My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 534 Hard Labor
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Chapter 534 Hard Labor

Chapter 534 Hard Labor


How is it possible?

He never thought these four words would be presented to them.

The time was close to zero, but the ferment of things was still going on.

Just as Ayan was leaving the Simpson's mansion, Kian called to tell him, "Master Simpson, someone

intercepted a message from the suspected lady's friend circle about your current status."

Kian also immediately sent it to Ayan to read.

Dynamic content is ambiguous.

It is implied that they are divorced.

Ayan's eyes narrowed slightly without any response.

But the situation at the moment has won more attention and discussion with this content.

There are many different opinions, but there is no direct response except for the denial of the parties on

the Simpson Group website.

As for Camille's circle of friends, naturally there is no which content.

Sienna also could not wait to ask immediately.


"What's the situation?"

Camille did not reply. novelbin

Not only Sienna, but also Mrs. Bell and Dan sent messages asking for her.

Camille didn't even return.

Not responding would probably lead to speculation instead.

Everything was developing as she had expected at the beginning, but for some reason, Camille could

not feel the slightest pleasure, and her heart even flashed with an inexplicable panic, which was a

feeling she could not describe in words.

This night is not destined to be calm.

Ayan and Camille's "marriage" has become a topic of discussion in almost the entire Hance City


Rex a few people as Ayan's best brothers, usually also come and go to do frequent relations, naturally

there are many partners to phone to try.

But Rex was straightforward about it, telling the other party, "We're only superficially related and don't

know his personal business!"

The reason why the business and luxury circles are curious to pick up a clear picture is that they are

curious about how the shares of the Simpson Group and the Simpson family should be divided if Ayan,

the president of the Simpson Group, gets divorced.

Does it mean that Simpson Group is going to change?

This is not only the circle of people feel curious, online users are also speculation, after this matter

came out Cora side also learned these news.

So she contacted Ayan early the next morning.

Since that day, she hasn't looked for Kian again, and naturally, she can't contact Ayan.

When dialing this number, Cora's mood was somewhat apprehensive.

She was worried that Ayan didn't want to answer, so her expression revealed obvious nervousness.

The phone is connected.

Cora immediately asked, "Am I bothering you?"

"No." Ayan's voice was faint: "What's wrong?"

Cora hurriedly asked, "Did you and Camille have any misunderstanding and conflict because of me? If

it's because of me, I'm willing to explain to Camille, is that okay?"

"You think too much." He responded indifferently, without much emotion or ripples, he said, "You

cooperate well with the doctor to regulate your mood, as for this matter has nothing to do with you."

His words were indifferent as water.

Let Cora could not find a trace of moving.

It is even colder than a greeting between normal friends or asking if the other person has eaten lunch.

Cora's face stiffened slightly and her lips were tightly pursed in a low response, "Okay, I get it, it's not

because of me then I'm relieved."

Ayan: "Is there anything else? If there's nothing then I'll hang up."

"Well, it's okay, bye!"


He was the first to hang up and then dropped the phone on his desk top.

The "marriage" debate has been slowly declining along with other hot topics, but the story has not

stopped in Hance City's circle.

The only thing we can't be sure of at the moment is that we don't know if something else will be

released next?

So Ayan waited all morning and after making sure there would be no further action for the time being,

he asked Kian to find out where Camille was at the moment.

Then it drove there by itself.

Camille didn't go to the office today because she didn't answer her messages last night. Dan and

Sienna came over to see her early in the morning.

When the two saw that she was fine, they unanimously decided to let her treat them to dinner.

Instead of going out to a restaurant, you buy the food and go home and do it yourself.

Camille can cook, but there are limits to what she can cook, but Sienna and Dan are not picky people,

so they "reluctantly" agreed.

Sienna directs Camille: "You go get the groceries then come back and cook for us, you're laboring

alone today or you won't be able to make up for my worry last night."

Camille nodded her head, "Okay, I'll go grocery shopping and the two of you will stay home and enjoy

watching TV."

Camille put on her shoes and was ready to go, but Dan stopped her: "I'll go with you."

"No need."

"Let her go straight."

Camille and Sienna spoke in unison.

Dan said, "I'm kind of overwhelmed, so let me be a hard worker and carry your groceries."

"Master Tucker, you're making me look useless."

Sienna shook her head accusingly.

Dan said, "You are the biggest contributor, without you there would not be this meal today."

Dan ended up going with Camille to a grocery store inside Maple Leaves Mansion to buy groceries, all

of which were home-cooked, so they were all available.

As she was buying groceries, Sienna sent a voice over: "Buy more, it's on me, Rex is coming to dine."

Rex mainly wants to get to know Dan, because twice in a row Sienna has left him in direct contact with

Dan, even with Camille, but as a very controlling man he is not happy about it.

Camille bought one more meat dish and then casually asked Dan, "Sienna's boyfriend is coming over

for dinner later too, would you be okay with that?"

"Of course!" Dan raised his eyebrows.

Camille: "That's good, otherwise I was afraid you wouldn't be comfortable."

After all, I don't know Rex.

Dan said, "It's okay, I'm not a girl who has never been out of the house."

Camille can't help but smile.

The two finished their grocery shopping and each carried a bag of stuff back.

Dan naturally took most of the gravity, and Camille only carried some greens and fruit.

As the two walked side by side, Dan took the initiative and asked, "You and Master Simpson aren't

married, are you?"

Camille looked at him without changing her face and did not answer positively, but only asked

unhurriedly, "Are you curious?"

"Not only am I curious, I guess the whole Hance City is curious." Dan does not hide the curiosity of his

heart in the slightest.

Camille couldn't help but laugh and casually said, "What do you think?"

"I don't think so?" Dan is actually not sure, but not sure subconsciously and feel that many things are

no wind, once there is so little wind blowing must be eight or nine.

Camille: "We did have some problems with each other."

"So should I keep my distance from you?"


Dan said truthfully: "Do you know how many eyes you are now being watched? I'm worried that even if

I go grocery shopping with you, I'll be filmed and talked about as gossip."

Dan's concern is not unreasonable, after all, Camille and Ayan are now the focus of attention

throughout Hance City.

But Camille didn't take it to heart, instead she laughed, "Then you should thank me, it'll still give you


The two men joked with each other, both with obvious smiles on their faces.

This scene, which fell into the eyes of the man sitting in the black Mercedes in front, reflected a piercing


The man through the rear-view mirror so a moment to stare at the two figures approaching, the chill

under the eyes deepened, in the two people about to turn sideways and turn towards the floor door, he

only slowly push open the car door down.

He spoke in a low voice: "Camille!"

At the sound of the voice, Camille turned her head to look over.

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