My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 543 Pity
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Chapter 543 Pity

Chapter 543 Pity

Rex denied it, simply saying, "It's just that I feel sorry for him living in the office."

Sienna connotes, "The poor man has to be hated."

Rex listened to the clouds, raised his eyes to the woman in his arms and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It can only be understood but not spoken." Sienna finished pushing him away and said in an arrogant

tone, "Go take a shower, I'm going to bed."

Sienna came out of his arms, but he did not move for a long time, always feeling that these people

have something to hide from him.

After Rex goes to take a shower, Sienna talks to Camille about it.

She asked Camille, "Do you know if Ayan lives at the office?"

Camille: "?"

"Rex said he lives in the company quite poor, do you think he deliberately let Rex say to me so that you

know to pity him ah?"

"Then you shouldn't have told me."

"So you really want to take pity on him?"

Camille did not answer the question, but simply said, "It's late, go to bed early and have a good night!"

Camille was already lying down, and she put her phone down after replying to the message.

She stared unblinkingly at the ceiling, she was not completely unaware that Ayan lived in the company,

but what did it have to do with her?

They were no better than strangers nowadays, so whether he wanted to relay something through Rex

or had some other intention was none of her business.

But somehow, obviously this is their true thoughts, but the heart will have a trace of inexplicable


From that day on, Ayan knew that Camille did not want to see her, so she did not actively seek her out

again, during this period did meet once, one day at the Simpson's mansion for dinner met, but the

whole time there was no communication.

The two got along so that everyone clearly felt the change.

Talia asked the old Simpson what to do with some uneasiness.

The old Simpson simply said, "Let nature take its course!"

Triumph, the project, has officially resumed construction.

The night before, Kian took Ayan's place and informed several people involved in the project that they

would be arriving at the Simpson Group the next day for an announcement.

So everyone except Cora arrived at the Simpson Group meeting room at 9:00 sharp.

Mr. Bell asked, "What did Master Simpson want to announce to us?"

Ayan returned in a warm voice: "Mr. Bell wait a moment, it will be ready soon."

He glanced at the time on his watch, then glanced back toward Kian, who immediately exited from the

conference room.

Camille was sitting in her seat next to Mrs. Bell, who gently leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Is it

something you know about?"

Camille shook her head, "I don't know."

"And he didn't tell you?"

"We don't talk about work."

Mrs. Bell nodded in understanding, but asked with concern, "You and Ayan are not affected by what

happened online, are you?"

Camille just smiled slightly, "No, don't worry about it."

"That's good, it's not good to bother you lately, I was worried that you were in a bad mood to deal with

online things, now it's good to see that you are fine." Mrs. Bell is also a smile, said also did not forget to

gently pat her hand to show reassurance.

As the two men spoke, the door to the conference room was once again pushed open.

Kian was the first to show up and whispered a reminder, "Master Simpson, Armstrong Corp's Manager

Armstrong is here."

Hearing the word Armstrong Corp, Camille instantly understood what was to be announced at today's


Armstrong Corp to join the project is the grandfather personally decided, because Brody door to the

Armstrong family the old Simpson's name to visit pleading, the old Simpson side is naturally not to

agree can not.

This Camille also knows, but recently there are many things to put to the back of the mind.

It was only when I heard Kian's words that I instantly remembered.

Grace followed Kian into the conference room, but she was not alone, she was followed by a man in a

white suit, handsome and cold-looking, with a high nose framed by a pair of silver glasses, giving a

kind of indifference that is difficult to get along with.

Kian took the initiative to introduce the people in the room with Grace, and then heard Grace say,

"Hello everyone, I am Grace from Armstrong Corp, it is an honor for Armstrong Corp to be involved in

this Triumph project charity cooperation, this is our Armstrong Corp's Master Burris, I will cooperate

with Master Burris to complete all the arrangements for this project."

Master Burris of Armstrong Corp, but not named Armstrong.

Camille couldn't help but look over, and likewise, this Master Burris was staring at her.

Four eyes looked at each other and Camille nodded with a slight bow out of courtesy, likewise Master


He then looked to the crowd, greeted politely, and took the initiative to extend his hand towards Ayan:

"Master Simpson, I'm Horace Burris, and I hope Master Simpson will take care of the next


Ayan shook his hand, but did not answer his words, but only took the initiative to introduce: "These two

are Mr. Bell and Mrs. Bell, who are also our charity sponsors of this project."

He then introduced Austin and Dan and Camille, and even Cora, who was not present, made a one-

sentence introduction.

After a brief introduction, everyone then resumed their seats and the meeting officially began.

Ayan sat on the seat, his eyes warmly swept to the crowd, he said: "Armstrong Corp to formally join the

project in the form of cooperation, will be responsible for the follow-up decoration materials, I hope

Armstrong Corp adhering to the legacy of the old company do not appear any accident, if Armstrong

Corp can not afford the pressure of this project I will be the project leader right to kick out. If Armstrong

Corp can not afford the pressure of this project I will be kicked out with the right of the project leader."

Grace and Horace both nodded without any objection to indicate no problem.

In addition, Ayan did not intend to hide the situation of Armstrong Corp today, and also mentioned that

Horace Burris was the representative sent by the foreign company that financed Armstrong Corp this


The news of Armstrong Corp being financed has not been announced yet, so no one else in the room

knew about it except Ayan and Camille.

Austin raised a question: "Master Simpson, it is well known that Armstrong Corp and your relationship,

Armstrong Corp at this time to participate in this project is difficult not to make people speculate Master

Simpson you have some personal interest?

Austin's words were simple and straightforward, and brought the atmosphere in the room down to zero


Although everyone here has the most basic understanding and familiarity with each other, but this

moment still all look to Ayan expecting his answer.

In fact, Austin's meaning is clear, he refers to Armstrong Corp at this time to participate in this project is

not Ayan for Camille agreed?

Camille, who was half the person involved, knew there was no direct relationship with her and hesitated

to deny it.

But before she could say anything, Ayan had already taken a stand.

Ayan did not evade this question, but very frankly returned: "Master Norman this question if I directly

deny that it is not, I think even if Master Norman and everyone here believe it, Armstrong Corp to join

the project after the public news will not believe, but the fact is that this is the result, even if you do not

believe it. Even if you do not believe it is the result, because there is only this one result, if I really have

a selfish nature will not wait until now, from the beginning to let Armstrong Corp through the recruitment

of the way to enter is not more reasonable?"

Ayan used this contrasting approach to block the questions Austin had written down and wanted to ask

in return.

Mrs. Bell side said: "Since Armstrong Corp joined the project to help the project, then I think there is no

need to have other questions, after all, join the project we are a team, it is natural to trust each other to


Dan: "I agree with Mrs. Bell, we'll see how we do with the next collaboration anyway."

Austin smiled lightly: "Mrs. Bell and Master Tucker's meaning is also my meaning, since Master

Simpson has answered the questions in our hearts, then I think Armstrong Corp to join the project after

the public news will not be more than what people say, but this project is now ready to enter the second

phase of construction. But this project is now ready to enter the second phase of construction, as the

company responsible for the project's finance I would like to know whether Armstrong Corp is fully

responsible for the Simpson Group? Of course, I don't mean anything else, I just want a clear answer."

If the Simpson Group is responsible for any subsequent problems, it is natural to call the Simpsonnovelbin


Ayan faintly looked askance at Austin, he did not make a reply, expression warm indifferent sweep to

the other side, deep eyes fell on Grace and Horace: "Master Norman the question Manager Armstrong

and Master Burris have anything to say? "

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