Bell both belong to the character that likes to make friends, they both nodded their heads,

and others naturally will not refuse again.

Because it's not just work, but getting along has become a good friend, so it seems reasonable to have

a meal.

After deciding on a time for dinner, the group then left from the conference room.

After walking to the elevator, Ayan said goodbye to the crowd: "Then I'll see you tonight, and I'll be out

of your hair."

"You're welcome, except for Master Burris and Manager Armstrong who are coming over for the first

time, we're all old acquaintances." Mrs. Bell took over with a flirtatious smile.

Others naturally have no problem with this.

Ayan, because he had other work to do, just said goodbye to everyone and then turned around and

walked in the direction of his office.

But he just took a step, Austin's voice followed: "Mrs. Bell, I am now going to the hospital to see Cora, if

the doctor allows the evening I will take her a piece of lively with everyone, also want to get rid of Mrs.

Bell can help me more open up to her, so that she is not too much psychological pressure, not to think

so much. "

Austin's attitude was almost pleading, and Mrs. Bell naturally would not refuse.

Mrs. Bell nodded in response, and then instructed: "You should also spend more time with her, mental

illness is not a trivial matter, if you need me to recommend a foreign psychiatrist can directly tell me, no

need to be polite yo!"

"Good, then I'll thank you and Mr. Bell in advance for your kindness." Austin did not mince words in

expressing his gratitude, and his eyes turned to Camille at the side, "Mrs. Simpson, you should also

help me as much as Mrs. Bell, right?"

Camille looked at him without changing her face, the corners of her mouth rose slightly to outline a faintnovelbin

smile: "I may have to let you down."

Austin stared at her with some surprise, obviously not expecting Camille to refuse.

Austin asked, "Is Mrs. Simpson refusing to help me? Did Mrs. Simpson hold a grudge against me

because of the problems with the previous project?"

"Master Norman you think too much." Camille words more want to say outright that he really love to

think too much, but guess Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Horace and Dan are in, so still left so a trace of face

did not say so bluntly.

She raised an eyebrow, then said: "the second phase of the project construction will soon be carried

out, I want to complete the second phase of the design drawings, probably have the heart can not help,

if Master Norman worry too much trouble Mrs. Bell then you can go directly to Master Simpson, I

believe that Master Simpson I'm sure Master Simpson will be happy to help."

Camille said no ripples and emotions, but only Austin can hear the sarcasm in her words, after all, he

said to be a husband to the extent that his wife are repulsed to resist can be imagined how much of a


Austin has always kept this in mind, so at this moment after hearing this, the expression on his face is

also instantly frozen down.

The atmosphere looks a little bit not right, Mrs. Bell busy to speak: "It's okay, Master Norman can call

me, anyway, I have a lot of time, Miss Armstrong is really busy lately, so it's also quite hard."

Mrs. Bell has always been partial to Camille, and this is not just in the past two days, so Austin will not

make any counter-argument, just a slight nod to say yes.

While we were talking, the elevator also arrived, and everyone stepped into the elevator one after

another to go downstairs.

From the Simpson Group, Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Austin left first, and Dan naturally had to take the

elevator car because he was going to Camille, but she just handed the car keys to Dan and said in a

light voice, "You go ahead and drive!"

Dan nodded his head in response, then took the car keys and walked to the super garage.

Camille looked to Grace and then spoke towards Horace, "Master Burris, may I have a word with

Manager Armstrong alone?"

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