My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 533 Boundaries
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Chapter 533 Boundaries

Chapter 533 Boundaries

She said it lightly, not the slightest sound of half-hearted complaints, there are only a few obvious light


But the more she does this, the more she shows that she is not happy.

Ayan approached her, but she subconsciously turned around and walked to the other side, distancing

herself from him.

Her face turned cold and her tone became cold: "If you just came to ask me about this matter, then the

result you already know, you can go."

"The reason I didn't agree to let you take Timmy out is because he had a fever at one annual meeting

that made you worried and scared, I don't want that to happen again, especially if you face it alone, no

one will grab Timmy more than you, he will always be our child, and that outcome will not change in

any way no matter what."

"He's already used to living at the Simpson's mansion, at this stage it's not suitable to toss back and

forth, I said if you want to spend a day with him alone then go back to the Simpson's mansion, you stay

with him and take care of him personally, you ..."

"Enough, I don't want to hear anymore, if you are saying this to remedy the situation because you are

afraid that our divorce will be exposed to you, then there is no need, I don't want to hear it, since you

won't, then I won't force it, you go!"

Camille interrupted him, not wanting to hear any more.

The two were frozen for several seconds, with him staring at her with a frown, but she wouldn't even

give him another look.

He looked at her appearance, suddenly there is a kind of never before felt, she is now shown by the

coldness all from the bones emitted, that is a kind of let him not the slightest certainty can 100% can

change the situation.

Probably he did not have any response for a long time, Camille also did not want to continue to wait

like this, so directly raised his feet and walked to the bedroom, the door was locked, and he was

completely distant.

Ayan face expressionless frown, the face of the cold sinking more and more obvious cold, the next

moment, his cell phone rang interrupted the silence.

He glanced at the name on the caller ID, did not pick it up immediately, just pressed mute and then

glanced at the bedroom door, and only then turned around and left.

Ayan waited until he got into the car before he called back the caller he just made.

Not knowing what the other man said, he just mumbled lowly, "I'll be there now."

End the call, he did not immediately start the car, a handsome face full of gloomy gaze ahead do not

know what is thinking?

After a few moments, he then stepped on the gas and drove away.

Ayan went back to the Simpson familythe Simpson's mansion.

The time was close to ten o'clock.

But the atmosphere at the Simpson's mansion was not quiet. He walked into the hall and saw the old

Simpson and Fletcher waiting for him.

The three men looked at each other and the old Simpson was the first to ask, "What the hell is going

on? Why did something like this suddenly pop up?"

Ayan returned in a light voice: "Someone deliberately spread it."

"What people? The heat has risen to this point, and you're not going to control it until when?" Fletcher


Ayan look faint: "The more anxious the more chaotic the anti-front, but let people doubt the authenticity

of this matter."

The old Simpson and Fletcher both wrinkled their brows in unison, the old Simpson asked, "What do

you mean by the truth of the matter? You and Cami already divorced, if this time open future even if

you get back together will attract mouths."

"Grandpa, the Simpson Group has already responded, so why should we care about what the outside

world is talking about?"

"If you don't care, then why not just announce it from the beginning?" the old Simpson couldn't help but

ask rhetorically, his cloudy gaze carrying a compelling question that could not be ignored.

Ayan said, "The announcement of the divorce will have an impact on the Simpson Group, and besides,

this current collaboration needs the persona of a loving couple."

It is true that this layer of relationship exists, but there are no other intentions only he himself is clear.

After all, from the very beginning he agreed to Camille's divorce he had no intention of making it public.

However, he does not intend to make any explanation for this, but just follow the old Simpson's words

to give a response.

the old Simpson face is hard to say: "Since you are only to use with Cami to maintain the persona of

husband and wife to gain benefits, now it is time for you to make a choice whether to continue the

marriage or not? Or do you want to make a clean break?"

If you still want to continue to be with Camille, then be honest and open about the state of their divorce,novelbin

because the old Simpson can hear Camille's side of the meaning of the public at any time, just Ayan

has been to stop such a situation to appear.

Camille in the old Simpson's eyes has always been an understanding girl who will not be capricious

and unreasonable, so every decision and attitude she presents is well documented.

The old Simpson's words were asked, and the atmosphere in the hall was instantly cold and sunken.

Ayan did not give a response, just a faint face leaning on the sofa in silence.

Fletcher looked askance, the look is also some warm and light said: "Ayan, grandfather said is not

without reason, you and Cami children have, even if you are now divorced state, but you come up with

a sincere pursuit Cami will be moved."

the old Simpson lightly grunted: "I do not know if I feel touched, but now you must give me an

explanation of Cora, do you know that you meddle in her affairs already belong to the act of crossing

the line?"

the old Simpson's questioning made the atmosphere more and more gloomy.

Fletcher apparently did not know about this, at this moment to hear is also slightly surprised.

But Fletcher was not allowed to make a sound, Ayan's voice had already sounded.

He said, "Grandpa, I have my own rules in this matter, and as for the crossing of boundaries that you

mentioned, naturally this will not happen, I am already an adult and I can handle my personal problems

as well as those of the Simpson Group, so you and dad don't need to worry about it."

Ayan's words stunned the old Simpson's face for a moment.

A pair of eyes is also fixed frozen for a long time without any sound.

Fletcher scowled and said, "Ayan, what is this you say?"

the old Simpson nodded and smiled, "Okay, you're in charge of your own business."

the old Simpson know that Ayan this is because of the previous things to blame him, but he still more

instructions: "What you want to do we will not intervene, but I, the old man only hope that you do not

use the forced way to Cami, if the fate has really ended that good get-together do not make too ugly."

The old Simpson gave him a deep look before getting up and dangling his cane to leave the hall.

Fletcher saw the situation is also rushed to follow to support the old Simpson, has been accompanied

by the old Simpson back to the bedroom before coming out.

He looked at Ayan: "You blame us for causing you to separate from Cora is your right, but Ayan,

grandpa is old, you shouldn't break his heart like this, we won't harm you, we didn't think Cora was right

for you before, and we still think she's not right for you today, think about it yourself!"

Ayan sat on the couch and remained unmoving, he held a pose, still by the passage of time.

The old Simpson advised him to make up with Camille, but can he really make up?

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